词语大全 如醉如痴造句_如醉如痴中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:韬略终须建新国,奋发还得读良书。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 如醉如痴造句_如醉如痴中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 如醉如痴造句_如醉如痴中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 如痴如醉造句_如痴如醉中英文解释和造句

词语大全 如醉如痴造句_如醉如痴中英文解释和造句

如醉如痴  rú zuì rú chī








  • 歌唱家优美的歌声令听众如醉如痴。 The singer’s beautiful voice enraptured the audience.

  • 马戏团的表演让孩子们看得如醉如痴。 The circus performance totally entranced the kids.

  • 一整天,珂赛特都处在如醉如痴的状态中。 All day long, Cosette remained in a sort of bewilderment.

  • 恋爱可以使人如醉如痴,恋爱是有季节性的。 Love can give people mesmerized, love is seasonal in nature.

  • 至于女人,他已经一度如醉如痴,堕入过情网。 As to women, he had once already been drawn headlong by impetuous folly.

  • 有的叔叔还边跳边饮酒,如醉如痴,通宵达旦。 Some of his uncle while also jump while drinking, all night long.

  • 于是,我只好用美丽的谎言敷哄我如醉如痴的思念; So I had to coax deposited with beautiful lies mesmerized my thoughts;

  • 那么一来,太太便有事可做了,如醉如痴地管理现钱。 Then his wife busies herself, grows passionately fond of handling coin.

  • 我当时真是读的如醉如痴,不知道为什么它这么吸引我。 Be sure to eat crepes while reading it. I don’t know why,   it just works.

  • 如醉如痴的听众似乎对他所说的每一个字都凝神倾听。 His enrapt audience seemed to hang on every word he said.

  • 她的优雅风度比她的美貌更使埃及人如醉如痴,五体投地。 The Egyptian was intoxicated and subdued by her grace even more than by her beauty.

  • “鱼在天上游,鸟在水底飞”的奇幻景象,使人如醉如痴。 “Fish in the upper reaches of days, the birds fly in the bottom” of the fantasy scenes, people Ruzuiruchi.

  • 不会有女学生如醉如痴地排长队等著看“他”最近的电影。 There is no queue of schoolgirls swooning over his latest film.

  • 如醉如痴。接着,他似乎从高山上跌入了满是人群的峡谷之中。 He felt drunk, then as though he had e down from a high hill into a valley of people.

  • 老爷如醉如痴地欣赏他心爱的侄女那种双眼饱含泪水的认真神情。 The massa’s eyes drank in the wet-eyed earnestness of his beloved niece.

  • 我弹钢琴弹得很不错,所以每当我弹完一首曲子,我都会如醉如痴。 I play the piano well, so I would be in ecstasies once I finished a melody.

  • 她一面想过这些事情,一面看她母亲坐在那里,沉默,憔悴,如醉如痴。 She thought this over as she looked at her mother sitting there so silent, haggard, and distraught.

  • 他对流行音乐的爱好一开始只是为了放松自己,到后来可以说是如醉如痴。 He a fondness for pop music a the beginning is just for relaxing the oneself, arrive afterwards could be if inebriate such as 痴 .

  • 道林·格雷正把脸埋在大而清凉的丁香花丛里,如醉如痴地摄入花儿的芬芳。 Dorian Gray was burying his face in the great cool lilac-blossoms and feverishly drinking in their perfume.

  • 他就一直如醉如痴地盯住了她看,用约翰·巴顿的话来说,连一点“神气”也没有了。 He watched her too closely, and too anxiously, to have much of what John Barton called ” spunk ” in him.

  • 那时,天台山不仅是绿色王国,也是花的海洋,登其山者,无不心旷神怡,如醉如痴。 At that time, the Kingdom of Tiantai Mountain is not only green, but also spent the oceans, its mountain boarding, and all its refreshing, dream.

  • 一树树槐花,在暮春暖融融的阳光下,开得丛丛簇簇、如醉如痴,向空中散溢着醉人的清香。 Sophorae tree a tree, nice and warm in the sun in late spring, opened scattered into the air intoxicating fragrance.

  • 这么一来,外国人就能够对我们的美味佳肴有所认识,在食髓知味之际,便会对之如醉如痴。 This would allow foreigners to learn about our gourmet offerings before they could appreciate and be nuts about them.

  • 她忘却了尸骨未寒的真实的爱德华,回忆著使她爱得如醉如痴的那个高挑个儿的健壮的年轻人。 Forgetting the real Edward who had just died, she remembered the tall strong youth who had made her faint with love.

