词语大全 安然无事造句_安然无事中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:少年意气强不羁,虎胁插翼白日飞。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 安然无事造句_安然无事中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 安然无事造句_安然无事中英文解释和造句
安然无事 ān rán wú shì
墨水呆在瓶里,安然无事。 The ink stays in the bottle, and nothing happens.
时隔两月,雷西林见安然无事,遂又生淫念。 Two months later, Lei Xilin see unscathed, Suiyou Yinnian Health.
这只巨大的高压锅可以安然无事地呆在那里。 This giant pressure cooker may lie undisturbed.
有些人的房子全倒或是半塌,但本身安然无事。 Some have lost their houses or part of their houses, but they are alright.
呵呵,当然,到后来,他安然无事地活了好几年。 Oh, of course, later, he unscathed to live for several years.
同时记者了解到,出事店铺周围的商铺均安然无事。 At the same time reporters learned that trouble shop around shops were immune from punishment.
所有这些酝酿活动全是公开的,几乎可以说是安然无事的。 All this fermentation was public, one might almost say tranquil.
不结实的建筑物在地震中会倒塌,而结实的则可能安然无事。 Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may stay up.
还有一次我洗了个凉水澡,本以为洗坏了。结果宝宝安然无事。 once I had a shower with cold water. I thought I could catch a cold, I was all right result.
不结实的建筑物在地震中会倒塌,而结实的建筑物则可以安然无事。 Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may stay up.
后来工作 人员告知门外有闭路电视,吓得她半死,幸好安然无事离开。 Afterward the staff informed the wrong side of the door to have the closed circuit television, frightened her half dead, left safely and uneventfully luckily.
那么,在没有安全保障的情况下,多长的游泳距离是你感觉安然无事的呢? How far do you feel fortable swimming without hanging onto something?
他把手伸到提箱里面,摸了摸那个装着计算机程序的扁平盒子,盒子安然无事。 He put his hand inside his case and felt the flat box containing the puter program – it was safe with him.
从某些方面看,抑郁可以比作正在化蝶的蛹:曾经你是一只蛹而且一切安然无事。 In some ways, depression can be pared to a caterpillar being a butterfly. You once lived life as a caterpillar and everything was fine.
目前为止,信徒尚未受到严重伤害,有些人的房子全倒或是半塌,但本身安然无事。 Until now, not a single believer hurt badly. Some have lost their houses or part of their houses, but they are alright.
我们其他的人哪怕只有点鸡毛蒜皮的过失都要受责备,而他则过失再大也安然无事。 The rest of us are reprimanded for even the smallest transgression, while he can get away with murder.
但是Alexander使它的脸总是朝着太阳的方向,于是可以安然无事的去骑着它。 But Alexander faced it towards the sun—and rode it without trouble.
砖坝“筑成以后,恰逢风雨大作,此时凡是支流小河,大都决口数十丈,而大堤却安然无事。 “Dam blocks” into a building after the storm coincided with the NPC, all tributaries of the river at this time, most of the breach several Shi Zhang, and the embankment was unscathed.
此前,雅虎提供的 MP3 音乐深度链接被诉侵权,北京高院终审雅虎侵权,而百度安然无事。 Previously, Yahoo provided the depth of links being sued MP3 music infringement, the Beijing High Court of Final Appeal Yahoo infringement, and Baidu safely without incident.
一个从互联网上摘抄文章写成自己论文的学生,在某个学校可能受到惩罚,但在另一个学校可能安然无事。 A student who uses material from a Web site for an essay might be punished at one school but not another.
作为她父母,燕玲和我愿意付出一切让她好起来──我们甚至愿意替她承受这些挑战,好让她能够安然无事。 As her parents, Yen Ling and I would give everything to make her well—wed even take her challenges upon ourselves so she could be OK.
只有伟大的海明威使用这样可笑的比拟才会安然无事,事实上,这本薄薄的小书为他赢得诺贝尔文学奖的殊荣。 Only the great Hemingway could have gotten away with such a ridiculous analogy; in fact, the slender book brought him his Nobel.
各位元老,长时期以来大家有这样的见解:有钱人犯了罪,不管怎样证据确凿,在公开的审判中总还是安然无事。 An opinion has long prevailed, Fathers, that, in public prosecutions, men of wealth, however clearly convicted, are always safe.
他有一帮技工,精于改换钟表和珠宝;有多座储存赃物的仓库;还有一艘木桅帆船,可以把窃得之物运到欧洲大陆,在那里顺利销赃,安然无事。 He had a staff of mechanics for altering watches and jewelry, warehouses to store the loot, and a sloop to convey certain stolen goods to the Continent, where they could be sold in safety.
词语大全 安然如故造句_安然如故中英文解释和造句
安然如故 ān rán rú gù
安然如故 ānránrúgù安然如故的意思和解释:还象原来那样安安稳稳。安然如故的出处元·纪君祥《赵氏孤儿》第四折:“你只看这一个,那一个,都是为谁而卒?岂可我做儿的倒安然如故?
安然如故 ānránrúgù安然如故的意思和解释:还象原来那样安安稳稳。安然如故的出处元·纪君祥《赵氏孤儿》第四折:“你只看这一个,那一个,都是为谁而卒?岂可我做儿的倒安然如故?
相安无事 xiāngānwúshì相安无事的意思和解释:相:互相;安:安稳。指彼此相处没有什么争执或冲突,还过得去。相安无事的出处宋·邓牧《伯牙琴·吏道》:“古者君民间相安无事者
相安无事 xiāngānwúshì相安无事的意思和解释:相:互相;安:安稳。指彼此相处没有什么争执或冲突,还过得去。相安无事的出处宋·邓牧《伯牙琴·吏道》:“古者君民间相安无事者
无事生非 wúshìshēngfēi无事生非的意思和解释:无缘无故找岔子,存心制造麻烦。无事生非的出处无事生非的例子有不安本分的强盗,有~的强盗。(清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第五十八回
无事生非 wúshìshēngfēi无事生非的意思和解释:无缘无故找岔子,存心制造麻烦。无事生非的出处无事生非的例子有不安本分的强盗,有~的强盗。(清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第五十八回
安然无恙 ānránwúyàng安然无恙的意思和解释:恙:病。原指人平安没有疾病。现泛指事物平安未遭损害。安然无恙的出处《战国策·齐策》:“岁亦无恙耶?民亦无恙耶?王亦无恙耶?。
安然无恙 ānránwúyàng安然无恙的意思和解释:恙:病。原指人平安没有疾病。现泛指事物平安未遭损害。安然无恙的出处《战国策·齐策》:“岁亦无恙耶?民亦无恙耶?王亦无恙耶?。
行若无事 xíngruòwúshì行若无事的意思和解释:行:行动,办事;若:好象。指人在紧急关头,态度镇定,毫不慌乱。有时也指对坏人坏事听之任之,满不在乎。行若无事的出处《孟子·
行若无事 xíngruòwúshì行若无事的意思和解释:行:行动,办事;若:好象。指人在紧急关头,态度镇定,毫不慌乱。有时也指对坏人坏事听之任之,满不在乎。行若无事的出处《孟子·