词语大全 字斟句酌造句_字斟句酌中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:若我是万千繁星其中一个,你便是我的星轨,使我昼夜不知停。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 字斟句酌造句_字斟句酌中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 字斟句酌造句_字斟句酌中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 句斟字酌造句_句斟字酌中英文解释和造句

词语大全 字斟句酌造句_字斟句酌中英文解释和造句

字斟句酌  zì zhēn jù zhuó








  • 他演讲起来声音圆润,字斟句酌。 He spoke with rotund delivery. He chose his words carefully.

  • 他的回答是经过字斟句酌的。 His reply was given in measured phrases.

  • 巴兹尔爵士字斟句酌地说出最后一句话。 Sir. Basil was posing his last words.

  • 他努力字斟句酌地回答。 He struggled to formulate an answer.

  • 我须字斟句酌免生误解。 I must weigh my words to avoid any misunderstanding.

  • 我须字斟句酌免生误解。 my words to avoid any misunderstanding.

  • 写第二封时字斟句酌; He chooses his words carefully while writing with second.

  • 在新公司工作,你不但应字斟句酌,还要慎重交友。 You should not only pick your words but also pick your friends when you word in a new pany.

  • 要说就索性说得一清二楚,说 出前每句话要字斟句酌。 Speak clearly if you speak at all, Carve every word before you let it fall.

  • 字斟句酌地说如果她在那天夜里从客舱里登上楼梯的话。 she was very careful to suggest that if she had mounted the stairs from her cabin that night.

  • 他是字斟句酌地写成的,他对他的专业技能和知识颇为自负。 He’s written it very carefully, with pride in his professional skills and knowledge.

  • 字斟句酌之后,小赵终于发出了这封含情脉脉的情书邮件。 After weigh every word, xiaozhao gave out this to seal the love letter mail of exuding tenderness and love through eyes eventually.

  • 报价并不具有法律约束力,尽管它也像实盘那样用某些字斟句酌的语言。 A quotation in not legally binding thought it contains some qualifying words which function as firm offer do.

  • 我没有参加葬礼,但是我寄送了一份吊唁信,字斟句酌,以表悲痛之情。 I didn’t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying that I approved of it.

  • 紧紧围绕教材内容,字斟句酌,惟恐“超纲 ”,造成人力物力和时间上的浪费。 closely focusing on teaching materials, carefully worded, for fear of “Chao-gang”, causing human and material resources and waste of time.

  • 广博的专业背景、字斟句酌的严谨作风以及不怕吃苦的拼搏精神,一定能使我成为一个出色的翻译! Extensive professional background, precise words-weighing style and the spirit of hard struggle will surely make me an excellent interpreter!

  • 耶稣极少如此字斟句酌言明 的真实身份∶ 不只是天主派遣来的一位先知,而且是天主的独生子。 Seldom does Jesus ever so unambiguously say who He truly is: not just one of the prophets sent by God, but God’s own Son.

  • 他终于说话了,字斟句酌地,“不,既没有失败,也没有成功……对了,你在办公室替我安排好了吗? “No, ” he says, drawing out his words. “It wasn’t a failure, and it wasn’t a success either… By the way, did you fix it up for me at the office?

  • 古今中外的著名诗人,于诗歌创作的过程当中,莫不字斟句酌、反复修改,体现了对诗歌艺术的不懈追求。 All the acplished poets lose no time in revising their poems when there arises the occasion, through which their pursuit for perfection in poetry is revealed.

  • 他长著古板的尖下巴,古板的直鼻梁,说起话来一本正经,字斟句酌,彬彬有礼,活脱脱一个滑稽的老古董。 He had a primly pointed jaw, a primly straight nose, and a prim manner of speaking that was so correct, so gentlemanly, that he seemed a ic antique.

  • 爱尔兰剧作家塞缪尔贝克特是一个字斟句酌的人,一个寂寞孤独迷恋无声的人,其作品极力表现生活的荒诞。 Irish playwright Samuel Beckett was a man who weighed his words, a solitary, lonely figure obsessed by silence, whose works struggled to express the absurdity of life.

  • 而且在装修合同的签订方面,消费者更加注重自我权益的保护,对合同文本“字斟句酌”,以免日后受到损失。 And the signing of the contract in the decoration that consumers focus more on the protection of self-interest, the text of the contract “weighing every word” in order to avoid future loss.

  • 为了成为语文老师心目中理想的知识分子,铭记他当年的教导,使我能够在说写的时候注意字斟句酌,做到文通字顺; What literature teacher taught us enabled me to constantly think about the choice of words whenever I speak or write in order to be an intellectual as expected by our literature teacher.

  • 托马斯。曼字斟句酌地阐述了人类(我们所有人)身上存在的理智与兽性这一“极基本的双重性”时,几乎道出了我的观点。 Thomas Mann es close to expressing what I’m trying to say to you with his carefully worded sentence about the “frightfully radical duality” between the brain and the beast in man—in all of us.

