词语大全 宏图大志造句_宏图大志中英文解释和造句

Posted 宏图

篇首语:丈夫志四海,万里犹比邻。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 宏图大志造句_宏图大志中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 宏图大志造句_宏图大志中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 胸无大志造句_胸无大志中英文解释和造句

词语大全 宏图大志造句_宏图大志中英文解释和造句

宏图大志  hóng tú dà zhì






  • 的国家的领导者却宁愿不谈这种宏图大志。 H. , prefer to stay away from such big-picture talk.

  • 我们要立大志宏图。 Let’s think big, ie plan ambitiously.

  • 不过,在修建道路这方面,哈萨克斯坦政府也是想要立大志宏图。 But in this respect too the government is thinking big.

  • 然而,家族的第四代成品,高级工程师彼特·威克拥有更多的宏图大志。 However , the fourth generation , reinforced by Peter Wacker (1914-1983), a graduated engineer , had even more ambitious plans .

  • 8月8日下午,宏图大志——地理信息产业蓝图高层对话在哈尔滨市举行。 The afternoon of August 8, grand ambitions – a blueprint for the geographic information industry, high-level dialogue was held in Harbin.

  • 一个有着和拿破仑一样身高,也同样有着和拿破仑一样宏图大志的杭州人。 One has move and Napoleon same height, like having move and Napoleon as much the Hangzhou person of great plan high aim.

  • 他42岁就实现了许多青年有为的工程师梦寐以求的宏图大志:自己有个工厂。 At 42, he had realized the ambition of many bright young engineers:to own a manufacturing business.

  • 我们热枕欢迎海内外各界朋友前来恰谈,真诚合作,展宏图大志,创百年辉煌! We sincerely wele all friends from domestic and oversea markets to cooperate with us and fight for the bright future together.

  • 布什时代不欢而散之后,奥巴马总统的逻辑似乎是,宏图大志佐以更柔和、更有魄力的外交可以起到理想的效果。 After the sullen, unpromising finish to the Bush years, Mr Obama’s logic seemed to be that a big agenda bined with softer, more engaging diplomacy could work in his favour.

  • 对于本。沙哈尔来说,幸福源自你的宏图大志的目标的设定并努力去实现它-你的直接行动应对你的现在和将来有利。 For Ben-Shahar, happiness derives from setting and working toward goals that feed into your big picture – your immediate activities should benefit you now AND in the future.

  • 但无法评估却更可怕的是举国信心丧失,充满牢骚和抱怨,担心美国将从此衰退,担心下一代不能够追随建国诸父的宏图大志。 Less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of confidence across our land – a nagging fear that America’s decline is inevitable, and that the next generation must lower its sights.

  • 虽然把宏图大志付诸实行的路途往往充满挑战,但我深信,国际法学院拥有如此杰出的领导人才和高素质师生,必能完成使命。 To turn vision into reality is always daunting. But with such distinguished leadership and such high quality Faculty members and students, I am sure it will succeed in fulfilling its mission.

  • “天益嘉华人”将以健康事业的永续经营和发展,振兴民族产业,与国际知名保健品企业同台竞争,实现产业报国的宏图大志。 Tenet Jove shows broad ambition to revive national healthcare industry, pete with the top international healthcare panies and maintaining the sustainable development of the healthcare industry.

  • 宏图大志造句相关


    词语大全 胸无大志造句_胸无大志中英文解释和造句

    胸无大志  xiōng wú dà zhì







  • 基金们难道真的这么胸无大志么? Is it really such a fund have aspirations you?

  • 小鸟只需一个小巢/(胸无大志?) A small bird wants but a small nest.

  • 失败不为过错,胸无大志才是罪过。 Not failure , but low aim , is crime .

  • 不是失败,而是胸无大志,才是一罪。 Not failure, but low aim, is a crime.

  • 不是失败,而是胸无大志,才是一种罪。 Not failure, but low aim, is a crime.

  • 不是失败,而是胸无大志,才是一种罪。 Not failure, but low aim, is crime.

  • 不是失败,而是胸无大志。 Not failure, but low aim, is a crime.

  • 实际上他们仍然是一些胸无大志的青少年。 Deep down. she was still a rebel.

  • 实际上他们仍然是一些胸无大志的青少年。 Deep down they’re still frustrated adolescents.

  • 胸无大志,事事称心。 Little thing please little minds.

  • 中国老师斥之为:“胸无大志,孺子不可教也!” Chinese teacher will describe as : “beyond ambition, the young men are not worthy to be taught!”

