词语大全 寝食不安造句_寝食不安中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:风流不在谈锋胜,袖手无言味最长。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 寝食不安造句_寝食不安中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 寝食不安造句_寝食不安中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 坐卧不安造句_坐卧不安中英文解释和造句

词语大全 寝食不安造句_寝食不安中英文解释和造句

寝食不安  qǐn shí bù ān







  • 在汉普顿的宫廷寝食不安了 大人? Do you not sleep easily in your palace at Hampton, my Lord?

  • 等候测试结果的这几个星期里我寝食不安。 I spent a tense few weeks waiting for the results of the tests.

  • 自从见到你我一直寝食不安。我爱你,多拉。 Ever since seeing you I haven’t eaten and slept well. I love you, Dora.

  • 由于跳蚤有昼夜多次吸血习性,即使个别跳蚤上身也会使人寝食不安。 A flea sucks blood several times a day, so it severely influences people’s life.

  • 那他内心的“良知”就会使他感到心烦急燥、寝食不安、头晕目眩、噩梦丛生。 His conscience will make him fret, fidget, unable to eat or sleep well, dizzy, having many nightmares.

  • 昨天清晨国王见到我的脸,使他寝食不安,今天清晨我见到国王的脸,就将被绞死。 Early morning king saw my face yesterday, make his sleeping and eating disturbed, I see early morning today kingly face, will be hanginged.

  • 真正的程序员很关心他们写的代码的艺术性。一小段蹩脚的代码都会让他们寝食不安。 Real Programmers are concerned with the aesthetics of their craft; they will writhe in pain at shabby workmanship in a piece of code.

  • 我奉劝你别惹史密斯,继续跟他搞好关系,他会叫人非常为难。使你寝食不安,坐卧不宁。 I would advise you to remain on the right side of Smith. He can be very awkward and is capable of making life very unfortable for you.

  • 然后让我寝食不安的第三点是核能扩散的问题”奥巴马接着说,满脑子都是令人担忧的事。 “And then the third thing that keeps me up at night is the issue of nuclear proliferation, ” Obama continues, sailing on through the horrible s.

  • 转个星期鲍勃看到了他想要的广告:“苏姗。盼信达八个月之久,心神不宁,寝食不安。下周四八日早来。N。克罗斯。” 24 the following week Bob saw the ad he wanted: “Susan. Awaited letter eight months, can’t rest, eat, sleep. Come early next Thursday8th. N. Cross. “”

  • 据说,德国现任财长施泰因布吕克现在正在阅读《资本论》,这位在金融危机中焦头烂额、寝食不安的财长,现在成了马克思的“粉丝”。 It is said that the current German Finance Minister Peer Stein is now reading “Das Kapital”, the financial crisis badly battered, Qin Shi disturbed by the finance ministers, is now the Marx’s “fans.

  • 在接下来的一个星期鲍勃看到了他想要看的启事:“苏姗。盼信达八个月之久,心情不宁,寝食不安。下周四(8日)早来。N。克罗斯。” The following week Bob saw the ad he wanted: “Susan. Awaited letter eight months, can’t rest, eat, sleep. Come early next Thursday 8th. N. Cross. “”

  • 我所知道的是,让姚明尽快的回到比赛中,比我们这个赛季可能做出的任何交易都要好的多,季后赛的时候,NBA联盟中的球队应当因为我们而寝食不安了。 All I know is, getting Yao Ming back at this point in time is better than any trade we could possibly make this season, and the NBA should be worried about us in the post-season.

  • 寝食不安造句相关


    词语大全 坐卧不安造句_坐卧不安中英文解释和造句

    坐卧不安  zuò wò bù ān








  • 她经常被自己这块“心病”折磨得坐卧不安。 She often by oneself this ” anxiety ” torment gets feel restless.

  • 海沃德足足有四十八小时坐卧不安,拿不定主意。 For forty-eight hours, Hayward lived in an agony of indecision.

  • 段和运用车间领导也因此坐卧不安,生怕出事。 Duan Heyun is led with the workshop also because of this feel restless, for fear that has an accident.

