词语大全 寸草不留造句_寸草不留中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 寸草不留造句_寸草不留中英文解释和造句
寸草不留 cùn cǎo bù liú
词语大全 寸草不生造句_寸草不生中英文解释和造句
寸草不生 cùn cǎo bù shēng
但有个裂缝的缺口,并且寸草不生。 But a yawning gap, and grass nowhere.
在他们脚下是寸草不生的土地。 Beneath them the earth was naked of grass.
干燥的荒漠草原几乎寸草不生。 The dry plains of the Sahel are mostly treeless.
这儿是一片寸草不生的乡村。 It is a stretch of country side bare of vegetation.
那是一片荒凉辽阔、寸草不生的田野。 a vast, gloomy plain, where there was no grass.
远处寸草不生的山坡下是村办炼铁厂的全景。 Far is a village below desert hillside those who do an ironworks is panoramic.
它改变了赤泥堆场寸草不生的状态,使其成为绿洲。 The red alkaline mud dump site is changed into grassland.
我到了田野间。那是一片荒凉辽阔、寸草不生的田野。 I was in a plain; a vast, gloomy plain, where there was no grass.
如果树木被过量砍伐,那么森林就会消失,大地将寸草不生。 If too many trees are cut down , forests will disappear and Nothing will grow on the land.
如今,由于没有树木来保障地下水源供给,水库周围变得寸草不生。 Now the land around the reservoir is barren – there are no trees protecting the underground water supply.
到了二十世纪,神话的面纱褪去,月球只不过是座寸草不生的荒原。 In the 20th century the veil of mythology was lifted. The Moon was nothing more than a deserted and barren plain.
只见一望无边的大沙漠,千年不化的大雪山,寸草不生的大戈壁尽收眼底。 Saw a look of boundless desert, a thousand years of the Snowy Mountains, panoramic view of barren Great Gobi.
现在这些填埋场就已经寸草不生,恐怕到我们的下一代,也不能打井喝水了。 Now these landfill sites have been saying, I am afraid that our next generation can not drilling drink.
却有八百里火焰,周围寸草不生,若过此山,铜脑盖,铁身躯,也要化成汁哩。 Not a blade of grass can grow anywhere around. Even if you had a skull of bronze a body of iron, you would melt trying to cross them.
结果,当地寸草不生,洪水泛滥成灾,曾经美丽银白的星球变成一片潮湿的荒地。 As a result, the native plants died, floods were mon, and a once-beautiful, silvery planet was now a soggy wasteland.
却有八百里火焰,四周寸草不生,若过此山,就是铜脑盖,铁身躯,也要化成汁哩。 Not a blade of grass can grow anywhere around. Even if you had a skull of bronze and a body of iron you would melt trying to cross them.
却有八百里火焰,周围寸草不生,若过此山,就是铜脑盖,铁身躯,也要化成汁哩。 Even if you had a skull of bronze and a body of iron, you would melt trying to cross them.
浦东从一个寸草不生的地方,变成一个未来派的城市,充满了各种富有挑战性的建筑。 Pudong has changed from Padi fields and empty barren land, to the futuristic city filled with buildings that are architecturally challenging.
苦在环境和气侯上,衣食住行上,在黄河岸边拍,很苦,寸草不生的地方,连一只鸟都没有。 Suffering in the environment and climate on food, clothing, on the shore of the Yellow film, hard, barren places, have not even a bird.
田地外边是寸草不生的沙漠,有的地方像是突然隆起的小山,有的地方则平平地伸向地平线。 At the edge of the fields, rising in dramatic hills or stretching flat to the horizon, lay the brown barren deserts.
在这片寸草不生的土地上,中亚牧羊犬负担起两个主要的职责——保卫看守羊群和主人的财产。 In the desert-and-steppe area the dogs should bear two main functions – to protect and guard the herds and owner’s property as well.
他们的土地几乎寸草不生;他们在沙漠荒野里放牧牲口;人们从看上去像闪光的浮冰的物质中提炼盐块。 Almost nothing grows on their land; their animals graze on desert bushes; the people mine ingots of salt from what looks like shimmering pack ice.
