词语大全 十万八千里造句_十万八千里中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 十万八千里造句_十万八千里中英文解释和造句
十万八千里 shí wàn bā qiān lǐ
想象真的会离事实十万八千里的! What one imagines can truly be miles apart from the facts!
公正的惩罚跟报复可差得十万八千里。 Righteous punishment is a thousand light years away from revenge.
活人和死者之间的距离有十万八千里。 There was an immeasurable distance between the quick and the dead.
他一跳就能有十万八千里。 He can jump fifty-four thousand kilometers high.
现实与他们吹嘘的相差何止十万八千里。 The reality is far from what they boast.
但这两个国家的文化有时相差十万八千里。 But the cultures of the two countries sometimes seem to be miles apart.
“休息室”与中文厕所的概念相距十万八千里。 To refer to a toilet as a “rest room” is miles apart from the Chinese idea of a toilet.
但是你知道,她离我住的地方有十万八千里远。 well, fabulous…but, you know, a million, million miles from the world I live in.
如果你想想看,通常我们明星的“自然美”甚至离自然十万八千里远。 If you think about it, even our celebration of “natural beauty” is often far from natural.
唐僧的答案是长期持有,这一持有就持有了14年,共行程十万八千里路。 Tang is the answer to long-term holders, the holders on hold for 14 years, thousands of miles of road trip.
呃…别介意…”就也许会是他的出一条与你所想的相差十万八千里的结论。 uh…never mind…” would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking.”
可以说,中国的个人收入证明的真实性与其他市场经济国家相关十万八千里。 It can be said that China’s personal ine proved the authenticity is related 108, 000 great distances with the other marketing country.
上帝虽然拣选了大卫作王,但他的行为却跟上帝所期待的,相距了十万八千里。 David’s actions were way out of line with how God wanted him to behave as His chosen king.
后来喜欢上孙悟空,梦想着像他那样翻个筋斗,十万八千里,一路上降妖除魔。 Afterward liked Sun Wukong, imagined is looking like him such to turn a somersault, 108, 000 great distances, the subdue demons eliminated the evil spirit all the way.
可以说,中国的个人真实性收入的证明其真实性与其他市场经济国家相关十万八千里。 It can be said that China’s personal ine to prove the authenticity of the authenticity of its market economy and other related countries thousands of miles.
这不仅是因为那时合格的译员凤毛麟角,而且还因为双方的思维方式也相差十万八千里。 Not only were qualified interpreters as scarce as hen’s teeth, but the gap in mentality was a million miles wide.
孙悟空掏出金箍棒,摇身一变,跳入空中,十万八千里,站在如来面前,微笑着,哈哈哈。 Monkey King toke out Gold-Banded Cudgel , turned, jumped into the air for flying thousands of miles away, stood in front of Budd laughing aloud.
也许有人会说,IT业和养猪业差了十万八千里,贸然进军一个新的行业,投资风险极大。 Perhaps someone can say, IT course of study differed an a great distance with the course of study that raise a pig, rushed march a new industry, investment risk is great.
工资确实低,也不是没有高工资的,但是比例太少了,比之上海、北京等城市就相差十万八千里了。 Really low wages, they are not high-wage, but the proportion of too few, than Shanghai, Beijing and other cities on the difference of thousands of miles.
它给那班学生留下的道德影响,离开道德教诲十万八千里—它所引起的情感不是对于作者的尊敬。 Its moral effect on that class was far from encouraging–the sentiment it aroused being not one of regard for its author.
自己几天来原来只落得个30小时的在线时间,贡献、帖数等距离落伍 还有十万八千里,不禁黯然神伤。 Oneself get an online time of 30 hours a few days only so, contribution, post counts equidistance to fall behind to still have an a great distance, can’t help feeling dejected.
波士顿大学的芭芭拉。 李信坎宁安说:“在及时反应上,我们的视觉系统可比听觉系统差了十万八千里。” “The temporal resolution of our vision, ” said Barbara Shinn-Cunningham of Boston University, “is an order of magnitude slower than what our auditory system can cope with.
今天的科学家正在开发一种新的通信技术,这将使您和您的朋友们互动,在一个模拟环境下,即使你简直相差十万八千里。 Scientists today are developing a new munications technology that will allow you and your friends to interact inside a simulated environment even if you are thousands of miles apart.
(旁白)恶人跟他相去真有十万八千里呢。——上帝饶恕他!我愿意全心饶恕他;可是没有一个人像他那样使我心里充满了悲伤。 Villain and he be many miles asunder. — God Pardon him! I do, with all my heart; And yet no man like he doth grieve my heart.
