词语大全 尖担两头脱造句_尖担两头脱中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 尖担两头脱造句_尖担两头脱中英文解释和造句
尖担两头脱 jiān dàn liǎng tóu tuō
词语大全 虎头蛇尾造句_虎头蛇尾中英文解释和造句
虎头蛇尾 hǔ tóu shé wěi
中国好多奥运会的项目是虎头蛇尾。 A lot of Olympick projects of China is anti-climax.
虎头蛇尾。把大山搬到老鼠前面,反差更甚。 The mountain has brought forth a mouse.
后性能优良的第一幕,其余的发挥是一个虎头蛇尾。 After the fine performance in the first act, the rest of the play was an anticlimax.
每一年,姚明都以难救主,火箭都是虎头蛇尾的怂样。 Every year, Yao Ming is difficult to Savior, the Rockets are doing it by halves of the kind of counseling.
他做事总是虎头蛇尾的,以至于今天受到了老板的责骂。 He was always such a quitter as to scolded by his boos today.
基于这些下行风险,最近房屋价格的上扬可能会虎头蛇尾。 Given these downside risks, the recent pop in house prices will probably fizzle.
一件小事作得完美胜过多少事做得虎头蛇尾。—-柏拉图。 Better to plete a small task well, than do much imperfectly. —- Plato.
这一特点在实际工作中的直接反映,就是时紧时松,虎头蛇尾。 The direct report of this one characteristic in real work, namely when close Shi Song, anticlimactic.
你似乎给人一个印象,不管你做什么,你总是虎头蛇尾,没做完。 Somehow you give people the impression that whatever you do is half-baked.
你似乎给人一个印象,不管你做什么,你总是虎头蛇尾,没做完。 Somehow you give people the impression that whatever you do is half-baked.
同时,学习中要避免照抄照搬、大而空、严人宽己和虎头蛇尾等现象。 In the meantime, copy word for word should avoid to copy in study, wide oneself mixes big and sky, severe person anticlimactic wait for a phenomenon.
雪见不知道为什么给我感觉虎头蛇尾,一出场很精彩,后面发挥得不够。 But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you, they are wrong.
一个有责任感的人,遇事不会漠不关心或虎头蛇尾,所以也是个可以付托重任的人。 A responsible person will not handle matters as if he didn’t care, nor will he start out with big plans but end up doing very little. He is someone who can take on heavy responsibilities.
一个有责任感的人,遇事不会漠不关心或虎头蛇尾,所以也是个可以付讬重任的人。 A responsible person will not handle matters as if he didn’t care, nor will he start out with big plans but end up doing very little. He is someone who can take on heavy responsibilities.
当然,如果经济复苏虎头蛇尾从而使美国陷入双底型经济衰退,谷歌可能会受到冲击。 To be sure, Google could be hurt if the economic recovery sputters and the U. S. slides into a double-dip recession.
2000年,在收到警方的警告后,他中止了销售,这次虎头蛇尾,只卖出了900份。 He suspended sales in 2000 after police warnings—and selling an anticlimactic 900 copies.
这个结局有点虎头蛇尾的感觉,可至少杨致远已选定一个方向,突破过去五个月来混沌不明的局面。 The oute of a Hutoushewei the impression that Jerry Yang could have been selected at least one direction, breaking the past five months the situation chaotic unknown.
说不定在结尾里——她惯于把一个及物动词压成一个不及物动词——显得过于突然,有虎头蛇尾之感。 Perhaps the end with its characteristic squeezing of a transitive verb into an intransitive role-is too abrupt and anticlimactic.
还想学一种舞蹈,我发现健身对我一直没有吸引力所以每每虎头蛇尾,但是我想舞蹈可以吸引我坚持。 Finally I found it’s too hard for me to stick on the wellness plan with the boring machines or sports, but I think dancing will work. So, try it.
戴维斯在谈到此次拍卖时间的经历时表示:“这次拍卖显得有些虎头蛇尾我想我再也不会干这种事了。” “It wasn’t too terribly exciting since the winning bid was made four or five days ago, ” Davis said. “It was anticlimactic at the end.
又或者完成了一项工作……所有这些成功都可能是虎头蛇尾地完事,然后你很快便开始寻找下一个挑战。 plete a project…It can be a bit of an anticlimax and so you immediately start looking for your next challenge.