  • 你可能有麻烦,不能集中精力,坐卧不安,为此痛恨尼古丁。 ou may feel restless and hae trouble concentrating. Hate nicotine for that.

  • 你可能有麻烦,不能集中精力,坐卧不安,为此痛恨尼古丁。 ou may feel restless and have trouble concentrating. Hate nicotine for that.

  • 前格鲁吉亚驻莫斯科大使的政治方针同样让萨卡什维利坐卧不安。 The démarche of Erosi Kitsmarishvili, a former Georgian ambassador to Moscow, has also unsettled the president.

  • 该病患者外阴瘙痒、灼痛,甚至坐卧不安,严重损害妇女的身心健康。 Patients with this disease have pruritus vulvae, burning pain, and even restless sleep and sitting, which could threaten the physical and mental health of the women.

  • 这不,有关与城市绿化有重要关联的苗木市场的动向,就使他有点“坐卧不安”。 This not, about the tendency of the nursery stock market that has important correlation with urban afforest, make he has a place ” feel restless ” .

  • 汤姆拿到一张足球赛的门票,但是他的父亲却要他在家里写作文。他真是坐卧不安。 Tom has got a ticket to the football match, but his father ordered him to write the position at home. He has ants in his pants.

  • 间隔长时间不吸烟则表现焦虑、坐卧不安、食欲下降、易怒,甚至为获取烟草而不惜人格受辱。 Interval is not sucked for longSmokeBehave angst, feel restless, appetite to drop, irritable, it is even getSmokeCareless and not hesitate character be insulted.

  • 在令人坐卧不安的一瞬间,馅饼盘悬悬乎乎地停在运河岸边,然而它突然失去了平衡,滑回水中。 For one agonizing moment, the dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal, but it suddenly overbalanced and slid back into the water.

  • 在令人坐卧不安的一瞬间,馅饼盘悬悬乎乎地停在运河岸边,然而它突然失去了平衡,滑回水中。 e agonizing moment, the dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal, but it suddenly overbalanced and slid back into the water.

  • 在令人坐卧不安的一瞬间,馅饼盘悬悬乎乎地停在运河岸上,然而它突然失去了平衡,结果滑回水中。 For one agonizing moment, the dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal, but it suddenly overbalanced and slid back into the water.

  • 但是如果是我们跟随索罗斯一起投资,知道他改变操作只是因为背疼得话,我们肯定早就坐卧不安了。 But if you or I were to invest our money with Soros, we’d feel nervous if the only reason he could give for a decision was that his back hurt.

  • 增税让很多公寓投资者都坐卧不安,为了不栽倒在这个“税”坎上,他们加快了手头房屋的处置速度和力度。 taxes for many investors are sitting at the apartment, in order not right back at the “tax” Hum, they accelerated the speed and intensity on the disposition of housing.

  • 由于中美贸易赤字以及中国外汇储备均持续增加,经济学家坐卧不安,支持贸易保护主义的政客们怒气冲冲。 China’s trade surplus with America and its foreign-exchange reserves continue to grow, making economists fidgety and protectionist politicians livid.

  • 孩子,如果有一个无形的恶魔进驻到你心里,搅扰着你,让你心神不宁、坐卧不安。记住,你要学会和它交朋友。 Kids, remember, if there is an invisible evil e to your heart and disturb you, and make you feel in suspense, fidget , you should learn to make friends with him.

  • 当家畜、宠物被大量寄生蚤刺叮吸血时,不仅会因为骚扰使它们坐卧不安影响其生长发育,更会引起动物贫血症。 When livestock or pets are bit by a large number of fleas, its growth will be hindered. More importantly, it can cause anemia.

  • 欧元区的成员国不想接受身陷水深火热之中的国家加入欧盟,况且像希腊和意大利这样的成员国已然是令人坐卧不安。 The countries of the euro zone are not longing for troubled new members; its existing ones, such as Greece and Italy, are worry enough.

  • 法院的安排以及李继勋的“人间蒸发”令胡金帮越来越坐卧不安,他开始四处咨询,并决定做好最坏的打算,聘请了律师。 Lijixun court arrangements and the “hard” and sat at the Hu Jin Gang, he began everywhere advice, and decided to do the worst and employ a lawyer.

