词语大全 寅吃卯粮造句_寅吃卯粮中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 寅吃卯粮造句_寅吃卯粮中英文解释和造句
寅吃卯粮 yín chī mǎo liáng
这本身就是种寅吃卯粮的泡沫做法。 This in itself is the practice of eating the food intended for the bubble.
该教授评哀叹到:“我们正在寅吃卯粮。” “We are eating our seed corn, ” the professor laments.
把你的信用卡给我,你花钱总是寅吃卯粮的。 Give me your credit cards. You’re living beyond your means.
中国人认为,总是预支工 资,寅吃卯粮的人。 It is believed in China that a man who always anticipates his ine .
法贝尔教授不免哀叹:“我们正在寅吃卯粮”。 “We are eating our seed corn, ” the professor laments.
而美国的“寅吃卯粮”则使这种过剩维持了表面的平衡。 Americans’ spending on deficit only helped maintain the seeming balance between the consumption and overproduction.
总是预支工资,寅吃卯粮的人,永远不能储蓄或成为富人。 A man who always anticipates his ine can never save or bee rich.
中国人认为,总是预支工资,寅吃卯粮的人,永远不能成为富人。 It is believed in China that a man who always anticipates his ine can never bee rich.
寅吃卯粮、侵占土地和资源、政府扶持个别企业等因素损害了经济; Deficit spending, the expropriation of land and resources and government support of favored enterprises have destroyed the economy;
一些观察家推测,这可能是指美国人寅吃卯粮并要求政府也一样照做的习惯。 Some observers guessed this might refer to Americans’ habit of living beyond their means and demanding that their government do likewise.
比如说有的地方政府现在还在寅吃卯粮,把几代人的地都批出去,没有制约; For example, some local governments are still eating the food intended for the generations to have disposed of without restrictions;
美国、英国及中国等许多国家为了躲避经济灾难都采取了“寅吃卯粮”的政策。 AMERICA, Britain and China are among the many countries that have adopted spend-now-pay-later policies to stave off economic disaster.
对他们来说,可以松一口气的是,该阶层的人多在公共部门供职,实在不行寅吃卯粮也行。 The main relief for the middle class is that many of its members have jobs in the public sector, which can resort to deficit spending.
越来越多的消费者现在习惯于寅吃卯粮,而他们实际收入的减少使得透支的坏账率屡创新高。 A broader range of consumers now carry cards and many run consistent credit balances to fund their lifestyles. This has led to successively higher peaks over the years in credit-card charge-off rates.
另一方面不少地方政府为了筹集建设资金,又片面追求高收入,大幅批租土地,“寅吃卯粮”。 On the other hand, many local governments to raise construction funds, and one-sided pursuit of high-ine, a leasing land, “eating the food intended for.”
现在欧洲那些寅吃卯粮和过度举债的国家正被迫追悔,它们是希腊、西班牙、爱尔兰和葡萄牙。 And now the sinners of Europe, economies that were living and borrowing well above their means, are being forced to repent: Greece, Spain, Ireland, Portugal.
欧洲消费者们这些年来并没有像美国人那样寅吃卯粮,超前消费,所以他们可以减少储蓄,增加消费。 And European consumers have not been as profligate in recent years as American ones, so they have the scope to reduce their saving and spend more.
与此同时,还有不少地方政府为了筹集建设资金,又片面追求高收入,大幅批租土地,“寅吃卯粮”。 At the same time, many local governments to raise construction funds, and one-sided pursuit of high-ine, a leasing land, “eating the food intended for.”
欧洲消费者们这些年来并没有像美国人那样寅吃卯粮, 超前消费 ,所以他们可以减少储蓄,增加消费。 And European consumers have not been as profligate in recent years as American ones, so they have the scope to reduce their saving and spend more.
中国老百姓,以及亚洲其它地区的老百姓一直过著量入为出的节俭生活,让美欧人得以寅吃卯粮大肆挥霍。 People in China, and elsewhere in Asia, have lived beneath their means to enable people in the US and Europe to live beyond theirs.
今年八月,RaúlCastro告诉国民议会「没有任何个人或国家,可以毫无节制地寅吃卯粮,入不敷出。」 “Nobody, no individual or country, can indefinitely spend more than she or he earns, ” he told the National Assembly in August.
财务状况一直不稳定的你,目前的当务之急是好好打理自己的钱财,别老是寅吃卯粮,搞到最后还得举债度日就不好了。 We are always saying that things have changed, it’s different now, and yes it has, but at the same time there are also the things that is unaffected by time, and that is what really matters.
