词语大全 对症下药造句_对症下药中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 对症下药造句_对症下药中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 对症之药造句_对症之药中英文解释和造句

词语大全 对症下药造句_对症下药中英文解释和造句

对症下药  duì zhèng xià yào








  • 斗转星移, 转眼间又过了15年。The seasons change fast and 15 years more have passed in a twinkling.
  • 斗转星移,南湖的巨浪推动着革命的航船。 Passage of time, South Lake waves pushing the ship of the revolution.

  • 斗转星移,时光飞逝。 Bottle turn the star moves, days is fleet.

  • 秋去冬来,斗转星移。 Autumn turns to winter, small things bee big.

  • 斗转星移,春来秋去,转眼间30年过去了。 Time flies and 30 years have passed before one realizes it.

  • 时轮铿铿,斗转星移。 When annulus clang, bottle turn the star moves.

  • 试衣间在哪斗转星移明星合成儿?在您的右手边。 Where is dressing room? /It’s on your right hand.

  • 斗转星移,岁月更迭,古老的鄂尔多斯今朝换新颜。 Bottle turn the star moves, years alternate, old E Er is much this now is changed new colour.

  • 斗转星移,新千年的阳光已经穿云破雾普照神州大地。 Bottle turn the star moves, the sunshine of new chiliad has worn the cloud to defeat earth of China of mist illuminate all things.

  • 从机场出发的路上,你很快就会对中国斗转星移的改变泄气。 Yet your sense of marvel at China’s transformation is easily deflated on the drive from the airport.

  • 时代变迁,斗转星移,回首飞龙已经走过了二十余载的风雨历程。 With the times past, looking back, Feilong has already walked twenties years way with wind and rain.

  • 时空斗转星移,从公元1994年一下子就来到了十五年后的今天。 Stars changed while time passing, AD 1994 eventually came to its 15 years later.

  • 寒来暑往,斗转星移,但爱不变。记得我的肩膀永远都是你的依靠。 Everything es and goes, but love stays. When you need someone, remember that I’d be there.

  • 20年斗转星移,深圳已从昔日的边陲小镇变成了欣欣向荣的现代化城市。 As time goes by, the small border town of Shenzhen from the past into the thriving modern city.

  • 斗转星移,业已干枯的残花败柳,其凋零不可避免,取而代之的是新的风景线。 Inexorably, the ground that had been solid crumbles, and new shores emerge.

  • 时光的斗转星移可以旋走多少不眠之夜,但唯有那份真挚的追求永远铭刻在心。 Time and tide might sweep away sleepless nights, but not the sincere pursuit of the cause engraved on our mind.

  • 斗转星移,一个极具天赋的婴儿诞生了,他有着对梦想的使命和力量去将梦想实现。 With every changing of the stars, a baby is born who has the greatest of gifts, a heart and a mission to dreams and the power to bring them to live.

  • 一个人的天堂,看日出日落,斗转星移,一个人,一杯茶,一本书,一份难得的安逸。 One person’s paradise, watching Richuriluo, seeing the sun and stars ‘s rising up and down:one person, a cup of tea, a book, a rare easy and fortable.

  • 斗转星移,日升月落。手中抓不住的,除了沙,流水、时间,一切一切。没有哪个是属于自己的么? As time goes by, fail to grasp the hands of the matter, in addition to sand, water, time and whatever. Which isn’t their own?

  • 历经无数次沧海桑田,斗转星移,地球母亲的美丽变成了曾经,取而代之的是苍老肮脏和面目全非。 After countless vibrant passage of time, earthshaking earth mother turned into a beauty once, replaced by old dirty and distorted beyond recognition.

  • 多少年来斗转星移,大自然给它印上了五颜六色,更丰富了画面的艺术魁力,真是一个大型玛尼石刻展。 For many years Douzhuanxingyi that nature to it printed on the colorful, more enriched the painting The Art Kuili, Mani stone is a large-scale exhibition.

  • 虽然和你默默地度过了很长的一段路,斗转星移,四季交替,黑夜与白天,都令我颠倒了时间上的次序。 Although you spent in silence a long way, passage of time, earthshaking alternating seasons, night and day, have given me the time to reverse the order.

  • s色欲禁地之艳帝传奇m斗转星移合成照m的影响巨大,所以一些权威部门认定她为美国女权运动的创始人。 Lucretia Mott’s influence was so significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United States.

  • 斗转星移,时至今日,伊利诺州参议员巴拉克·奥巴马已经成为美国史上首位获民主党提名的黑人总统候选人。 Senator Barack Obama of Illinois has bee the first black man to accept the Democratic nomination to bee President of the United States.

  • 可是,看着各位在座的表情,我现在确信你们守护这座建筑的爱心将会更甚于我们的期望并且随着斗转星移而日进月益。 However, looking at your face here, I am now confident that you will keep this building with even better care than we could expect and that it will improve as time goes by.

  • 时间就是这么特别,随时随地从你身边溜走,却再也回不来了,斗转星移,日月如梭,时间就这么不辞而别,飞奔而去。 Time is so special, anywhere away from your side, but you can not return, and the passage of time, Riyuerusuo, time so walked, flew away.

  • 看着这个在集市上东瞅西了的男孩,不由使我忆起了童年闲逛赶集时的历历往事,岁月其徂,斗转星移,物也非也,人也非也。 Look at the boy strolling in the rural fair, I can’t help to recall my childhood. Time flies so quickly and everything changes quickly.

  • 海的幸福是潮起潮落,山的幸福是此起彼伏,自然的幸福是斗转星移,我的幸福就是为您提供方便,如果您需要的话请电话我。 The happiness of the sea is told, Hill is happy to break out, the seasons have changed is the nature of happiness, my happiness is for your convenience, if you need to do so please phone me.

  • 翻译差不多翻译成:蓝天之上,天国里斗转星移。你当身置更高的地方,不要与我形影相随,我曾归属地球[大地],且永远也是。 Above the blue , Wherethe tides of heaven flow, You are destined for higher ground, Not to linger with me , to the earth I am ever bound , Eternally.

  • 斗转星移,刘亦菲如今成为了多少少男们的梦中情人,不过,跑步机对于成长经历与众不同,身世背景神秘的刘亦菲来说,她远不止“少男梦中情人”这么一个角色。 The seasons have changed, Yifei now the number of boys who dream lover, but for the unique growth experience, background mysterious origins Yifei, far more than her “dream lover boys” such a role.

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