词语大全 实至名归造句_实至名归中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 实至名归造句_实至名归中英文解释和造句

2、成语故事 死声咷气   [sǐ shēng huó qì]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译

词语大全 实至名归造句_实至名归中英文解释和造句

实至名归  shí zhì míng guī







  • 熟女不吝于赞美,不管是不是实至名归。 Older women are genera! us! with praise, often undeserved.

  • 熟女不吝于赞美(不管是不是实至名归) Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved.

  • (那是因为)他的灵魂,这是实至名归的。 His soul, I think, that es right out of here.

  • 恭喜黎彼得!实至名归! Congrats to Peter Lai! You totally deserves the award!

  • 作为中国的第一大瓷都,潮州更是实至名归。 As the first big porcelain of China , Chaozhou is more to be really to name.

  • 巴西(获得)新的重要地位(可谓)实至名归。 Brazil’s new prominence is deserved.

  • 他获得金手套奖乃实至名归,在这里我也要恭喜他。 He is well worth the Golden Glove award so congratulations to him.

  • 他是实至名归的,毫无疑问,一个非常棒的篮球球员。 He is, without question, a very good basketball player. He is tall.

  • 实至名归?–是的–是得,确实。–非常感谢。 He earned it? -Yes, he did. -Yes, he did. Exactly. -Thanks a lot.

  • 我们的胜利的实至名归的:我们的速度很快,策略也很完美。 We totally deserved this victory; we were quick and our strategy played out perfectly.

  • 陈慧琳拍过日剧,她的广告也深入日本民心,获选乃实至名归; Kelly Chan has played in Japanese TV soup opera, and worked for Ad too.

  • 喝水在预备队整个赛季都干得不错,他被召入国家队也是实至名归。 Danny Welbeck, who had also been included in the England U19s squad, did not play.

  • 从以上各部分看来,孔子的成就迹近菩萨,称誉他为圣人,实至名归。 From all parts mentioned above, we may welt say that Confucian achievement amounts to Bodhisattva’s. Without a doubt, he deserves the title of Saint.

  • 要称赞广州队的是,他们娴熟,快速的传接球技术使他们赢得实至名归。 To Guangzhou’s credit, they knocked the ball around well, they’re pretty quick and they deserved to win.

  • 将表彰职业球员体育精神的“法切蒂奖”授予马尔蒂尼可以说是实至名归。 Will mend the professional player sports spirit “the Faqiedi prize” to award Maerdini to be possible saying that is the name will follow reality.

  • 利不在于丰,而在于名,在于客户心中最真切的感受,最终做到真正实至名归。 benefit does not lie in abundance, but that name, lies in the hearts of most customers real feelings, and ultimately be truly lived up to its name.

  • 斯内德又一次实至名归地成为当场比赛最佳球员,他打进了本届赛事的最佳进球。 Sneijder went on to deservedly claim the man of the match award and score the goal of the tournament so far.

  • 如果你是四强中任意一国的球迷的话,你会认为自己钟爱的球队绝对是实至名归。 If you are a fan of France, Portugal, Germany or Italy you will say its on merit.

  • 利不在于丰,而在于名,在于客户心中最真切的感受,最终做到真正实至名归“。 Lee is not abundance, but in the name of the minds of customers is the most sincere feelings and eventually be truly well deserved.

  • 我们做这份专题报告的目的是探讨香港会议展览中心是否实至名归及需要改善的地方。 The aim of this report is to study whether HKCEC is worth of the award and to investigate whether any improvements need to be made.

  • 里米尼踢得很好,表现出了良好的状态,他们证明了他们能够排在第四名是实至名归。 Rimini played very well and showed their good state of form, as proved by their championship and their well-deserved fourth spot in the standings.

  • 在麦吉尼斯的家乡—宾西法尼亚州的诺克斯,很多人都说他们当地的这位英雄实至名归。 In McGuiness’ tiny hometown of Knox, Pennsylvania, many say their local hero deserves it.

  • 在亚马逊网站上,已经有13篇关于他的评论,获得了平均五星的好评价,实属实至名归。 On Amazon. this book currently has a 5-star average rating after 13 reviews, and deservedly so.

  • 实际上,根据制造者官方谦逊的定义,它只不过是「一种软性饮料…实至名归地清新可口」。 Actually, according to the official and modest definition of its makers, it is only “a soft drink … best described as delicious and refreshing.”

  • 他确实是这季中让人印像深刻,我觉得他实至名归,噍,总是能看到美好的事情发生在好人身上。 He was really impressive throughout the whole season, and I think he really deserves his success. It’s always good to see good things happen to good people, you know?

  • 卡索帝是不折不扣的尤文蒂尼和实至名归的优秀主席,尤文图斯将永远铭记这位万众爱戴的伟大人物。 The club remembers with affection this great man, who was also a great supporter and a great Chairman.

  • 以前,当你思考、推论、总结,然后大发高论时,你享有身为创作者的成就感与权威感,还觉得实至名归。 In the past, when you have thought, reasoned, e to conclusions and expressed those conclusions, you have felt an authorship, an authority, a sense of integrity.

  • 诺维茨基起初并不胜任这个角色,但现在,他对整支球队的影响越来越大,“小牛特权球员”的称誉实至名归。 Nowitzki does not qualify him for this role at first, but now, the whole team on his increasing influence, “Mavericks player privileges” reputation deserved.

  • 他的同僚认为他在国际贸易模式上的研究能获得二○○八年诺贝尔奖可谓实至名归,但有些人暗指他自由派的政治理念可能影响了瑞典皇家科学院。 His peers agree that he deserved his 2008 Nobel Prize for his work in international trade patterns, but some hint that his liberal politics might have swayed the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

  • 珍妮弗:“为什么他是世界上最性感的男人?为什么?(那是因为)他的灵魂,这是实至名归的。看看他的眼睛,他的内心,你知道吗?这就是我为什么会上他的原因。” Why he’s the hottest man? Why? His soul, I think, that es right out of here. His eyes, his heart. You know, that’s why I love him.

  • 实至名归造句相关


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