词语大全 守望相助造句_守望相助中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 守望相助造句_守望相助中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 拔刀相助造句_拔刀相助中英文解释和造句

词语大全 守望相助造句_守望相助中英文解释和造句

守望相助  shǒu wàng xiāng zhù







  • 蚂蚁之间也懂得守望相助呢! Even ants know how to keep watch and help each other!

  • 棋盘式的村庄规划,以守望相助为建筑理念。 Instead villages planning to help for the construction of concepts.

  • 参加者守望相助,互相提点,避免碰到障碍物。 Participants helped each other to avoid obstacles on the way.

  • 它们两个最终成为最好的朋友,并且总是守望相助,互相扶持。 And the two became the best of friends. Always sticking together. Always sticking up for one another.

  • 人人做警察,伸张公理,提倡正义;人人做义工,守望相助,相互扶持。 Be a policeman: promote righteousness and justice. Be a volunteer: watch and help each other.

  • 凝聚社区共识,发挥守望相助精神,提供学童安全环境,建立祥和社区。 Reach consensus of neighborhood watch to provide safe environment and peaceful munity for students.

  • 千百年来,新疆各族人民和谐相处,在一个大家庭里守望相助,各展风采。 Different ethnic groups in Xinjiang have lived side by side for centuries like one big family.

  • 在绿意盎然和美丽的周遭事物之间,居住在这村庄是清新空气和守望相助的保证。 Amidst the greenery and sometimes even picturesque surroundings, living in the village promises fresh air and strong neighborliness.

  • 守望相助的精神,是这家人的原动力,现在志工每个月,也为他们带来生活补助金。 Helping each other in times of crisis has kept the family going. Now volunteers are also helping out by bringing them monthly financial aid.

  • 若人人恭 敬师长,孝养父母,乡里守望相助,和 睦共处,就是娑婆世界的人间乐土。 If everybody respectful division mander, the filial piety foster parents, native place mutual attention, the harmonious coexistence, this is this world paradise.

  • 让我们视他人为至亲,他们期望得到我们的关注和尊重,好使大家和衷共济,守望相助。 We live it also by recognizing others as people who belong to the same family we belong to and who expect our attention, respect and close solidarity.

  • 开学期间,请同学发挥守望相助之精神,养成携带门禁卡及关门习惯,以杜绝宵小觊觎。 Help each other, take the dormitory card with yourself and close dormitory door always.

  • 体育活动使社会民众情感交流,守望相助,发展群性,并培养道德勇气和冒险犯难之精神。 It makes the social crowd cultivate the friendship helps one another in need develop the feelings of the group and drill the moral courage and the spirit of adventure. 4.

  • 最后,本研究提出社区守望相助、广设心理辅导机构、照顾残障者生活等防制纵火行为的建言。 Preventing measures of arson behavior were given as following: helping among neighbors, establishing institutes of consultation widely, taking good care of the handicapped by government.

  • 可以在凉亭里小歇与未来的邻居聊聊天,守望相助、睦邻友好的幸福家园感染著每一位亲临现场的人。 in the pavilion contemporary and future neighbors chat, help and good-neighborly happy home of every person infected site.

  • 从“守望相助”到“吏治应以团练为先”——由团练组织的发展演变看国家政权与基层社会的互动关系。 From ” Defending Itself ” to ” Overtopping the Officials”——A Discussion of the Relationship between Government and Grass-Roots.

  • 1897年宾州,一处守望相助的社区,发现了骇人听闻的事实,一种上古神秘怪物就群聚在社区周围的林间。 The story of the village of Covington, Pennsylvania in 1897 and the horrifying legend of “mythical creatures” that live in the woods beyond the village.

  • 守望相助造句相关


    词语大全 拔刀相助造句_拔刀相助中英文解释和造句

    拔刀相助  bá dāo xiāng zhù








  • 我会路见不平,拔刀相助。 I will see uneven way, for his help.

  • 路见不平,拔刀相助。 Road see injustice, pull out knife appearance help.

  • 一个在患难中拔刀相助的朋友,是位真实的朋友。 A friend who es to help in times of need is a true friend.

  • 他们的内心认为朋友就是在危难时刻拔刀相助不计后果的。 They believe friends are those who can help in need.

  • 先生抱着拔刀相助的心理连忙赶到,原来是一打扮妖艳的小姐。 President for his help with the psychological rushed to the man, was dressed a flirtatious young lady.

  • 我像是置身于《水浒传》中,只要有一个人在受苦受难,我势必拔刀相助。 I like the exposure to the “Water Margin”, as long as a person suffering, I am bound to his help.

  • 中华文明源远流长,上下五千年记录了多少路见不平,拔刀相助的英雄故事。 The Chinese civilization is well-established, up and low five thousands years, recorded how many heroic stories which about fighting with crime.

  • 世上的确有数不尽的不幸人士。虽然同情乃人之常情,拔刀相助也只能尽力而为了。 The world is full of ill and lonely people. You should help those, who are less fortunate than you are.

  • 活泼开朗,外向健康,我特别喜欢路见不平拔刀相助,无论是在工作上,还是在学习上。 Lively, cheerful, outgoing health, I especially liked the way Badaoxiangchu see injustice, whether at work or in learning.

  • “安妮一直是个热心,可爱,有时即使是有损害自己的她也愿意为有困难的人拔刀相助”。 Our abiding memory of Anne is of a warm, loving and giving person who would always help anyone in distress, sometimes to her own detriment.

  • 安东尼奥船长意外地碰到正在和安德鲁决斗的薇奥拉,他错把她当成她的哥哥西巴斯辛,遂上前拔刀相助。 Antonio is the captain and unexpectedly encountered the Weiaola Andrew duel, he mistakes her as her Gegexibashixin, approached Badaoxiangchu.

  • 一位英武非凡的鼠鼠以及名叫阿斯兰的狮子拔刀相助这些孩子们把被流亡海外的卡斯潘国王重新执政的故事过程。 A heroic mouse and Aslan the lion help the children as they fight to return the exiled King Caspian to his rightful throne.

  • 警方说,一个打算偷衣服的女扒手在一家百货商场里遭到扣留,商场的顾客们却误以为她遭到了陌生人的骚扰,纷纷“拔刀相助”。 German shoppers sprang to the help of shoplifter who was being detained after trying to steal clothes at a department store, wrongly assuming she was being attacked by strangers, police said.

  • 那当然囉,朋友有难,我一定拔刀相助,替你出头啊!哦!对了,还有一次,一个女同学啊在考试的时候偷看我的考卷,还向教授说是我作弊呢。 Oh, that was nothing. I was just helping you out. I’m sure you would have gone to bat for me, too.

  • 拔刀相助造句相关



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    拔刀相助  bádāoxiāngzhù拔刀相助的意思和解释:旧小说中多指打抱不平。拔刀相助的出处宋·释道元《景德传灯录》卷二十二:“师曰:‘路见不平,所以按剑。’”拔刀相助的例子路

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