成功的求职信决不是虎头蛇尾的,往往会在此提及关于希望得到面试的事情。因此,结尾一样要引起重视,如。 I should be glad to have a personal interview and can furnish references if desired.
强大的宣传攻势,固然可在近期使区域经济抬升,但更重要的是为以后的发展打下良好的基础,否则难免虎头蛇尾。 Powerful propaganda offensive, it may in the near future to the regional economy decreasing, but more important is to lay a good foundation for future development unless it off.
当你决定做一件你觉得能够成功完成的事情时,却十有八九会虎头蛇尾,中途变卦。你很想即刻就知道你努力的结果。 you need to know the results of your efforts almost immediately. you enjoy mental stimulation and love to get into a good discussion!
配套设施虎头蛇尾是指房地产开发商提供的配套设施在房屋销售时看似正常运作,在业主入住后就难以避免存在的陷阱。 facilities off refers to the real estate developers to provide facilities when seemingly normal operation in housing sales, it is difficult to avoid after the owners live in the presence of traps.
配套设施虎头蛇尾是指房地产开发商提供的配套设施在房屋销售时看似正常运作,在业主入住后就难以避免存在的陷阱。 refers to the real estate developers to provide facilities in the housing sales, seemingly normal operation in the presence of the owner occupancy after the inevitable trap.
06年莫拉莱斯执政后,玻利维亚经历了一次商品繁荣(但这场“虎头蛇尾”的繁荣已经告终了),这是他倍受爱戴的部分原因。 Mr Morales is popular, in part because since taking office in January 2006 he has presided over a modity boom (which is now fizzling).
防陷绝招:购房者要避免配套设施的虎头蛇尾,一是购房者应冷静分析各种配套设施存在的可能性和合理性,不为表面现象所迷惑。 Subsidence unique skill : the purchase of facilities to avoid the start : First, property buyers should calm analysis of the existing facilities may necessity, not the symptoms are confused.
但在前二轮改革中,省、市、县、乡四级政府之间互相推脱分摊改革成本的责任,结果这两次改革都变成了虎头蛇尾的“假改革”; But in the first two turns of reforms, the four levels of governments of the province, the city, the county, and the township shirked mutually the shares of the reform cost and the responsibility;
奥萨格先生认为其有两大优点:第一、它能防止一些棘手的决策受到政治的干扰;第二、它能促进改革的持续性,避免虎头蛇尾的一次性改革。 Mr Orszag argues that it has two big merits: it insulates tough decisions from politics and it encourages ongoing rather than one-shot reform.
虎头蛇尾 hǔtóushéwěi虎头蛇尾的意思和解释:头大如虎,尾细如蛇。比喻开始时声势很大,到后来劲头很小,有始无终。虎头蛇尾的出处元·康进之《李逵负棘》第二折:“则为你两头白
虎头蛇尾 hǔtóushéwěi虎头蛇尾的意思和解释:头大如虎,尾细如蛇。比喻开始时声势很大,到后来劲头很小,有始无终。虎头蛇尾的出处元·康进之《李逵负棘》第二折:“则为你两头白
卵覆鸟飞 luánfùniǎofēi卵覆鸟飞的意思和解释:鸟飞走了,卵也打破了。比喻两头空,一无所得。卵覆鸟飞的出处清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·阿霞》:“人之无良,舍其旧而新是谋,卒之
卵覆鸟飞 luánfùniǎofēi卵覆鸟飞的意思和解释:鸟飞走了,卵也打破了。比喻两头空,一无所得。卵覆鸟飞的出处清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·阿霞》:“人之无良,舍其旧而新是谋,卒之
卵覆鸟飞 luánfùniǎofēi卵覆鸟飞的意思和解释:鸟飞走了,卵也打破了。比喻两头空,一无所得。卵覆鸟飞的出处清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·阿霞》:“人之无良,舍其旧而新是谋,卒之
卵覆鸟飞 luánfùniǎofēi卵覆鸟飞的意思和解释:鸟飞走了,卵也打破了。比喻两头空,一无所得。卵覆鸟飞的出处清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·阿霞》:“人之无良,舍其旧而新是谋,卒之
词语大全 尖担两头脱 [jiān dàn liǎng tóu tuō]什么意思
尖担两头脱 [jiāndànliǎngtóutuō][尖担两头脱]成语解释两头尖的扁担无法挑东西。比喻两头落空。[尖担两头脱]成语造句你这里怕不有千般揣摩,却将咱一时瞒过,则怕你