  • 中国的老师斥之为:“胸无大志,孺子不可教也!” Described as a Chinese Teacher: “aspirations, no way to teach! “”

  • 中国的老师斥之为:“胸无大志,孺子不可教也!” Chinese teacher would scold them like this, “you are lack of ambition! you are unworth of teaching.”

  • 忧虑、恐惧、缺乏自信只会让人胸无大志,变成一堆行尸走肉。 Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

  • 不能设想一个志不强、意不坚,胸无大志的人,能够有如此之壮举。 A person, who doesn’t have the objective and has no strong will, can’t be successful.

  • 胸无大志、碌碌无为、得过且过的人来说,苦难就灾难,就是不幸。 Of aspirations, ? muddling along and the people, the suffering of the disaster, that is unfortunate.

  • 吊儿郎当、言行粗鲁的辛万军,胸无大志,终日浑浑恶恶,流连酒吧。 Rude words and deeds, aspirations, muddy day muddy evil evil, inside the bars.

  • 有些人会说,这些热衷于主日学校的人不登大雅之堂,胸无大志,等等。 Some folks might claim these Sunday School fans are undignified and unspiritual and so on.

  • 他们无论在工作中还在生活中,胸无大志,小富即安,随波逐流,浑浑噩噩。 They are too easy to be satisfied both in their work and in their life. They never bother to dream and simply drift from one day to the next.

  • 我的回答是:是一些胸无大志,不愿学习,只贪图眼前舒服与享受的,又别有用心的人编造的。 My answer is: Yes, some aspirations, do not want to study, only just for the sake of fort and enjoyment of present and people with ulterior motives fabricated.

  • 我们需要摆脱胸无大志的状况,人们想要开好车、穿华服、住豪宅,却不愿为之付出艰苦努力。 We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition, where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don’t want to work hard to acplish these things.

  • 我们需要摆脱胸无大志的状况,人们想要开好车、穿华服、住豪宅,却不愿为之付出艰苦努力。 where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don’t want to work hard to acplish these things.

  • 胸无大志的人容易被胜利冲昏头脑;鼠目寸光的人稍受表扬就不知天高地厚。(儒学里有相似的评论) An unambitious man is easily carried away by victory; a short-sighted man would have an exaggerated opinion of his abilities after being praised a little.

  • 人们都喜欢揶揄中产,中产的狭窄心胸,胸无大志,唯唯诺诺都是坐而论道的写手和小说家创作源泉。 PEOPLE love to mock the middle class. Its narrow-mindedness, placency and conformism are the mother lode of material for sit writers and novelists.

  • 现在才发现我其实胸无大志但我也曾有过梦想有我的信仰和愿望或是别的你们用来描述美妙人生的词汇。 I check out and it’s not like I had big dreams to begin with. But I had something once, something close to faith or hope or whatever word you want to use for how good life could be.

  • 精力枯竭:你越来越感到无法投入到工作中、发现自己幻想走出门去寻找“理想工作”、就此摆脱这些“胸无大志者”。 Burnout: Youre feeling more and more detached at work and catch yourself fantasizing about walking out the door to find that dream job and leaving these little minds behind.

  • 很喜欢母校十一学校的校长李今初,曾经看到媒体上经常报道他说过的一句话“我胸无大志,一生只想办一所好学校”。 I have been asked what my career goal is. Well, it is a question I am frequently thinking these days. It tunes out very clear that all I wanted to do is to building decent software.

  • 作品中的主人公是一位彻头彻尾的失败者,没有爱情、几无朋友、几无工作(“该是你知道我那凄冷无助、胸无大志的人生真相的时候了。 The hero was a washout—loveless, nearly friendless and all but jobless (“It’s time you knew the cold soft facts of me. I did not pan out.”

  • 1871年,赫特福德郡教区牧师的儿子塞西尔。罗兹离开了兄弟的农场,从南非的纳塔尔省辗转来到金伯利市的鉆石矿场,当时这位看似胸无大志的小伙子年仅18岁。 IN 1871, at the age of 18, an apparently unambitious son of a Hertfordshire vicar left his brother’s farm in Natal, South Africa, for the diamond fields of Kimberley.

  • 还有谁比霍默-辛普森更能称的上合格的电视迷(一个体态肥胖,胸无大志的笨蛋),除了他的卡通兄弟彼得-格里芬,那个整天吊在家里,对《家庭伙伴》念念不忘的家伙? Who’s more of a TV fan than Homer Simpson (a fat, ambition-less lamebrain), unless it’s fellow cartoon couch potato Peter Griffin with his maniac brood on “Family Guy”?

  • 胸无大志造句相关



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