  • 警方看护之下,他死在11月23日,他的死令人坐卧不安,恰恰在此之后,致其死地的毒药经过鉴定,是具有放射性的钋。 Just after his agonising death, under police guard, on November 23rd, the poison that killed him was identified as radioactive polonium.

  • 时至今日,奥巴马政府尚未向坐卧不安的全球贸易伙伴详细阐明其贸易政策,不过,涉及进口中国轮胎的一起政治色彩鲜明的案例很快将迫使奥巴马政府出牌。 A politically charged case involving Chinese tire imports will soon force the hand of an Obama administration that has yet to articulate a clear trade policy to anxious global trading partners.

  • 坐卧不安造句相关



    词语大全 坐卧不安造句_坐卧不安中英文解释和造句

    坐卧不安  zuòwòbùān坐卧不安的意思和解释:坐着躺着都不安宁。形容因忧愁恐惧而不安的样子。坐卧不安的出处明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第四十回:“自从哥哥吃官事,兄弟坐立不安,又无

    词语大全 坐卧不安造句_坐卧不安中英文解释和造句

    坐卧不安  zuòwòbùān坐卧不安的意思和解释:坐着躺着都不安宁。形容因忧愁恐惧而不安的样子。坐卧不安的出处明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第四十回:“自从哥哥吃官事,兄弟坐立不安,又无

    词语大全 坐不安席造句_坐不安席中英文解释和造句

    坐不安席  zuòbùānxí坐不安席的意思和解释:席:坐席。形容心中有事,坐立不安。坐不安席的出处明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第十回:“祭足被囚于军府,甲士周围把守,水泄不通。祭足疑

    词语大全 坐不安席造句_坐不安席中英文解释和造句

    坐不安席  zuòbùānxí坐不安席的意思和解释:席:坐席。形容心中有事,坐立不安。坐不安席的出处明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第十回:“祭足被囚于军府,甲士周围把守,水泄不通。祭足疑

    词语大全 卧不安席造句_卧不安席中英文解释和造句

    卧不安席  wòbùānxí卧不安席的意思和解释:睡不安宁。形容心事、忧虑重重。卧不安席的出处《战国策·楚策一》:“寡人卧不安席,食不甘味,心摇摇如悬旌,而无所终薄。”卧不安席的例

    词语大全 卧不安席造句_卧不安席中英文解释和造句

    卧不安席  wòbùānxí卧不安席的意思和解释:睡不安宁。形容心事、忧虑重重。卧不安席的出处《战国策·楚策一》:“寡人卧不安席,食不甘味,心摇摇如悬旌,而无所终薄。”卧不安席的例

    词语大全 卧不安席造句_卧不安席中英文解释和造句

    卧不安席  wòbùānxí卧不安席的意思和解释:睡不安宁。形容心事、忧虑重重。卧不安席的出处《战国策·楚策一》:“寡人卧不安席,食不甘味,心摇摇如悬旌,而无所终薄。”卧不安席的例

    词语大全 卧不安席造句_卧不安席中英文解释和造句

    卧不安席  wòbùānxí卧不安席的意思和解释:睡不安宁。形容心事、忧虑重重。卧不安席的出处《战国策·楚策一》:“寡人卧不安席,食不甘味,心摇摇如悬旌,而无所终薄。”卧不安席的例

    词语大全 寝不安席造句_寝不安席中英文解释和造句

    寝不安席  qǐnbùānxí寝不安席的意思和解释:睡觉也不能安于枕席。形容心事重重,睡不着觉。寝不安席的出处《战国策·齐策五》:“秦王恐之,寝不安席,食不甘味。”寝不安席的例子臣

    词语大全 寝不安席造句_寝不安席中英文解释和造句

    寝不安席  qǐnbùānxí寝不安席的意思和解释:睡觉也不能安于枕席。形容心事重重,睡不着觉。寝不安席的出处《战国策·齐策五》:“秦王恐之,寝不安席,食不甘味。”寝不安席的例子臣