词语大全 小手小脚造句_小手小脚中英文解释和造句

Posted 小脚

篇首语:水至清则无鱼,人至察则无徒。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 小手小脚造句_小手小脚中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 小手小脚造句_小手小脚中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 削足适履造句_削足适履中英文解释和造句

词语大全 小手小脚造句_小手小脚中英文解释和造句

小手小脚  xiǎo shǒu xiǎo jiǎo






  • 用钱不要那样小手小脚!Don’t be so stingy with the money!
  • 我也来晒晒小手小脚吧! I also came to sun drying on the hands and legs!

  • 小手小脚的瘦弱家伙——埃德蒙·威尔逊。 a wispy little fellow with small hands and feet- Edmund Wilson.

  • 很有文学味,一双小脚,一双小手,会打扮。 very literary, with tiny feet, little hands, she dresses well.

  • 于是它在「巨人尼布诺」故事,被画成有着小手小脚。 So in the tale “The Giant Nipuno, ” the basket is painted as having appendages.

  • 他在他身前站着,注视他的头和在被子底下显露出轮廓的小手小脚。 He stood over him, gazing at his head and his little arms and legs that showed beneath the quilt.

  • 他会轻轻的和你说,感觉你的小手小脚然后为你的每一次翻身而感到兴奋。 He will gentle to speak with you, feel little hand of you, bound foot feel excited for your standing up each time.

  • 有的小型制卡和会员卡制作企业甚至一次只购买几张橡皮布,可谓不小手小脚了。 There is a small business card printing and membership card making enterprise even once only purchase some pieces of rubber blanket is under your belt. 3.

  • 最近宝宝手眼开始协调,小手小脚的活动力越来越强,会玩弄小手,也开始想翻身动一动; The recent baby hand eye starts to coordinate, the small hand and feet moving force is more and more strong, can play with the small hand, also starts to want to stand up from failure moves;

  • 处处可见新生婴儿,处处可见粉嘟嘟的、小手小脚软软的婴儿,他们蜷伏在父亲胸前的棉兜里。 It is full of newborns, of pink soft-limbed infants in cotton carriers on daddy’s chest.

  • 我可怜的巴阿雷,这姑娘可真棒,很有文学味,一双小脚,一双小手,会打扮,生得白净、丰满,一双抽牌算命的女人的那种眼睛。 my poor Bahorel, she is a superb girl, very literary, with tiny feet, little hands, she dresses well, and is white and dimpled, with the eyes of a fortune-teller.

  • 卷曲的黑发,棕色的皮肤,大大的黑眼睛,漂亮的鼻子,整齐的牙齿,小手小脚,身材比我高多了,彬彬有礼,白面英俊,活泼开朗,只是不知道他多大了。 Curly black hair, brown skin, big black eyes, handsome nose, fine teeth, small hands and feet, taller than I am, very polite, for a boy, and altogether jolly. Wonder how old he is?

  • 第一次让他趴在楼梯上的时候他一脸的茫然,不知道如何协调小手小脚让自己向上前进,于是我想,宝宝刚刚会爬不久,爬楼梯对他来说可能太难了,还是算了。 The first time when I put him on the stairs, with a puzzled face, Eason didn’t know how to coordinate his hands and feet to go up. I thought maybe I was a little bit pushed.

  • 小手小脚造句相关


    词语大全 削足适履造句_削足适履中英文解释和造句

    削足适履  xuē zú shì lǚ








  • 这样做就意味着削足适履。 To do this means to cut the foot to fit the shoe.

  • 削足适履:鞋小脚大,为了穿上鞋把脚削小。 Act in a Procrustean way: Shoe bound feet is big, cut the foot to put on a shoe small.

  • 有时候是自己的不情愿,到了削足适履的程度!! Sometimes it is their own reluctance, to the extent the other way around! !

  • 强调科学方法,忽视人性特质而陷入削足适履困境。 and 3) the emphasis on scientific methods and the neglect of human nature, which trapped the development onto a procrustean bed.

  • 然而,在许多反恐法专家来看,这无异于削足适履。 To many experts on counter-terrorism law, however, this sounds like a counsel of impossible perfection.