  • 我的快乐的眼睛老是盯着它;而且我老是坐在那里不动,一百二十分的踌躇满志,高兴得简直如醉如痴。 My happy eye was upon it always, and I sat motionless, steeped in satisfaction, drunk with enjoyment.

  • 我发疯般地迷上了书,读起书来废寝忘食,飘飘欲仙,如醉如痴。书籍开启了我人生中第一扇智慧之窗。 I am fascinated by the book like crazy, reading from the book to sleepless nights, carried away . book opens the door to my life, the wisdom of the first window.

  • 他又笑又叫,又唱又跳,好象过节似的兴高采烈,如醉如痴,直闹到眼睛睁不开来,安安静静地进入了睡乡。 He laughed, sang, shuffled and shouted in a festival of inebriated ecstasy until he could no longer keep awake and receded peacefully into slumber.

  • 在你面前,我的表演为什么酣畅得淋漓尽致?我的歌喉为什么嘹亮得如醉如痴?灯光下,有没有留下我美丽的倩影? In front of you, why is my performance incisively and vividly merry ? Why is my voice clear and loud in ecstasiesly? Under the light, my beautiful such shadow has stayed ?

  • 音乐是一种道德律,它使宇宙有了魂魄,心灵有了翅膀,想像得以飞翔,使忧伤与欢乐有如醉如痴的力量,使一切事物有了生命; Music is a moral law. It gives a soul to the universe, wings to the minds, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gayety and life to everything.

  • 我的儿子曾经对美式足球明星维克(MichaelVick)的神勇表现崇拜得如醉如痴,但在得知维克的很多性格缺陷后显得非常失望。 My son, enthralled as a child by the breathtaking play of NFL star Michael Vick, was deeply disappointed after learning of his many character flaws.

  • 如醉如痴造句相关


    词语大全 如痴如醉造句_如痴如醉中英文解释和造句

    如痴如醉  rú chī rú zuì







  • 这民歌太美了,让你听得如痴如醉。 This folk song is beautiful, people listen enchanted.

  • 我常听得如痴如醉,热泪盈眶。 I often hear great joy, tears.

  • 婚姻就是另人如痴如醉的一连串激烈争吵。 Marriage is a series of desperate arguments people feel passionately about.

  • 他对巴赫音乐如痴如醉。 He hooked himself on Bach music.

  • 观众对格雷如痴如醉。 The crowd was sold on Gray.

  • 而现场的粉丝个个都手捧笔记,听得如痴如醉。 The on-site fans are all holding notes, brought great joy to hear.

  • 华美的手工刺绣工艺将使一切都得以体现,令你如痴如醉! China and the United States of hand-embroidery process will be reflected in everything, you have brought great joy!

  • 浑厚有力的男声宛如一波波和声的浪潮,令听众如痴如醉。 Powerful male voice in a tide of harmony swirl over a rapt audience.

  • 我悄然坐在一块礁石上,以手支颊,凝神倾听,如痴如醉。 I sat quietly on a rock in order to support hand-cheek, listening attentively, joy.

  • 相信一定会把申城观众带入一个令人如痴如醉的音乐世界中。 I believe it will be sent viewers into a world of music fans.

  • 音乐河水般潺潺流动时,把我们带入一种如痴如醉的感觉中。 When Chan of the Chan like musical river water flows, be like, take us into a kind crazy in be like drunk feeling.

  • 我们的每一个进球都很漂亮,这样完美的演出,让人如痴如醉。 Our goal each are beautiful, so perfect performance brought great joy to people.

  • 湿冷的空气,萌动的情怀,美丽的旋律,伴着青春的恋曲,如痴如醉。 Cold and wet air, the initiative to ensure that the elderly, and the beautiful melody, acpanied by the Love of youth, joy.

  • 这对情人如痴如醉,我们已经提到,只有外祖父的狂喜才能与之相比。 The intoxication of the lovers was only equalled, as we have already said, by the ecstasy of the grandfather.

  • 如果北京奥运会一直举办下去,会有多少人沉迷在这如痴如醉的梦境里。 If the Beijing Olympic Games have been held on, how many people will sink in this dream, getting their feeling crazy.

  • 只见那个小老头儿全身剧烈摇摆着,其动作步调只能说是如痴如醉,有如梦幻一般。 The little old man is banging away at the little old woman at a pace that can only be described as phenomenal.

