词语大全 安分守己造句_安分守己中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:出门莫恨无人随,书中车马多如簇。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 安分守己造句_安分守己中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 安分守己造句_安分守己中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 胆小怕事造句_胆小怕事中英文解释和造句

词语大全 安分守己造句_安分守己中英文解释和造句

安分守己  ān fèn shǒu jǐ










词语大全 胆小怕事造句_胆小怕事中英文解释和造句

胆小怕事  dǎn xiǎo pà shì







  • 乔真是个胆小怕事胆小鬼。 Joe is such a chicken that he is even afraid of his shadow.

  • 尽管他是英国最强的人,可他胆小怕事。 Although he is the strongest man in England, he would not say boo to a goose.

  • 尤其是比较胆小怕事的人。 specially for those of you who are timid;

  • 我是一个胆小怕事的女子。 I am a right maid for my cowardice;

  • 一些胆小怕事,生性懦弱的人也容易作恶梦。 A few recreant be afraid of getting into trouble, natural disposition coward makes nightmare easily also.

  • 胆小怕事心宽体胖看上去像只考拉(树袋熊)。 She’s a funky little broad that looks like a koala.

  • 他总是胆小怕事。 He is always timid and overcautious.

  • 没有哪一个胆小怕事的人能说服他改变我们的方针。 No faint heart would be able to appeal to him to reverse our course.

  • 为什么中国对中印边界问题如此胆小怕事?—翻译。 Why is China so timid on border issue with India?

  • 因为他们本身就非常容易招来责难,所以他们胆小怕事。 Their rage is decorous and prudent, for they are timid, as being very vulnerable themselves.

  • 领导者如果显示胆小怕事的样子,无与鼓励对手加强攻势。 The moment a leader shows timidity, he encourages, people to go after him.

  • 性格内向、斤斤计较、胆小怕事、性格懦弱的人,易做恶梦。 Introvert, haggle over every ounce, coward of recreant be afraid of getting into trouble, disposition, bee nightmare easily.

  • 人们一定会以为米拉蒂会像普通胆小怕事的女人那样竭力劝阻这场争吵。 One would certainly have thought that Milady, timid as women are generally, would have tried to stop the quarrel.

  • 一些非洲国家政府,尽管许多现在仍胆小怕事,但都开始转而与他对抗。 African governments, though many are still pusillanimous, are turning against him.

  • 用恐怖和恶心的故事来吓唬孩子只会让他变成一个胆小怕事,逃避责任的人。 Scaring kid with the terror and disgusted story will let him bee a timidity to be afraid of getting into trouble, evading the person of[with] responsibility.

  • 同时,农民本身疑虑重重以及胆小怕事的通病,也使得他们行动起来十分缓慢。 The natural suspicions and fears of the peasants themselves also inclined the peasant to go slow.

  • 一些经济学家认为,央行去年表现得胆小怕事,没让国际流动资本决定卢比的价值。 Some economists called the central bank timid last year for resisting attempts to let international capital flows dictate the value of the rupee.

  • 谦卑并不意味着缺乏胆量、软弱无力或胆小怕事,也并不缺乏作演讲、激励人的能力。 Humility does not imply meekness, weakness, or timidity — nor the inability to give a rousing speech.

  • 许多黑人家长对那样对待他们的孩子感到愤慨,他们指责校方十足地忘恩负义、胆小怕事。 Many black parents, angered by the way their children were treated, accused the school of gross ingratitude and cowardice.

  • 他们从来没有想从成见出发,用妇女愚昧无知和胆小怕事来说明自己的德行比配偶的高明。 and they have never sought to place her virtue, any more than his, under the shelter of prejudice, ignorance, and fear.

  • 因为他为反对奴隶制、追求独立而战,而那个时代的其他人都太胆小怕事,什么都不敢做。 Because he fought against slavery and secession at a time in historyswheresothers were too afraid to do anything.

  • 胆小怕事的我再也不敢自己做迷你软件了,当时有人建议我把下载站改成论坛,由用户自己来上传! I of recreant be afraid of getting into trouble myself also dare be not done again confuse your software, somebody suggests I change download station into forum at that time, will upload by him user!

  • 工人们没法去上班,或者必须呆在家里照看小孩——因为胆小怕事的校长认定,结冰的操场太危险了。 Workers can’t get to work or have to stay at home to look after children because lily-livered head teachers have decided icy playgrounds are dangerous.

  • 贺成接过话茬说,我就知道你胆小怕事,你怕什么呀,又不是真炒,又不是咱的钱,那是炒的虚拟资金。 He Cheng Hua Cha took over, I know you of timidity, you are afraid of it, speculation is not true, not us money, and that speculation is virtual money.

  • 多数情况你还得对付老师,他们要么胆小怕事,怕丢小命,要么就是疲备不堪、毫无信心,对教书一点不负责任。 Most of the time you’re up against teachers who either seem afraid for their own lives or are just too tired or discouraged to care about their work.

  • 英国公司小心仔细地审查着它们那被广泛分散地持有的股票,变得胆小怕事,犹疑着不敢花太多的钱用于国外收购。 Perhaps this timidity stems from the intense scrutiny of their widely held shares, making them leery about paying too much for foreign acquisitions.

  • 从以后的 <使徒行传 >记述中﹐我们看到﹕使徒们在接受了圣灵以后﹐从一群胆小怕事的人成为一支天国的精兵。 In the rest of the book of Acts, we learn that having received this power, the disciples were changed from a group of timid and discouraged men and women into a mighty army.

  • 还有一些更胆小怕事的人,普遍怀有一种迷信的想法,认为凡是动过王常盈财物的人,难免有一天会死在王常盈儿子手里。 Among the more timid, there was a general superstition that anyone who had touched Landlord Wang’s property would be sure to die at his son’s hands.

  • 我不知道恶毒的《西游记》的作者为什么将它的主角描述成一个胆小怕事的人,但历史上,他是一个改变了中国和印度历史的人。 We don’t know why the malicious author of《Journey To The West》had described the protagonist as a coward. In fact, the ante type had greatly influenced the history of bothChinaand India.

  • 他非常感激他俩给他送好东西,这更让他俩的良心不安起来——这一次,像把刀似的深深刺进他们心里。当波特打开话匣时,他俩觉得自己极其胆小怕事,是个十足的叛徒。他说。 His gratitude for their gifts had always smote their consciences before — it cut deeper than ever, this time. They felt cowardly and treacherous to the last degree when Potter said.

  • 胆小怕事造句相关



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