词语大全 始乱终弃造句_始乱终弃中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 始乱终弃造句_始乱终弃中英文解释和造句
始乱终弃 shǐ luàn zhōng qì
男人对女人,很多时候是始乱终弃。 Men to women, very often, Shiluanzhongqi.
我不是你的选择,因为始乱,所以终弃。 because the beginning is chaotic, therefore the end abandons.
啧啧…儿子都生好了想对别人始乱终弃啊? People who are zhuangbility want to show their niubility but only reflect their shability.
也许有人会把男人这样始乱终弃的行为当回事。 perhaps one did not bee immune to such felony.
谷歌有始乱终弃的传统,它的许多产品并不成功。 Gu Ge has only then the tradition that abandons eventually in disorder, a lot of its products are not successful.
谷歌有始乱终弃的传统,它的许多产品并不成功。 Google has Shiluanzhongqi tradition, many of its products was not successful.
对朋友的背信弃义和对妻子的始乱终弃又何关紧要呢? What if he was faithless to his friends and to his wives?
陈家刚:对,中国做事情就是,我觉得叶帅这次这个题目很好:始乱终弃。 CJG: Right, that’s just what things are like in China. I think that Ye Shuai’s choice of topic was an excellent one – “Deflower and Discard”.
如果这是一出戏,暴雪就是始乱终弃的“陈世美”,而九城就是最命苦的“秦香莲”。 If this is a play, blizzard namely only then abandon eventually in disorder ” Chen Shimei ” , and 9 cities are most the life suffers from ” Qin Xianglian ” .
一段始乱终弃的爱情,可以让人痛哭流涕,看破滚滚红尘,但却阻挡不了世人对美好爱情的追求。 after a period of use, kicked away the love, can make people burst into tears, walk out Red Dust, but but the world will not stop the pursuit of a better love.
特罗伊还勾引过纯朴的农村姑娘范妮•罗宾,始乱终弃,使范妮怀孕后流落街头,最后死在贫民院中。 Treuhaft also tempt too simple rural girl Feni•rabi, a bad, Frances pregnancy after street, Finally died in poor homes.
对元稹《莺莺传》爱情悲剧的认识,学界一直采纳社会学分析方法,认为张生因婚得仕而对莺莺始乱终弃。 The love tragedy in Yuan Zhen’s Biography of Yingying is usually analysed with social analysis that Zhang Shen goes on officail road for marriage and abandons Yingying ultimately.
唐传奇《莺莺传》是一篇感动人心的作品,然而小说中作者元稹对张生始乱终弃行为的庇护使得这一文本略显怪异。 《Biography of Yingying》 was a moving legendry in Tang Dynasty. Because of the shield of writer Yuanzhen for a bad conduct of Zhangsheng in this novel, the text seems a bit strange.
男生对女生,很多时候是始乱终弃。但是在抛弃的时候,请至少找个好借口。找不到好借口,是愚蠢,不去找,是残忍。 When a boy wants to leave a girl, please offer a good excuse, or try to make up one.
如果很不幸遇上了一个以上床为目的,对你始乱终弃的男人,请先微笑,然后鄙视他:你是我这辈子遇见的最龌龊最无能的男人。 If you are unfortunate event of more than one bed for the purpose of your Shiluanzhongqi men, please smile, and then he despised: You met in my life is the most Wochuo most inpetent men.
如果很不幸遇上了一个以上床为目的,对你始乱终弃的男人,请先微笑,然后鄙视他:你是我这辈子遇见的最龌龊最无能的男人。 If so unfortunately you met a man only aim for sex, please smiles first then despise him: You are the most disgusting loser I ever met in the world.
他擅于用网路情书与电话交往,利用时空距离,为自己塑造出诚恳专情的形象来谋取对方信任,等到女性相信却受害之后,最终他才露出狰狞面目,始乱终弃,一走了之! Using space and time over internet to build up a fake image of devotion, then take the advantage of girls trust and eventually irresponsible for his deeds and words.
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感谢Nancy君的投递时间:2016-12-1014:33来源:本站查询 ,
感谢Nancy君的投递时间:2016-12-1014:33来源:本站查询 ,
乌阳 [wūyáng][乌阳]基本解释指太阳。亦喻昌明盛世。[乌阳]详细解释指太阳。亦喻昌明盛世。《旧唐书·李密传赞》:“乌阳既升,爝火不息。狂哉李密,始乱终逆。”宋苏轼《李太师
此唱彼和 cǐchàngbǐhè此唱彼和的意思和解释:这里唱,那里随声附和。比喻互相呼应。此唱彼和的出处清·陈田《明诗纪事·己签序》:“与前七子隔绝数十年,而此唱彼和,声应气求,
此唱彼和 cǐchàngbǐhè此唱彼和的意思和解释:这里唱,那里随声附和。比喻互相呼应。此唱彼和的出处清·陈田《明诗纪事·己签序》:“与前七子隔绝数十年,而此唱彼和,声应气求,