词语大全 小家子气造句_小家子气中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 小家子气造句_小家子气中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 小家碧玉造句

词语大全 小家子气造句_小家子气中英文解释和造句

小家子气  xiǎo jiā zi qì






  • 不过他不是个小家子气的恋人。 But he was not a jealous lover.

  • 别这么小家子气吗,考虑一下我们的意见呀! Don’t be so parochial. Consider our opinions please.

  • 柯恩兄弟的电影或许很便宜,却不小家子气。 Coen brothers films may be cheap, but they’re not small.

  • 但它的开价可一点也不小家子气:270万美元。 But there’s nothing small about its asking price: $2. 7 million.

  • 你干嘛这么小家子气他有个芭比,有什么大不了? What are you being such a weenie for?So he has a Barbie. Big deal.

  • 而火焰杯恰恰是个让电影蜘蛛侠也显得小家子气的大制作。 “Goblet” on the other hand is an action epic of a size that makes the last “Spider-Man” movie seem small.

  • 只不过腾讯的小家子气可能最终让它错过引领整个产业的机会。 Just the small home of Tecent child gas may let it finally miss the opportunity that leads whole industry.

  • 磅礴的陈毅、邓小平也使人们认为四川并不是南方人的小家子气。 Majestic’s Chen Yi, Deng Xiaoping has led people to believe that Sichuan is not the southerners Xiaojiaziqi.

  • 豁达。女人最忌的是小家子气,豁达一些会发现自己有了更多的朋友。 Open-minded. Woman what to hate most is the coarse spirit, open-minded and some will discover that the oneself had more friends.

  • 中国文化是博大精深的,这也是历史常识!不管你是哪国人,都不要小家子气。 China is the great giant country, i am so proud that i am a chinese! ! ! !

  • 但你穿得一身小家子气,我猜你出身贫寒,而且你的校友也不曾让你忘记这一点。 But you wear it with such a disdain, my guess is that you did not e from money and your school friends never let you forget it.

  • 但是许彬师傅丝毫没有任何怨言,相反之下,我的忐忑不安倒显得有点小家子气了。 However, Master Hui Bin did not have any plaints, on the contrary, I am in the back seemed a bit uneasy Xiaojiazaiqi the.

  • 懂得知足就可以男人不要斤斤计较,不要敏感多疑,不要小家子气这样的男人最讨厌!! If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may never learn.

  • “我做事不喜欢小家子气,”做丈夫的回答说,“逢到这当口,人宁可大手大脚,而别小里小。 “I would not wish to do any thing mean, ” he replied. “One had rather, on such occasions, do too much than too little.

  • 遥想当年,《情深深雨蒙蒙》里,乐姑娘那张小家子气的尖尖脸,被说比还要刻薄相,命薄如纸。 Thinking back then, “Romance in the Rain”, the music goes Xiaojiaziqi girl’s sharp face, was also said that more than mean-phase, Ming Bao, such as paper.

  • 假如刻意穿紧密包覆的衣服,然又不小心露出肩带,反而显得很小家子气,这是应该尽量避免的。 If wear the dress that includes Fu cheek by jowl painstakingly, show aglet not carefully again like that, appear very small instead child gas, this should avoid as far as possible.

  • 而建筑精致的广州楼盘会被北京消费者所不屑,只因广州楼盘缺乏宏势与派,显得“小家子气”。 And the construction works will be pleted in Guangzhou Beijing consumers not worth doing because the Guangzhou market trend and style of Wang, looked “Xiaojiaziqi.”

  • 百度放弃自己做财经频道是对的,但百度先做一堆新闻频道,然后一个个卖掉,却显得有点小家子气。 It is right that Baidu abandons him being channel of finance and economics, but Baidu bees channel of one caboodle news first, next each sells, appear a bit small however child gas.

  • 按照上世纪五、六十年代的标准来看,当今的大多数豪华车都在油耗上显得小家子气,驾驶起来也不够威猛。 By the standards of the 1950s or 1960s, most of today’s luxury cars are fuel-sipping, unassuming rides. By the standards that the U.

  • 由于他们的地位主要是靠研究,而他们的研究只有很少一些人看得懂,所以就会产生不安全感、小家子气和满腹怨言。 Because their status largely depends on their research, which may only be understood by a tiny number of people, insecurity, petti-ness and bitchiness often result.

  • 无论是保守党军人还是自由民主党仍然表示,他们支持[军队的]部署,但他们的抨击政府缺乏战略并对军队小家子气。 Both the Tories and the Lib Dems still say they back the deployment, but they attack the government’s perceived lack of strategy and its parsimony towards the armed forces.

  • 无论是保守党军人还是自由民主党仍然表示,他们支持[对军队的]部署,但他们的抨击政府缺乏战略并对军队小家子气。 Both the Tories and the Lib Dems still say they back the deployment, but they attack the government’s perceived lack of strategy and its parsimony towards the armed forces.

  • 不满由来已久,其中包括他们未能遵守在今年夏天买进一名一流的中场大将的承诺以及过去三年间在球队身上小家子气的投资。 The grievances are long but they include the failure to keep the promise of signing a top class centre midfielder this summer, as well as the general lack of investment during the past three summers.

  • 接到这个片子时,我们认为单纯从汽车外观看,车子应具备飞越月球的彪悍与统揽群雄的势,而不是车子开过杂货店时的小家子气。 For this ad, we focused on an exterior that looks better suited for a lunar mission than cruising toward the local grocery store.

  • 还有请忘了交换礼物这回事吧,不准再交换礼物了,因为工会会员认为10元美金的礼物太昂贵,而且咱们的高层认为10元美金太小家子气。 Forget about the gifts exchange, no gifts exchange are allowed since the union members feel that $10. 00 is too much money and executives believe $10. 00 is a little chintzy.

  • 纽约过去从不自我炫耀,而只让别的城市去这样做,因为自我炫耀显得“小家子气”。纽约既然是独一无二的、最大的而且是最好的城市,也就没有必要宣称自己是如何与众不同了。 New York City used to leave the bragging to others, for bragging was “bush” Being unique, the biggest and the best, New York didn’t have to assert how special it was.

  • 小家子气造句相关


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