词语大全 小心谨慎造句_小心谨慎中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:生活不是上帝的诗篇,而是凡人的欢笑和眼泪。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 小心谨慎造句_小心谨慎中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 小心谨慎造句_小心谨慎中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 奉命唯谨造句_奉命唯谨中英文解释和造句

词语大全 小心谨慎造句_小心谨慎中英文解释和造句

小心谨慎  xiǎo xīn jǐn shèn








  • 通过小心谨慎投资我获取了利润。 I make a profit by careful investment.

  • 你认为吉姆总是比别人小心谨慎吗? Do you think Jim is always more cautious than others?

  • 他是一个小心谨慎的好驭手。 He was a good and a careful driver.

  • 政府在“行使”其权力时必须小心谨慎。 The government must be careful in its exercise of power.

  • 可以随心所欲地想,但要小心谨慎地说; You can think freely but need to say out cautious.

  • 但是,必须小心谨慎,不要造成阀座损坏。 However, extreme caution must be used to prevent seat damage.

  • 在寝室里做家庭作业,小心谨慎地防止出错。 He did his homework in his bedroom, careful not to make any mistakes.

  • 他总是小心谨慎,从不说任何引起歧义的话。 He is so careful as not to say anything ambiguous.

  • 另外一个理由是更多的人小心谨慎的远离鲨鱼活动的区域。 Another is that more people are careful to stay away from waters where sharks swim.

  • 在这段时间里,他把能弄到手的票据都小心谨慎地兑成现款。 He used the time to carefully cash every chip he could put his hands on.

  • 你会小心谨慎的写字,好象这支笔在下一个时刻就可能会干枯; Would you write cautiously and carefully, as if the pen might run dry the next moment.

  • 警告!系统液体可能是热的。对热水系统手动排气时要小心谨慎。 Warning! system fluid may be hot. Use Caution when manual venting hot water systems.

  • 所以即使拥有成功和圆满的事业和生活,君子也不能不时时小心谨慎。 Although have, so success and satisfactory career are mixed the life, gentleman also have to constantly scrupulous.

  • 在印刷品中,考虑到单词的外观和结构,单词的分断必须小心谨慎且前后一致。 In print, words need to be divided carefully and consistently, taking account of the appearance and structure of the word.

  • 我们已经观看了他们对伯恩利的比赛,他们发挥非常出色,所以我们必须小心谨慎。 We have watched their game against Burnley and they did well so we have to do our job properly.

  • 我们需小心谨慎,勿将智者当成神。当然,他们有强大的力量,但因此也不易看出他们的个性。 We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality.

  • 如果有人伤害了你,原谅他们,因为他们让你学习到信任和对人推心置腹时小心谨慎的重要性。 If someone hurts you, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.

  • 这次我小心谨慎了些,在那些少年毫无防备的时候吸走了他们的生命,避免产生痛苦、绝望和悲伤。 This time, I was more careful, taking their futures from them without warning, so there was no time for pain, despair or sadness.

  • 安装期间应该小心谨慎,要流出足够的空间,使得阀门能够充分操作、调节和设置到所需要的状态。 Care is needed during installation to provide free access to enable the valve to be fully operated, regulated and set in the required position.

  • 然后他教导你要如何在日常生活起居上对所有人、事、物的态度要保持小心谨慎,做一个有信用的人。 Then it teaches you how to be cautious with all people, matters, and things in your daily life, and how to be a trustworthy person.

  • 他所受的伤并不是很严重,但是在阿隆索身上我们遇到了同样的问题,所以我们必须小心谨慎,我们都怀念他了。 The injury he had wasn’t a bad one but we had problems also with Xabi Alonso so we needed to be careful and we have missed him.

  • 你会小心谨慎的写字,好象这支笔在下一个时刻就可能会干枯;还是装做相信这支笔能够永远写下去而信手写来呢? Would you write cautiouslycarefully, as if the pen might run dry the next moment, or would you pretend or believe (or pretend to believe) that the pen will write foreverproceed accordingly?

  • 凯文:是的,我很谨慎。凭我过去多年的会计经验,我太清楚小心谨慎的必要。我相信自己会是这份工作的不二人选。 Kevin:Yes, I do. From my years of accounting experience, I know too well that great care is a must. I believe I’m the right man for this job.

  • 这种操作在手工进行时,要求特别小心谨慎,但是采用截止止回阀则可以自动进行,而不会产生压力波动或水位扰动。 This operation requires considerable care when performed manually, but is acplished automatically by a stop check valve, without pressure fluctuations or disturbance of the water level.

  • 卫生部门昨日称,人们应该通过平衡膳食来摄取人体所需的维生素,并建议人们在服用大剂量的维生素药片时须小心谨慎。 The Department of Health said yesterday that people should try to get the vitamins they need by eating a balanced diet and advised care in taking large doses of supplements.

  • 还有人认为,就像卡梅隆现在所说,撒切尔既是“革命家又是渐进家”,她小心谨慎地实现目标,通常不会事先兜售这些目标。 Another view is that Mrs Thatcher was, as Mr Cameron now puts it, a “revolutionary but also a gradualist”, who achieved her aims cautiously, often without advertising them in advance.

  • 文章的标题能描述文章内容的。不要在标题上小心谨慎和含糊不清。这只能使人们跳过它。在标题里使用关键字和清楚的语言描述。 Write Headlines That Tell What the Post is About. Don’t be cagey or vague in headlines. It’ll just make people skip the story. Use keywords and clear language in headlines.

  • “尤文最大的威胁是尤文,我们必须小心谨慎,”扎内蒂说。“无论如何,这里也有着其他强队,如那不勒斯,博洛尼亚和热那亚。 “Juve’s greatest threat is Juve – we have to be very careful, ” said Zanetti. “However, there are also other strong sides like Napoli, Bologna and Genoa.

  • 她们的母亲小心谨慎的地方——攒钱或将钱花在她们的子女身上——女人们现在认为花钱为她们买乐趣,放纵自己是对的,那就花吧。 Where their mothers would have been cautious saved their money or spent it on their kids women now think it’s OK to buy themselves treats, to indulge themselves, just spend money.

  • 签署《国际刑事法院罗马规约》的国家要承担抓人的义务,因此,巴希尔总是小心谨慎,避免前往作出抓人承诺的、会给他带来严重后果非洲国家。 States that sign the ICC’s Rome Statute mit themselves to help with that, so Mr Bashir has been careful to avoid going to places in Africa where such promises are taken seriously.

  • 小心谨慎造句相关


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