词语大全 寡不敌众造句_寡不敌众中英文解释和造句
Posted 飞刀
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词语大全 寡不敌众造句_寡不敌众中英文解释和造句
寡不敌众 guǎ bù dí zhòng
泰国工人是寡不敌众。 The Thai workmen were hopelessly outnumbered.
即便没有那两个食死徒,哈利仍然寡不敌众。 Even without those two Death Eaters, Harry is still outnumbered.
我和小白寡不敌众。 “White little” and I are losing the fight.
她很勇敢,但终因寡不敌众,被那帮人打晕过去。 The girl was brave enough, but as being outnumbered, she was finally knocked down by the gang.
她很勇敢,但终因寡不敌众,被那帮人打晕过去。 The girl was brave enough, but as being outnumbered.
无奈之下,寡不敌众的海狮只好松开牙齿,悻悻离开。 In desperation, were overwhelmed by the sea lions had to loose teeth, bitterly left.
我们几个年轻一点的强烈抗议,但寡不敌众,只好作罢。 We are a bit younger to protest strongly , but hopelessly outnumbered , have to drop .
他对阿纳金说的第一句话是“你们寡不敌众,激光剑。” His first words to Anakin were “You’re outmanned, laser blade.”
仅仅由于寡不敌众,那支小小的抵抗队伍才被敌人打败。 The small force of resistance fighters was ground down by the sheer weight of the enemy.
他为掩护战友们安全脱险,终因寡不敌众落人日伪之手。 The cover of his rades out of danger security eventually outnumbered by the hands of Japanese and Puppet Armies fall.
但最后在寡不敌众及清军优势火力下,于九月上旬降服。 But ultimately they were hopelessly outnumbered, and the Qing army had the advantage of firepower, and at the beginning of September the Aboriginals surrendered.
因寡不敌众,四龙打不过他们,他们很快被逮捕并且带回到天宫。 Being far outnumbered, the four dragons could not defend themselves, and they were soon arrested and brought back to the heavenly palace.
在线英语口语学习网.她很勇敢,但终因寡不敌众,被那帮人打晕过去。 the girl was brave enough, but as being outnumbered, she was finally knocked into the middle of next week by the gang.
第二年,随军取关中,分兵拒曹真主力,寡不敌众,退回汉中,一年后病死。 The next year, military customs check, refusing to Fenbing main Cao Zhen, the crowd, returned to Hanzhong, died a year later.
中国的士兵正大举进入进入朝鲜边境之时,美国士兵无助的蹒跚在寡不敌众的路上。 Chinese soldiers were cascading across the border into Korea. The Americans in their path were helplessly outnumbered.
第六场:重夺舍利在与贼寇打斗的过程中,由于寡不敌众,左山和众僧兵节节败退。 Sixth act: The Regain of She Lizi. During the fight with thieves, Zuo Shan and other monks retreated in defeat again and again because their number is too few.
王子在寡不敌众的时候吹响了苏珊的魔法号角,将彼得四兄妹唤回这个世界帮助他们。 Prince in the crowd when the Magic blew the horn of Susan and Peter’s four brothers and sisters will return the world to help them.
她全力反抗著,挥拳打中了一个人的下巴,膝盖顶在另一个人的裆部。但最终也是寡不敌众。 She fought her hardest, her fist making contact with a jaw, her knee landing in a crotch, but in the end, there were too many of them.
英国远征军奉命到比利时,在比利时南部蒙斯市遇上挺进的德军,寡不敌众,不久就被迫撤退。 They met the advancing German army at Mons, a town in southern Belgium, and heavily outnumbered were soon forced to retreat.
以目前市场的成交量上攻又显然有点‘寡不敌众’,从近期市场氛围看,资金还是积极做多的。 Upside to the current market turnover also appears to be somewhat ‘outnumbered’ read from the recent market environment, capital is still positive to do and more.
飞刀悲愤扬起飞刀,刺杀日军无数,但寡不敌众,万分危急时,一伙蒙面人从天而降,救出飞刀。 Flying Flying raised anger, countless Japanese soldiers to kill, but outnumbered, very critical time, a group of masked men appear out of the blue, Flying rescued.
尽管他拥有着超人的力量,速度和永不疲惫的身躯,但是最终会因为寡不敌众或是伤痕累累而倒下。 All would be strong and swift and untiring, but eventually they would always be struck down by weight of numbers, or number of wounds.
他们奋勇杀敌,强壮、敏捷且不知疲倦,但是最后都会因寡不敌众或是伤口众多导致的失血过多而战死沙场。 All would be strong and swift and untiring, but eventually they would always be struck down by weight of numbers, or number of wounds.
苏格兰有个国王叫布鲁斯,在英国入侵苏格兰的时候,他们由于寡不敌众,一连进行了六次大战,都失败了。 A king is called Bruce in Scotland, when invading Scotland in Britain, because they are hopelessly outnumbered, last six the World Wars continuously, failed.
谭恩冲向村里去支援但是寡不敌众,当他的长剑在第十个被他杀死的敌人头盔上击碎的时候,他撤向纽明尼的神庙。 Tanin rushed to the town’s aid but was outnumbered badly, and when his sword shattered on the helmet of his tenth slain foe, he retreated to the temple of Numiennen.
一座废弃的旧窑场里,47名战士奋勇厮杀,终究火力悬殊寡不敌众,谷子地亲眼看着战友们一个个死去却无能为力。 An abandoned old Yao Chang, 47 soldiers bravely fighting, the gap between the end of firepower Guabudizhong, millet and personally watched his rades die one by helpless to intervene.
公元1884年,荷兰入侵兰芳共和国,兰芳共和国虽进行了抵抗,但终因寡不敌众而失败,其残余势力逃至苏门答腊。 Year 1884, the Netherlands invasion Lan Fong Republic, the Republic of Lan Fong Although a resistance, but the end result of Guabudizhong and failures, its remnants fled to Sumatra.
他虽然用那根威风的棍子打了几个强盗,最后还是寡不敌众地倒下,他的手下拿他的棍子痛打他,打得他躺在地上奄奄一息。 His great stick hit several of the other robbers, but at last he himself fell. He was beaten with his own stick until he lay as if dead.
8月31日,彼得雷乌斯将军在澳大利亚接受采访时说,新的方案让美军“变被动为主动”,至少让基地分子“寡不敌众”。 In an interview in the Australian on August 31st, General Petraeus said the new approach had made his soldiers “pursuers instead of defenders”, putting al-Qaeda “off-balance at the very least”.
“没有我的允许四龙竟敢弄来雨!”玉帝勃然大怒,而命令了天兵天将拘捕四龙。因寡不敌众,四龙打不过他们,他们很快被逮捕并且带回到天宫。 “Go and get four mountains to lay upon them so that they can never escape! ” The Jade Emperor ordered the Mountain God.
词语大全 卵石不敌造句_卵石不敌中英文解释和造句
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