  • 企图削足适履,将它们嵌入某种欧洲模子,是愚蠢的。 It would be folly to try to fit them into some sort of identikit European personality.

  • 也不可削足适履,以“物理科学”观,规范所有的科学学科。 They can neither normalize all scientific subjects with physics science, act in a Procrustean way.

  • 我相信没有人会去削足适履,毕竟只有适合的东西才是好的。 I trust that none will stretch the seams in putting on the coat, for it may do good service to him whom it fits.

  • 这个成语的寓意和汉语削足适履一样是强求一致/ 不合理的要求按照同一标准办事。 The suspect and Chinese idioms Qiaojukuolu: force is the same as / unreasonable demands act in accordance with the same standards.

  • 这个削足适履的倾向,更是因为作者所起的书名以及在首章引入的激活行文的暗喻而加重。 This tendency is exacerbated by the book’s title and the animating metaphor introduced in the opening chapter.

  • 在这样的外部条件下,一定要以土地资源丰富的发达国家的房价与收入比例衡量中国市场,岂不是削足适履? In such external conditions, a land rich in resources to the developed countries average ine ratio measured with the Chinese market, it is the Procrustean Fit?

  • 民族国家理论仅仅从政府间的角度考量权力关系,无视经济全球化,或者削足适履地将全球经济关系放进固有的理论框架中。 Nation-state theory sees power relations only between different state actors, and excludes a global economy, or subjugates it to the nation-state model.

  • ——生命的意义就在于它是为了活着,既不是为了某种交易,也不是为了被赋予某种概念,更不是为了削足适履以纳入某种体系形式。 The meaning of life is that it is to be lived, and it is not to be traded and conceptualized and squeezed into a pattern of systems.

  • 从这里想开去,其实所谓长尾的大头,在没有多少选择的时候,的确是存在的,因为我们没有其他的选择,只能“削足适履”,被迫适应。 My point is: the big head of the Long Tail does exist – that is – when you do not have much choice, you have to change yourself and fit into the options you have.

  • 削足适履造句相关



    词语大全 削足适履造句_削足适履中英文解释和造句

    削足适履  xuēzúshìlǚ削足适履的意思和解释:适:适应;履:鞋。因为鞋小脚大,就把脚削去一块来凑和鞋的大小。比喻不合理的牵就凑合或不顾具体条件,生搬硬套。削足适履的出处《淮

    词语大全 削足适履造句_削足适履中英文解释和造句

    削足适履  xuēzúshìlǚ削足适履的意思和解释:适:适应;履:鞋。因为鞋小脚大,就把脚削去一块来凑和鞋的大小。比喻不合理的牵就凑合或不顾具体条件,生搬硬套。削足适履的出处《淮

    词语大全 削足适履造句_削足适履中英文解释和造句

    削足适履  xuēzúshìlǚ削足适履的意思和解释:适:适应;履:鞋。因为鞋小脚大,就把脚削去一块来凑和鞋的大小。比喻不合理的牵就凑合或不顾具体条件,生搬硬套。削足适履的出处《淮

    词语大全 削足适履造句_削足适履中英文解释和造句

    削足适履  xuēzúshìlǚ削足适履的意思和解释:适:适应;履:鞋。因为鞋小脚大,就把脚削去一块来凑和鞋的大小。比喻不合理的牵就凑合或不顾具体条件,生搬硬套。削足适履的出处《淮

    词语大全 成语小手小脚意思解释 成语大全

    成语词典>>小手小脚的意思解释成语小手小脚发音:xiǎoshǒuxiǎojiǎo 释义:形容不大方。也形容做事没有魄力。 出处:示例:近似成语:做小伏低自用则小知小谋大

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    词语大全 小脚子   [xiǎo jiǎo zǐ]什么意思

    小脚子  [xiǎojiǎozǐ][小脚子]基本解释从事搬运的役夫。[小脚子]详细解释从事搬运的役夫。《金瓶梅词话》第五九回:“敬济拿钥匙开了那边楼上门,就有卸车的小脚子领筹搬运。

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