从冰天雪地的冻土地带到热带雨林地区,再到寸草不生的茫茫荒漠,地球上每一个生态环境中都有人类的足迹。 Human beings fill every ecological niche on the planet, from the icy tundra to the tropical rain forests to the deserts.
我就是沙漠里的一只鸵鸟。虽然沙漠里寸草不生,环境恶劣,可我从没有想过,有一天,我会跑出这片祖传的土地。 I was an ostrich in the desert. Although the desert grass, bad environment, but I never thought that one day I will run out this piece of ancestral land.
弗君星球酸雨如注,因此寸草不生。这是一个被原力黑暗面所笼罩的不祥之地。富有的贵族家庭马尔雷奥家族扎根于弗君。 A world doused by acid rain down pours that have kept it devoid of vegetation, Vjun is a foreboding planet steeped in the dark side of the Force.
位于冰块上方的海域,它的范围延至欧洲、非洲和南美洲的北海岸,拓宽至寸草不生的北极圈冰原及枝叶茂盛的泰加针叶林。 The sea upon which it rides is bounded by the northern coasts of Europe, Asia and North America-vast stretches of tundra and taiga.
迦太基最后被罗马毁灭,而记载迦太基末日的故事中描述,极为愤怒的罗马人为了让迦太基寸草不生,还在周围土地洒上盐巴。 Carthage was eventually destroyed by Rome, and stories of its destruction describe Romans as being so angry that they salted the fields around Carthage so that nothing could ever grow in them again.
77岁的阿雷杭德罗•桑契兹用手杖指向一块他种过玉米和紫花苜蓿、现已枯干寸草不生的田说:「基亚瓜再也撑不了多久了。」 “Quillagua cannot resist much longer, ” said Alejandro Sanchez, 77, pointing a cane at a parched, grass less field where he once grew corn and alfalfa.
长期以来人们一直以为,汉唐之间的数百年是中国的黑暗时代,其时中国一如寸草不生的阿拉伯鲁卡哈利沙漠,在文化上纯属一片空白。 It has long been believed that the centuries between the Han and Tang dynasties were China’s Dark Ages—a time as devoid of cultural merit as Arabia’s Empty Quarter is of trees.
然而到了山顶,他看到的是一片死气沉沉寸草不生的山谷,他又和袭上心头的恐惧斗争,并克服了它,再次将背包向左肩移了移,蹒跚地走下山坡。 He fought with his fear again, overcame it, hitched the pack still farther over on his left shoulder, and lurched on down the slope.
寸草不生 cùncǎobùshēng寸草不生的意思和解释:寸草:一点儿草。形容土地贫瘠,连一点儿草都不长。亦形容灾情严重。寸草不生的出处元·关汉卿《窦娥冤》第四折:“那山阳县有用
寸草不生 cùncǎobùshēng寸草不生的意思和解释:寸草:一点儿草。形容土地贫瘠,连一点儿草都不长。亦形容灾情严重。寸草不生的出处元·关汉卿《窦娥冤》第四折:“那山阳县有用
寸草春晖 cùncǎochūnhuī寸草春晖的意思和解释:寸草:小草;春晖:春天的阳光。小草微薄的心意报答不了春日阳光的深情。比喻父母的恩情,难报万一。寸草春晖的出处唐·孟郊《游
寸草春晖 cùncǎochūnhuī寸草春晖的意思和解释:寸草:小草;春晖:春天的阳光。小草微薄的心意报答不了春日阳光的深情。比喻父母的恩情,难报万一。寸草春晖的出处唐·孟郊《游
春晖寸草 chūnhuīcùncǎo春晖寸草的意思和解释:春晖:春天的阳光;比喻父母对儿女的慈爱抚养。寸草:一寸长的小草;比喻子女对父母的养育之恩的无限感戴心情。春晖寸草的出处唐
春晖寸草 chūnhuīcùncǎo春晖寸草的意思和解释:春晖:春天的阳光;比喻父母对儿女的慈爱抚养。寸草:一寸长的小草;比喻子女对父母的养育之恩的无限感戴心情。春晖寸草的出处唐