  • 除了你的技术报告之外,请附上一份字斟句酌写给公园管理部门的报告(最多三页),对于他们的疑虑作出回应并且给予劝告。 In addition to your technical report, include a carefully crafted report (3-page maximum) written explicitly for the park management that responds to their concerns and provides advice.

  • 除了你的技术报告之外,请附上一份字斟句酌写给公园管理部门的报告(最多三页), 对于他们的疑虑作出回应并且给予劝告。 In addition to your technical report, include a carefully crafted report (3-page maximum) written explicitly for the park management that responds to their concerns and provides advice.

  • 一名同声传译员所应具备最关键的素质就是果断——在同传的时候,根本就没有时间可以字斟句酌或是回想恰到好处的习语俗语来对应目的语。 One of the key skills of the simultaneous interpreter is decisiveness: there is simply no time to weigh the merits of variant translations or to recall just the right idiom in the target language.

  • 人们露出悲哀的样子,令人难以忍受。似乎是死亡的气息把他们引来的。他们穿着宽松舒适的衣服,说话字斟句酌,十分谨慎,最后仍然露出险恶的用心。 Men with an intolerable air of condolence have appeared, as though drawn by the smell of death, dressed fortably, speaking a manipulated tongue, terminally evil.

  • 通过象征、悬念、第一人称的叙述者、气氛渲染、开放性结局这些手段,坡字斟句酌、精雕细刻地在故事中营造出了一种完整统一的神秘恐怖、震撼人心的效果。 By means of symbol, suspense, first person narrator, exaggeration of atmosphere and anti-closure, Poe tried his best to construct an intact and uniform, mysterious and shaking effect.

  • 这类经济学人常有机会出入于中南海受最高决策人召见,一起座谈。每当起草党代会文件、政府工作报告时,他们中的一些人就聚集在北京西郊的玉泉山,热烈讨论,字斟句酌。 This kind of economics person often has an opportunity to e in and go out Yu Zhongna sea gets highest decision-maker summon to an interview, a have an informal discussion.

  • 字斟句酌造句相关


    词语大全 句斟字酌造句_句斟字酌中英文解释和造句

    句斟字酌  jù zhēn zì zhuó








  • 此刻,如果斟字酌不能带来一篇博文, 就不必煞费时间,最好一回到家就赶紧记下你的点点思绪。 Just record your thoughts at this time don’t spend time thinking if they are really worth a post, do that once you get back home.

  • 他们总是在想着自己,说话时斟字酌,思考时一再反省,行动时再三审视,因为他们总担心做得过多或者过少。 they are always thinking of themselves, measuring their words, and recalling their thoughts, and reviewing their actions, from the fear that they have done too much or too little.

  • 说完这篇斟字酌演讲以后,维尔福环顾了一下四周,以观察他演说词的效果好象他此刻是在法庭上对旁听席讲话似的。 Having made this well-turned speech, Villefort looked carefully around to mark the effect of his oratory, much as he would have done had he been addressing the bench in open court.

  • 说完这篇斟字酌演讲以后,维尔福环顾了一下四周,以观察他演说词的效果好象他此刻是在法庭上对旁听席讲话似的。 Having made this well-turned speech, Villefort looked carefully around to mark the effect of his oratory, much as he would have done had he been addressing the bench in open court .

  • 句斟字酌造句相关



    词语大全 句斟字酌造句_句斟字酌中英文解释和造句

    句斟字酌  jùzhēnzìzhuó句斟字酌的意思和解释:指写文章或说话时慎重细致,一字一句地推敲琢磨。句斟字酌的出处清·纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》卷一:“宋儒积一生精力,字斟句酌,亦断

    词语大全 句斟字酌造句_句斟字酌中英文解释和造句

    句斟字酌  jùzhēnzìzhuó句斟字酌的意思和解释:指写文章或说话时慎重细致,一字一句地推敲琢磨。句斟字酌的出处清·纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》卷一:“宋儒积一生精力,字斟句酌,亦断

    词语大全 字斟句酌造句 字斟句酌の例文 "字斟句酌"是什麼意思

    字斟句酌造句字斟句酌の例文"字斟句酌"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!他字斟

    词语大全 字斟句酌的意思_成语“字斟句酌”是什么意思


    词语大全 字斟句酌的意思

    字斟句酌的意思  参考学习资料一:  成语字斟句酌  出处:清·纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》卷一:“宋儒积一生精力,字斟句酌,亦断非汉儒所及。”  意思:斟、酌:反复考虑。指写文章或说话时慎重细致,一字一句地

    词语大全 字斟句酌的意思

    字斟句酌的意思  参考学习资料一:  成语字斟句酌  出处:清·纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》卷一:“宋儒积一生精力,字斟句酌,亦断非汉儒所及。”  意思:斟、酌:反复考虑。指写文章或说话时慎重细致,一字一句地

    词语大全 矜句饰字的意思_成语“矜句饰字”是什么意思


    词语大全 矜句饰字的意思_成语“矜句饰字”是什么意思


    词语大全 矜句饰字的意思_成语“矜句饰字”是什么意思


    词语大全 矜句饰字的意思_成语“矜句饰字”是什么意思
