词语大全 将信将疑造句_将信将疑中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:风流不在谈锋胜,袖手无言味最长。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 将信将疑造句_将信将疑中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 将信将疑造句_将信将疑中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 将信将疑造句

词语大全 将信将疑造句_将信将疑中英文解释和造句

将信将疑  jiāng xìn jiāng yí








  • 魏王道:“我有些将信将疑了。” The king replied that he would not.

  • 胡德一开始将信将疑,但后来信任她了。 Hood was wary but he grew to trust her.

  • 将信将疑地跟着妈妈来到了电脑面前。 I doubt my mother came along in front of a puter.

  • 他跨上马,将信将疑地说:“感谢上帝。” ” Mounting the horse, he said skeptically, ” Praise the Lord.

  • 可是他仍旧将信将疑。 But he was still doubtful.

  • 于是,小鹰将信将疑地随鹰妈妈来到悬崖边。 Thus, the Kitty Hawk with the eagle skeptical mother to e to the cliff edge. Nervous and trembling.

  • 刚开始,周经理是在将信将疑中开始创建活动的。 At the beginning, in half believing and half Zhoujingli began building activities.

  • 夫妻俩将信将疑–只有50万元,怎么能买得起两套房? Husband and wife half believing and half — only 50 million, how can it be affordable two suites?

  • 秦二世又看了看那只鹿,将信将疑地说:“马的头上怎么会长角呢?” The emperor had another look at the deer and said questioningly:”Are there two questioningly on horse’s head?””

  • 虽然有关方面言之凿凿地说现在的奶是安全的,但是人们依然将信将疑。 Although the parties concerned said with certainty present’s milk is safe, but the people are still half believing and half doubting.

  • 胡苹说,医生动员她们来查病,很是费了一番口舌,但她们还将信将疑。 Hu Ping said that the mobilization of doctors to check their patients, it costs a lot of words are, but they also Skeptical.

  • 正当刘涛将信将疑时,对方又发过来一网站,上面有详细的抽奖活动的介绍。 When proper Liu Tao is half believing and half doubting, the other side sends one website again, there is the introduction of detailed lottery activity above.

  • 人们对广告总是将信将疑,害怕广告会欺骗他们,让他们买些根本不需要的东西。 People have always been equivocal about advertising, worrying that it hoodwinks themsintosbuying things they do not need.

  • 杨小姐同大多数初闻试住的消费者一样,将信将疑地问道:“哪能有这样的好事?” She lived with the majority of consumers in the early Wen ban, half believing and half to asked : “How have such a good thing?”

  • 海老公将信将疑,冷笑道:“你如没喝汤,干么一按左边肚子,又会痛得这么厉害?” The old eunuch wasn’t sure whether to believe him or not. ‘If you didn’t drink the soup, ‘ he said, ‘how is it that it hurt so badly when you pressed your belly?

  • 女人经常迟到十分钟以上或不来,并说一些你将信将疑的理由,那你不妨考虑和她分手。 Women often late for 10 minutes or more, or not, and that some of you Jiangxinqiangyi reasons, you may wish to consider breaking up with her.

  • 据传该炒家手头还有更多新货准备逐步放出,不少欲购买该楼盘的消费者对此消息将信将疑。 Reported that there were more new products for speculators on gradually shed, a lot of consumers to purchase the property this news half in doubt.

  • 其他国家对此将信将疑,特别是今年一月,中国曾使用空间导弹击落了一枚属于自己的废弃卫星。 Other nations are less sure, especially after China used a ballistic missile to shoot down one of its own defunct satellites in January this year.

  • 再有,他是在一个十分混乱的时刻告诉我的,那时关于他的种种传闻我已经到了将信将疑的地步。 Moreover he told it to me at a time of confusion, when I had reached the point of believing everything and nothing about him.

  • 当他们真的见到 时,有几个还将信将疑。这也难怪他们,因为他们所经历的每件事都太超乎常理了。 When they then in fact saw Him, a few doubted, all too understandably, because everything they had experienced was too much to handle.

  • 对于这些传闻,人们将信将疑.他们认为自己受苦受穷是命中注定的,他们无意冒犯任何人,只求茍且偷安。 But the people had listened to these rumors with only half an ear; they were poor and fated to be poor; they did not want to fight anybody, they only wanted to be left alone.

  • 人们纷纷怜悯他,抚摸着他的小脑袋说上帝真好—然而,即便到他长大成人,这句赞美仍令他将信将疑。 People pitied him, stroked his head and said God was good, but even as a boy he was not so sure.

  • 甚至我廉价出售的商品都可能使他们将信将疑,然而我的爱心一定能温暖他们,就像太阳的光芒能溶化冰冷的冻土。 and even my bargains may cause them suspicion yet my love will melt all hearts liken to the sun whose rays soften the coldest clay.

  • 希拉里说她第一次看到我时,我正在耶鲁大学法学院大厅里向我将信将疑的同学们吹牛,说霍普镇的西瓜是如何如何大。 Hillary says the first time she ever saw me, I was in the Yale Law School lounge bragging to skeptical fellow students about the size of Hope watermelons.

  • 一位谦卑的牧师给你一支祝福权杖,坚持说它被他的神施加了魔法。你带着将信将疑的神态,一言不发地接过了他的礼物。 A humble priest gives you a Wand of Blesses, insisting it was originally enchanted by his god. As unlikely as that is, you say nothing and accept his kind gift.

  • 就在人们对宣传将信将疑之际,破译人类基因组30亿个化学“字母”的密码可能对科学、医学以及对人类的观念带来巨大的冲击。 Even when the hype is discounted, decoding the 3bn chemical ” letters” of the genome is likely to have a huge impact on science, medicine and our perception of what it means to be human.

  • 就在人们对宣传将信将疑之际,破译人类基因组30亿个化学“字母”的密码仍有可能对科学、医学以及对人类的观念带来巨大的冲击。 Even when the hype is discounted, decoding the 30 billion chemical “letters” of the genome is likely to have a huge impact on science, medicine and our perception of what it means to be human.

  • 虽然费通尼魅力十足,但奥基一开始就将信将疑——毕竟,基本语里的“共享机会的商务伙伴”听上去隐约类似斯沃克斯语里的“傻瓜”。 Despite Faytonni’s charm, Oakie was initially suspicious — after all, “mutual opportunity business partners” in Basic sounds uncannily like a Swokes Swokes word for “suckers.

  • 长期以来,中国政府对非政府组织将信将疑,特别是这类海外组织。因为这些组织曾为推翻前南斯拉夫、乌克兰和格鲁吉亚政府的运动提供贷款。 The Chinese government has long been suspicious of NGOs, especially foreign ones, because of the support some lent to the overthrow of governments in former Yugoslavia, Ukraine, and Georgia.

  • 普雷特将信将疑,但诺德向他保证,由于急需资金,开颜姐妹会已批准文物的出售事宜,不过,为了隐瞒姐妹会的窘境,她们不想将此事声张出去。 Pratuhr was suspicious but Nod assured him the Sisterhood had authorized the sale to raise desperately needed funds but wanted to keep it quiet to hide their dire situation.

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