虽然信用卡正成为金融业越来越接受的付款方式,但许多人仍然心存疑虑,把信用卡看成是“寅吃卯粮”生活方式的主要表现。 Although credit cards are being a more acceptable part of the financial scene, they are still regarded with suspicion by many as being a major part of the “live now, pay later” syndrome.
参议院共和党领袖麦康奈尔认为,计划草案的最大错误在于“寅吃卯粮”,从长远来看,汽车工业的生存能力依然得不到保障。 ” Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of the view that the draft plan is the biggest mistake “Yinchimaoliang” In the long term, the viability of the auto industry is still not guaranteed.
虽然信用卡正成为金融业更能接受的付款方式,但是许多人仍然心存疑惑,把信用卡看成是“寅吃卯粮”生活方式的主要表现。 Although credit cards are being a more acceptable part of the financial scene, they are still regarded with suspicion by many as being a major part of the “live now, pay later” syndrome.
固定投资仍然很强劲,但主要是财政赤字开支(寅吃卯粮),但同时奇怪的是私营投资很可能随开工不足和利润下降而导致萎缩。 Fixed investment was strong, but mainly on fiscal deficit spending, while anecdote indicates that private business investment is likely to be contracting as factory utilisation and profits fall.
这套方案中的一些项目,比如从未来的彩票收入里借钱以救急用,这种寅吃卯粮的行为可能会在五月的投票中被否决,而加州很快也可能被冠以另一项第一——第一个破产的州。 Some parts of the deal, such as borrowing from future lottery receipts, may yet collapse at the ballot in May, and California could soon be back in line to mark another first — state bankruptcy.
词语大全 寅支卯粮造句_寅支卯粮中英文解释和造句
寅支卯粮 yín zhī mǎo liáng
另外那些注重里子而不太注重面子的人,他们知道日子一天一天地过,不能顾头不顾尾,寅支卯粮; They, who attach much importance to inside and no importance to face, know that they live their life day by day, doing things with overall consideration.
另外那些注重里子而不太注重面子的人,他们知道日子是一天一天地过,不能顾头不顾尾,寅支卯粮; They, who attach much importance to inside and no importance to face, know that they live their life day by day, doing things with overall consideration.
寅支卯粮 yínzhīmǎoliáng寅支卯粮的意思和解释:这一年吃了下一年的粮。比喻经济困难,收入不够支出,预先支用了以后的进项。比喻指经济困难,入不敷出。寅支卯粮的出处寅支卯
寅支卯粮 yínzhīmǎoliáng寅支卯粮的意思和解释:这一年吃了下一年的粮。比喻经济困难,收入不够支出,预先支用了以后的进项。比喻指经济困难,入不敷出。寅支卯粮的出处寅支卯
寅吃卯粮造句 一:他不擅理财,又常向公司预支薪水,寅吃卯粮,弄得惨兮兮的。 二:小李花钱毫无节制,常常陷入寅吃卯粮的窘境中。 三:小明只要一拿到钱就乱花,因此经常是寅吃卯粮。 四:我很快就能够
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寅吃卯糧造句寅吃卯糧の例文"寅吃卯糧"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!總是預
词语大全 寅吃卯粮 [yín chī mǎo liáng]什么意思
寅吃卯粮 [yínchīmǎoliáng][寅吃卯粮]成语解释这一年吃了下一年的粮。比喻经济困难,收入不够支出,预先支用了以后的进项。比喻指经济困难,入不敷出。贬义[寅吃卯粮]成
词语大全 寅支卯粮 [yín zhī mǎo liáng]什么意思
寅支卯粮 [yínzhīmǎoliáng][寅支卯粮]成语解释这一年吃了下一年的粮。比喻经济困难,收入不够支出,预先支用了以后的进项。比喻指经济困难,入不敷出。贬义[寅支卯粮]成
教师必备成语谜语 1、寅吃卯粮。(打一成语) 【答案】:弱肉强食 2、一看吓一跳。(打一成语) 【答案】:触目惊心 3、癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉。(打一成语) 【答案】:好高骛远 4、挖墙而
教师必备成语谜语 1、寅吃卯粮。(打一成语) 【答案】:弱肉强食 2、一看吓一跳。(打一成语) 【答案】:触目惊心 3、癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉。(打一成语) 【答案】:好高骛远 4、挖墙而