词语大全 委靡不振造句_委靡不振中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:给人以星火者,必怀火炬。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 委靡不振造句_委靡不振中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 委靡不振造句_委靡不振中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 萎靡不振造句_萎靡不振中英文解释和造句

词语大全 委靡不振造句_委靡不振中英文解释和造句

委靡不振  wěi mǐ bù zhèn










词语大全 萎靡不振造句_萎靡不振中英文解释和造句

萎靡不振  wěi mǐ bù zhèn








  • 我无法说明为何心在沉默中萎靡不振。 I cannot tell why this heart languishes in silence.

  • 反映天空的苍白和萎靡不振。 Reflect the indolence of heaven pale.

  • 宝贝终于摆脱了萎靡不振的 状态。 The baby has e out of his slump.

  • 因个人电脑需求降低,导致产业萎靡不振。 The PC industry has been dragged down by lack of demand.

  • 如此挥霍,美国萎靡不振的财政实难维持。 That will be hard to sustain, given America’s fiscal woes.

  • 整整一个上午,他似乎有一度显得萎靡不振。 Once he seemed to flag in the course of the morning.

  • 他知道冬天的黑暗与估计总是会让我多么的萎靡不振。 He knew how the darkness and dreariness of winter always got me down.

  • 近年来,世界农药工业萎靡不振,正在经历艰难时刻。 The world agrochemical industry is going into hard time.

  • 萎靡不振的房屋市场加上石油和天然气涨价打击了消费者信心。 S. economy, which has been battered by a slumping housing market and rising oil and gas prices.

  • 有些无所事事的人和萎靡不振的人,呼吸空气只是为了维持生命。 Some people use the air to sustain them while they sit around and feel sorry for themselves .

  • 一切事物的萎靡不振诱使我更加萎靡不振。我陷入了忧伤的深渊。 While they gave an additional charm to my own languor, they increased it, and I voluntarily plunged into an abyss of melancholy.

  • 在经济萎靡不振的晚清以及中华民国,这种贸易的火热程度依然不减。 Although the later Qing Dynasty and the ROC is poor in economy, this kind of trade is still hot.

  • 她发现塞巴斯蒂安萎靡不振,他那成群结队的朋友只剩下了我一个人。 She found Sebastian subdued, with all his host of friends reduced to one, myself.

  • 前拳王迈克泰森督促大卫哈耶:快给萎靡不振的重量级注入一些明星气息。 Former world champion Mike Tyson has urged David Haye to bring the star factor back to the ailing heavyweight division.

  • 残冬淡淡的阳光充满了屋子,照得他们的脸发黄,约翰昏昏沉沉,萎靡不振。 The pale end-of-winter sunlight filled the room and yellowed all their faces; and John, drugged and morbid.

  • 中暮年之先,只要未为离别人生做佳筹备的人,才干持续在生活中萎靡不振。 From the middle of life onward, only he remains vitally live who is ready to die with life.

  • 埃里克松的队员们在戴姆勒球场华氏90度的高温下一度显得有些萎靡不振。 At times Sven Goran Eriksson’s men looked like wilting in the90° F heat of Stuttgart ‘s Gottlieb-Daimler Stadium.

  • 相反的,不快乐的人总是拖着脚,步子很小,走得很慢,一幅没精打采、萎靡不振的样子。 In contrast, unhappy people shuffle their feet, take tiny steps, walk slowly, and slouch.

  • 牛津大学的罗素。福斯特教授称,睡眠不足的症状包括体重上升、烦躁易怒、幻听幻觉及萎靡不振。 Symptoms of deprivation include weight gain, irritability, hallucinations and depression, said Prof Russell Foster, of Oxford University.

  • 甜味食物,比如加两匙糖的玉米片以及华夫饼干和枫糖浆,含有高血糖负荷并会导致早上精神的萎靡不振。 Sugary foods, such as cornflakes with two spoonfuls of sugar, acpanied by a waffle and maple syrup, had a high GL and led to a slump in performance by late morning.

  • 在美国,由于持续上升的失业率和医改计划所导致的分歧甚至激烈辩论,奥巴马的声望显得有些萎靡不振。 At home, Obama’s popularity is flagging under the pressure of rising unemployment and a divisive, sometimes bitter debate over his healthcare reform plans.

  • 防止来自会议的厌倦感导致萎靡不振…并且你也将会构成树枝状结晶的脑细胞,为公司下一个重大的冒险出力。 Prevent boredom that es from meetings that drift into droning and mental doldrums … and you’ll also build dendrite brain cells for your firm’s next great venture.

  • 快到吃饭时间了,人们正三三两两地回屋里去,他们都显得无精打彩、萎靡不振-靠诚实劳动换饭吃的人总是这样的。 It is getting toward dinner time and people are straggling back to their rooms with that weary, dejected air which es from earning a living honestly.

  • 如果在下午你萎靡不振并且不能很好的展现你自己,那么我建议你休息一下,使你的精神振作,并且更好的准备工作。 If you feel a slump in the afternoon and from then on don’t perform at your best, I remend taking a short power nap to get yourself feeling alert and ready for work.

  • 美国正在向德国等欧洲主要国家施加压力,要其在减税和增加政府开支等方面采取更多措施来提振萎靡不振的世界经济。 Germany and other major European countries are under pressure from the U. S. to do more to support the sagging world economy through tax cuts or higher government spending.

  • 中国经济在支付了高昂的成本之后,企业利润继续下滑,很多产业萎靡不振,政策效果和支付的成本不匹配,症结正在于此。 China’s economy to pay the high costs, corporate profits continued to decline, many industry malaise, policy effectiveness and the cost does not match the crux of the matter is this.

  • 而对于潜规则来讲,选择遵守的人往往有更多的机会和利益,而那些忽视它们甚至挑战的人往往会在困难和失败面前萎靡不振。 As for the hidden rules, people choose to abide by them always have more opportunities and advantages, but those fight or neglect them often be bewildered by failure and hardness.

  • 在二月里,我们的盆栽植物看上去毫无生气,萎靡不振–太多阴沉的天气和房间里太干燥的暖气让它们失去生机,像我们一样它们也渴望到户外去。 Our house plants are looking wan and weary in February – too many grey days and too much dry heat in the house rob them of their vigor, and like us they long to be outdoors again.

  • 这样的人,处于这样的焦虑之中,谁还能怀疑,他已是方寸大乱了,而且由于种种力不从心的尝试,很快就陷入萎靡不振和心灰意懒的状态之中呢? Under such solicitude, who can wonder that the mind is overwhelmed, and, by struggling with attempts above her strength, quickly sinks into languishment and despondency?

  • 萎靡不振造句相关



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