词语大全 将心比心造句_将心比心中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 将心比心造句_将心比心中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 心比天高是什么意思及造句 成语大全

词语大全 将心比心造句_将心比心中英文解释和造句

将心比心  jiāng xīn bǐ xīn







  • 但“将心比心”只是一方面; But the “Care” is on the one hand;

  • 我们会推己及人、将心比心:尊重各种不同的观点。 We will treat others as we expect to be treated: with respect for different views.

  • 我们是有些本地人眼中的陌生人,我们要将心比心。 Feel for others and you will get along well with your friends.

  • 我觉得人和人的交往最重要的是真诚。真诚是将心比心。 The relationship between people is base on sincerity which means you need to municate with each other heart to heart.

  • 朋友们:请小心!请想一想,别人感情呢?请将心比心吧! Friends: please Care! Please think about the feelings of others?

  • 多站在对方立场,将心比心地想,必定能更了解你的另一半。 Stand by his sides, think more about him, open your heart to his.

  • 多站在对方立场,将心比心地想,必定能更了解你的另一半。 Thinking stand in partner’s point, it must be know ur partner more.

  • 多站在对方的立场,将心比心地想,必定能更了解你的另一半。 Standing on the other side of the position more, thinking about the feeling, you will be able to learn more about your partner.

  • 不是同情,而是同感——即能设身处地地为人着想,将心比心; Not sympathy, but empathy — the ability to stand in somebody else’s shoes;

  • 猴子懂得了将心比心,于是常常乐于助人,而受到大家的喜欢。 Care to understand the monkeys, they are often ready to help others, and by everyone’s favorite.

  • 将心比心,即便热心的纪子也承认她有时候也会忘记她死去的丈夫。 The warm-hearted Noriko confesses to forgetting occasionally about her dead husband, measuring herself against a cruelly high standard.

  • 客工也是人!将心比心,当我是老板时也把你锁在此地,你会如何? Well, the Boss thinks that only himself is Human being, the workers are animals.

  • 很感触。人心都是肉做的,能做到相互体谅,将心比心的也不容易。 Do not wish to be anything but what you are , and try to be that perfectly.

  • 将心比心,你怎么还能为这样罪大恶极的人辩护?请你帮帮我们吧! Feels for others, can you how also for such guilty of the most heinous crime person defense Asks you to help us!

  • 多站在对方的立场上,将心比心的想,必定能更加的了解你的另一半。 Unless stand at position of the other side more, think feel for others, certainly can understanding the remaining halves of you.

  • 将心比心的替别我着想,要是一单鞋你穿戴夹手,他人的觉得大概也同样。 Always put yourself in the other’s shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the person too.

  • 这就需要同情心和将心比心的想像力,没有这两点就无法用道德观念来进行思考。 This in turn requires sympathy and imagination:without which there is no capacity for moral thought.

  • 朋友之间,最重要的是谅解,是将心比心,而不是拿自己的付出来要求对方回报。 The most important is you must understand each other between friends, you must considerate the problem in his shoes, instead ask for repayment for your payment.

  • 对待别人,要将心比心,推己及人,推人及于万物,并认为仁是成人之道,不仁无以为人。 Treat others, to Care, appreciate others, pushing persons and in all things, and that Jen is into the coin, inhumane without that person.

  • 无论在网络上,还是现实中,只要你真心待人,别人也会将心比心,对你报以同样的真诚! If you treat a person with your pure heart, he or she would pay you back in the same way, both online and in the reality.

  • 我自己是农民出身,最能体会农民的需求,保护农民的利益应该将心比心,设身处地为他们着想。 Myself is peasant family background, can experience the demand of the farmer most, the interest that protects a farmer should pare the heart the heart, be considerate is their consider.

  • 当家人、同事或是好朋友深深地伤害了你,不妨将心比心,以已所欲,待之与人,即使他们不值得。 Whether its a family member, somebody at work, or your best friend whose hurt you badly, put yourself in their shoes and treat them the way you would want to be treated, even if they dont deserve it.

  • 我们是有些本地人眼中的陌生人,我们要将心比心。经济好的时候,大家都有工作做,相安无事,天下太平。 When times are good and everyone has a job, people can live with each other peacefully.

  • 我们为父母设身处地、将心比心,理解父母,心平气和地与父母交谈,表达自己的心声,获取父母的理解和信任。 We establish body ground and pare heart for the parents heart, prehend parents, calmly and parents’ confabulation, express an own true feelings, obtain the parents’ prehension and the trust.

  • 库里先生认为:“当你对待员工时,应该设想自己如何被对待,就是中国有一句古语‘将心比心’,即设身处地的意思。” As one Chinese ancient idiom said – ‘Take your own heart pared to others’, which means treat others as you wish to be treated.

  • 这就需要同情心和将心比心的想像力,没有这两点就无法用道德观念来进行思考。看到动物受苦足以使大多数人产生同情感。 This in turn requires sympathy and imagination: without which there is no capacity for moral thought. To see an animal in pain is enough, for most, to engage sympathy.

  • 在我和我丈夫的关系里,我们尝试与彼此沟通,我们尝试将心比心,易地而处地去感受另一半的感觉,而那其实真的并不容易做到。 My husband and I try to municate in our partnership, and we try to step into each other’s shoes and see what the other person is feeling, and that’s a really hard thing to do.

  • 在暴力面前每一个生命都会害怕颤抖。每一个生命都是好生怕死。只要能将心比心,那么你又忍心伤害谁呢?你又忍心制造什么苦痛呢? All beings tremble before violence. All fear death, all love life. See yourself in others. Then whom can you hurt? What harm can you do?

  • 在西方在欧洲,萨马兰奇能抛弃西方的傲慢和偏见,以微笑和亲和对待中国,中国人感受得到,对他的怀念当然发自内心,真可谓将心比心。 In Western Europe, Juan Antonio Samaranch to abandon Western pride and prejudice, to smile and affinity toward China, the Chinese felt that his memory from the heart, of course, be described as Care.

  • 不明白对方的想法,对方跟你说话,你永远只独自发呆,那就是一段缺乏沟通的爱情。多站在对方立场,将心比心地想,必定能更了解你的另一半。 I think that the above saying is also useful for our cirle’s management. so every members of this circle should understand each other and be interactive to make our circle better.

  • 将心比心造句相关


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    中文发音: xīn bǐ tiān gāo


    成语出处:清 曹雪芹《红楼梦》第五回:“霁月难逢,彩云易散。心比天高,身为下贱。”



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