词语大全 孔孟之道造句_孔孟之道中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 孔孟之道造句_孔孟之道中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 文武之道,一张一弛造句_文武之道,一张一弛中

词语大全 孔孟之道造句_孔孟之道中英文解释和造句

孔孟之道  kǒng mèng zhī dào







  • 这是孔孟之道成为中华帝制统治思想的根本原因。 This was the fundamental reason why the doctrine of Confucius and Mencius had bee the ruling thoughts of autocratic monarchy in Imperial China.

  • 孔孟之道对撞市场经济,这是我们必须面对的现实。 Kongmengzhidao impact on the market economy, this is the reality that we must face.

  • 也就是说孔孟之道,比老庄之道,含有更为丰富的内含。 In other words, Confucius and Mencius’ Dao was implicated with more substantial connotations than that of Lao zi and Zhuang zi’s.

  • 在我8岁时,在学习孔孟之道后,我认为生命是可敬的; at the age of 8, after learning the doctrine of Confucius and Mencius, I thought lives were worshipful;

  • 前者是解读中国儒家文化的必读课本,后者则是认识孔孟之道的普及读物。 The first four are primers interpreting Confucianism for readers, while the others are popular editions introducing the doctrines of Confucius and Mencius.

  • 因此,我们今天弘扬中华民族的传统文化,不应该只研究孔孟之道及儒家学说; Therefore, we expand the traditional culture of Chinese nation today, shouldn’t study teachings of Confucius and Mencius and Confucianism theory;

  • 遵化于五代后唐始设县治,“遵化”之说来自“遵循孔孟之道,教化黎民百姓”。 Five Dynasties and the Later Tang Zunhua County only rule-based, “Zunhua” is from “kong meng zhi dao followed, Lai Man educate people.

  • 孔孟之道没有给我们任何好东西,我们应该向西方学习:要么与狼共舞,否则成为别人的餐食。 Confucius did not give us anything good, we should learn from the west: either we join the packs of the wolves, or we are the diner of the packs.

  • 中国几千年的文明加之孔孟之道都可以令国人骄傲。孔老夫子早就教悔我们己不欲者勿施于人。 People can be proud of the doctrine of Confucius and Mencius in China over the past several thousand years of civilization.

  • 孔孟之道没有给我们任何好东西,我们应该向西方学习:要么与狼共舞,否则成为别人的餐食。 Confucius did not give us anything good, we should learn from the west: either we join the packs of the wolves, or we are the diner of the packs.

  • 但也经过史诗化处理,附会了许多他本身所不具备的武术传奇英雄的风采和儒家孔孟之道的思想。 But, never before has the legendary hero of martial artistry and Confucian ideals, been given a more epic treatment than he was here.

  • 传统的地主权威的崩溃,削弱了封建的孔孟之道、根深蒂固的宿命论以及对神佛、偶像和妖巫的迷信。 The breakdown of traditional landlord authority weakened the landlord ethic of Confucianism, the age-old beliefs in fate and superstitious beliefs in Buddhas, idols and witches.

  • 革命号召农民要天不怕,地不怕,神不怕,鬼不怕,起来反抗地主,反抗孔孟之道,反抗统治阶级的吃人伦理。 The revolution called on the Chinese peasant to do dangerous and blasphemous things, to defy his landlord, to defy a Confucian-made fate, to defy the ethics of his ruler.

  • 优秀的导演优秀的表演。感情表达有水的风格,自然流畅,又沉着镇定。很好地体现孔孟之道在现实生活中的渗透。 Perfect directing and perfect acting. Every emotion is smoothly expressed, being as calm and tranquil as water. What a perfect interpretation of Confucian’s philosophy of life.

  • 孟子的学说和孔子的学说一起,构成了后来深刻影响中国文化两千多年的儒家思想的核心内容,被称为“孔孟之道”。 Theory of Mencius and theory of Confucius constituted the key content of the theory of the Confucian school , which had deeply affected Chinese culture for 2000 years .

  • 孔孟之道造句相关


    词语大全 文武之道,一张一弛造句_文武之道,一张一弛中

    文武之道,一张一弛  wén wǔ zhī dào,yī zhāng yī chí








  • 而“文武之道一张一弛”,分阶段抓重点本是治国常理。 And ” the path of civil and military,a piece of one relax “,grading pays a focal point is manage state affairs often manages originally.

  • 陶弛,陶文武,陶:张而不弛,文武弗能也;弛而不张,文武弗为也,一张一弛文武之道也! TaoChi,TaoWenWu,TaoDao : Zhang rather than inside,Chiang Funai also; inside without sheets,Chiang also for mandrax,one piece of inside,Chiang way!

  • 鸥弛,鸥文武,鸥:张而不弛,文武弗能也;弛而不张,文武弗为也,一张一弛文武之道也! OuChi,OuWenWu,OuDao :Zhang rather than inside,Chiang Funai also; inside without sheets,Chiang also for mandrax,one piece of inside,Chiang way!

  • 非凡的变异能力赋予HIV逃脱抗体追捕的能力,在繁殖时,HIV似乎同样深谙一张一弛文武之道。 The extraordinary variability of HIV to escape antibody gives the ability to hunt during the breeding time,HIV appear to be equally well versed in a way a relaxation of the civil and military.

  • 由于开发者的大量涌入,将难以再现房地产的暴利和抢购狂潮,开发商要有度过一个“小冰河期”的心理准备,正所谓文武之道一张一弛。 The influx of persons,it would be difficult to replicate real estate profits and buying craze,the developers have spent a “small cap” psychologically ready,is the so-called Chiang Road,a one slow.

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