词语大全 安身之地造句_安身之地中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:满堂花醉三千客,一剑霜寒十四洲。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 安身之地造句_安身之地中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 安身之地造句_安身之地中英文解释和造句
安身之地 ān shēn zhī dì
在车与房之间,首选安身之地的还是大多数。 In between car and the Housing, the first place to go is the majority.
可怜的燕子只有在悲鸣中到处寻觅安身之地。 Swallow poor lament only to find shelter in place everywhere.
二人被好心的垃圾筒收留,总算有了安身之地。 Two people were kind of rubbish canister, finally took a safe place.
只要想象勇气长驻心中,恐惊就没有安身之地.就不会出事的。 If I could just visualize my heart as a place where courage dwelt, instead of panic, I would be all right.
无论是哪股大潮,都没有以儒家文明为主干的传统文化安身之地。 Regardless of which unit the tide, are not civilized in Confucian culture as the backbone to home.
找个安身之地的主要原因是我需要一个他们能把信件送给我的地方。 The main reason for having a place at all is to have somewhere they can send my mail to.
睡鼠正在寻找一个可以过冬地安身之地—-这个时候它要冬眠了(睡觉)。 The dormouse is looking for a place to live in during the winter—it is time to hibernate (to go to sleep ).
当温哥华再次遭遇风暴时,两名路人在已被连根拔起的大树下找到暂时的安身之地。 Visitors take cover beneath an uprooted tree in Vancouver as the city braces itself for another storm.
财福寿何解死无葬身之地?又如何能找到安身之所?在香港,衣食住行是一个烦恼问题; Choi Fook Sau What makes us lacking in land of burial?How can we solve this issue?
我们的经营理念:市场是我们的安身之地,用户是我们的衣食父母,质量是我们的立足之本。 Operation conception: Market is the place where we make a living, Customer is the parents who support us, Quality is the foundation which we depends on in the market.
于是,那些影碟、磁盘以及各式各样的零碎物品,就都有了安身之地,而不会被堆得到处都是。 Then, those disc, disk and various fragmentary goods, had the land that make one’s home, and won’t be being piled is everywhere.
她“孤家寡人”,力量有限,只能暂时造一小室,作为安身之地,并使已“受孕”的身体有个产房。 She was “isolated”, the power is limited, only temporarily made a small room, as a place of refuge, and to have “conceived” in the body has a maternity ward.
有能耐的小阔鼻暮蝠遍布澳大利亚北部的多数地区,甚至可以在电话线杆的金属帽内找到安身之地。 The versatile Little Broad-nosed bat, which is found throughout most of northern Australia, can even be found under the metal caps of telephone poles.
一些人是被太平间的工作人员埋葬到无名墓里的,因为在确定他们身份之前他们还没有自己的安身之地。 Some are buried by morgue workers in unmarked graves because they don’t have the space to store them.
眼看就要失去安身之地,老赵多次找乙公司交涉,但该公司说自己有合法的“土地使用证?梗?坚持拆除。 Seeing losing shelter, Laozhao numerous representations B pany, but the pany said its own legitimate “land use permits. Stem. Insist on the removal.”
那些火车沉睡在黑黝黝的轨道上,人们也静静地独自离开,仿佛受到惊吓似的,走向一排一排的长途车,试图找到一个安身之地。 The trains are sleeping in silence on the black rails, and the people go along in silence, too, as if frightened, trying to find a place to be fortable among the rows of coaches.
古希腊人认为他们处于地球的中心,奥林匹斯山因此是众望的核心,神话中的众神能得此安身之所,应是主宰世界、统治众生的理想之地了。 Ancient Greeks reckon they were at the center of the earth while Olympus as a core of worship served as an ideal place for the gods to settle down and to rule the world and its habitants.
词语大全 立足之地造句_立足之地中英文解释和造句
立足之地 lì zú zhī dì
立足之地 lìzúzhīdì立足之地的意思和解释:站脚的地方。也比喻容身的处所。立足之地的出处立足之地的例子立足之地造句立足之地造句相关从古至今的生活和书籍作品中流传了许多脍炙人
立足之地 lìzúzhīdì立足之地的意思和解释:站脚的地方。也比喻容身的处所。立足之地的出处立足之地的例子立足之地造句立足之地造句相关从古至今的生活和书籍作品中流传了许多脍炙人
膏腴之地 gāoyúzhīdì膏腴之地的意思和解释:指肥美的土地或肥沃富饶的地区。膏腴之地的出处汉·贾谊《过秦论》:“东割膏腴之地,以为桂林、象郡。”膏腴之地的例子江南水乡自古就
膏腴之地 gāoyúzhīdì膏腴之地的意思和解释:指肥美的土地或肥沃富饶的地区。膏腴之地的出处汉·贾谊《过秦论》:“东割膏腴之地,以为桂林、象郡。”膏腴之地的例子江南水乡自古就
立命安身 lìmìngānshēn立命安身的意思和解释:立命:精神上安定;安身:指得以容身。指精神上有寄托,生活上有着落。立命安身的出处宋·释道原《景德传灯录》卷十:“僧问:‘学
立命安身 lìmìngānshēn立命安身的意思和解释:立命:精神上安定;安身:指得以容身。指精神上有寄托,生活上有着落。立命安身的出处宋·释道原《景德传灯录》卷十:“僧问:‘学
四战之地 sìzhànzhīdì四战之地的意思和解释:指四面平坦,无险可守,容易受攻击的地方。四战之地的出处《史记·乐毅列传》:“赵,四战之地也,其民习兵,伐之不可。”《后汉书·
四战之地 sìzhànzhīdì四战之地的意思和解释:指四面平坦,无险可守,容易受攻击的地方。四战之地的出处《史记·乐毅列传》:“赵,四战之地也,其民习兵,伐之不可。”《后汉书·
方寸之地 fāngcùnzhīdì方寸之地的意思和解释:指心。方寸之地的出处《列子·仲尼篇》:“文挚乃命龙叔背明而立,文挚自后向明而望之,既而曰:‘嘻!吾见子之心矣:方寸之地虚矣
方寸之地 fāngcùnzhīdì方寸之地的意思和解释:指心。方寸之地的出处《列子·仲尼篇》:“文挚乃命龙叔背明而立,文挚自后向明而望之,既而曰:‘嘻!吾见子之心矣:方寸之地虚矣