  • 我们如痴如醉,如此迷人的气息,就在地平线的那边,它深深地震撼了我们稚嫩的心灵。 We have brought great joy, such a charming atmosphere at the horizon on the other side, it deeply shocked our tender hearts.

  • 匈牙利人对他如痴如醉,荣誉和奖励如雨点般落下;生命的最后一刻,他仍挥舞着笔杆。 Revered by his patriots, showered with prizes and honors, he wrote until the end.

  • 漂浮在空气里的音乐仿若在未名的梦境中蔓延,使场下歌迷游离其间如痴如醉,现场感十足。 The float in air music imitates, if has not spread in a dreamland, during enables under the field the singer fan to drift away deluded, the scene feeling is full.

  • 本:哦,莎莎还在那儿等着我呢。很正常。好吧,我吊足你的味口。你如痴如醉的爱在这儿。 Ben: Anyway, Sasha awaits. [Blows in palm] Won’t kill her. All right, I’ve let you dangle long enough. Your hunk-a-hunk-a-burning love is here.

  • 在某些方面这是可以理解的;它们往往暴力地叫人难以置信,而且儿童们似乎对它们如痴如醉。 In some ways understandably so; they can often be inprehensibly violent, and kids seem to be way too into them.

  • 一次,我看书达到了空前绝后的程度,如痴如醉,在写作业的时候都在看那本书它使我魂不守舍。 Once I reached the unprecedented level reading, mesmerizing in their homework when they are in the Look at this book it makes me restless.

  • 一阵风吹过,小花连连点头,似乎穿着水晶花裙,在水石上翩翩起舞,令人心旷神怡,如痴如醉。 A gust of wind blowing, flowers nodding again and again, it seems that wearing a crystal Huaqun, dancing in the water stone, it is relaxed and happy, mesmerizing.

  • 正因为贫穷,才激发了他们向要多读书的欲望,无论何时何地,只要有书,就会如痴如醉地阅读; It is precisely because of poverty, only to have to stimulate their desire to read more books, no matter when and where, as long as the book, it will have brought great joy to read;

  • 我看到,有一天我会再次蹲坐在我的花坛里,披着满肩的阳光,迷迭香芳馨阵阵,浓烈得我如痴如醉; I see that I will, someday, kneel again in my flower bed with a shawl of sunshine upon my shoulders and the scent of rosemary so sharp I taste it.

  • 这幅画司满罗曼蒂克的气氛﹐令我忆起当初我约会我的太太﹐踌躇满志﹐如痴如醉﹐狂热满怀﹐满脑子都是她。 The romantic ambiap ce of this painting reminds me of the light-headed exuberance of dating my wife. I went about h in a delighted daze, thinking only of her.

  • 我对这些小说的故事背景、氛围如痴如醉,如果发现其中与我多年阅读的国内小说有任何不同之处,我都会产生强烈的迷恋。 I found myself powerfully drawn to the settings of these novels, the moods, to everything that made them different from the domestic fiction I had been reading for years.

  • 我们可以就一直这么坐着聊天——有时候可以聊到第二天太阳升起。当时我对他魂牵梦绕,翻译公司如痴如醉,为自己能够找到一生的至爱而激动不已。 I was so pletely thrilled to have finally found that one special person and our wedding way was the happiest day of my life.

  • 看到五层的告示牌是这样写的:五层,这里的男士们不仅有正式工作,喜欢孩子,模样也简直酷毙了,他们不但乐于帮助你做家务,而且还有着能让你如痴如醉的浪漫情趣。 Still, she goes to the fifth floor and sign reads: Floor 5 – These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, Help with Housework, and Have a Strong Romantic Streak.

  • 热带冰雪——这个2008年新上市的口味,令人耳目一新地结合了椰子,木瓜,及菠萝冰,绝对会让你的味蕾如痴如醉。现在你可以在芭斯罗缤的门店中找到这个令人兴奋的口味。 TROPICAL ICEWith a 2008 debut, this refreshing mix of coconut, papaya and pineapple ices is sure to enchant your taste buds. Now you can enjoy a taste of the tropics anytime you want!

  • 如痴如醉造句相关



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    如痴如醉  rúchīrúzuì如痴如醉的意思和解释:形容神态失常,失去自制。如痴如醉的出处元·马致远《汉宫秋》第二折:“得见了王昭君,使朕如痴似醉。”如痴如醉的例子如痴如醉造句这

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