爱和被爱,其实都不难遇见。难的是遇见合而为一的相爱。爱你的人和你爱的人若不是一个人,那么,爱情还离你有十万八千里之远! It is no difficult to love or to be loved . the hard part it to meet the person who loves you and it is him or her you are most fond of . or you find no real love otherwise.
很多少数族裔的人甚至不相信他们能感染上艾滋病毒,因为他们依然以为艾滋病是一种只有同性恋者、白人才能染上的疾病。这种想法跟实际情况相距十万八千里。 “A lot of minorities do not even believe that they could have it because they still think it is just a gay, white men’s disease, and it could not be further from the truth, ” he explained.
即使经过本周回调,股市交易额达仅到2008年平均交易额的14倍,与2007年高于平均交易额40倍的峰值相比,虽说不是相差十万八千里,但也是大幅缩水。 Even after this week’s rally, stocks were trading at 14 times 2008 earnings—not a steal, but still far cheaper than the 40 times earnings at which they traded at their 2007 peak.
由美联储人为操纵的货币汇率和货币政策,复杂的税法,太多的所谓“监管”机构和它们制定的无数条条框框,都表明我们离一个真正的自由市场经济还差十万八千里呢。 The monetary manipulations of the Federal Reserve, a plex tax code, the many “oversight” agencies and their mountains of regulations show that we are far removed from a free market economy.
华盛顿太多的人过于专注证明以下看法的意识形态意义:即美国的价值观是普适的、放之四海皆为准的,因而其也会被相隔十万八千里之外的人们不费吹灰之力地消化和接受。 Too many people in Washington were fixated on proving an ideological point: that America’s values were universal and would be digested effortlessly by people a world away.
我开始哆嗦了,像一把该死的音叉般颤动起来了,他很可能以为自己是一个非常了不起的接吻高手,以为吻得我都快要达到高潮了这才罢手,而实际上我离高潮还有十万八千里呢。 I start to shake, start to vibrate like a goddamn tuning fork, until he probably thinks he’s such a good kisser that I’m going into orgasm, but actually I’m about three counties away from an orgasm.
词语大全 寸步千里造句_寸步千里中英文解释和造句
寸步千里 cùn bù qiān lǐ
寸步千里 cùnbùqiānlǐ寸步千里的意思和解释:寸步:指距离非常短。虽然相距只有寸步,却如同千里之隔。比喻相见非常困难。寸步千里的出处唐·卢照邻《狱中学骚体》:“寸步千里兮
寸步千里 cùnbùqiānlǐ寸步千里的意思和解释:寸步:指距离非常短。虽然相距只有寸步,却如同千里之隔。比喻相见非常困难。寸步千里的出处唐·卢照邻《狱中学骚体》:“寸步千里兮
月明千里 yuèmíngqiānlǐ月明千里的意思和解释:月光普照大地。后多用作友人或恋人相隔遥远,月夜倍增思念的典故。月明千里的出处南朝宋·谢庄《月赋》:“美人迈兮音尘阙,隔千
月明千里 yuèmíngqiānlǐ月明千里的意思和解释:月光普照大地。后多用作友人或恋人相隔遥远,月夜倍增思念的典故。月明千里的出处南朝宋·谢庄《月赋》:“美人迈兮音尘阙,隔千
决胜千里 juéshèngqiānlǐ决胜千里的意思和解释:坐镇指挥千里之外的战局。形容将帅雄才大略,指挥若定。决胜千里的出处《史记·留侯世家》:“运筹帷帐中,决胜千里外,子房功
决胜千里 juéshèngqiānlǐ决胜千里的意思和解释:坐镇指挥千里之外的战局。形容将帅雄才大略,指挥若定。决胜千里的出处《史记·留侯世家》:“运筹帷帐中,决胜千里外,子房功
决胜千里 juéshèngqiānlǐ决胜千里的意思和解释:坐镇指挥千里之外的战局。形容将帅雄才大略,指挥若定。决胜千里的出处《史记·留侯世家》:“运筹帷帐中,决胜千里外,子房功
决胜千里 juéshèngqiānlǐ决胜千里的意思和解释:坐镇指挥千里之外的战局。形容将帅雄才大略,指挥若定。决胜千里的出处《史记·留侯世家》:“运筹帷帐中,决胜千里外,子房功
千里迢迢 qiānlǐtiáotiáo千里迢迢的意思和解释:迢迢:遥远。形容路途遥远。千里迢迢的出处明·冯梦龙《古今小说·范巨卿鸡黍死生交》:“辞亲别弟到山阳,千里迢迢客梦长。岂
千里迢迢 qiānlǐtiáotiáo千里迢迢的意思和解释:迢迢:遥远。形容路途遥远。千里迢迢的出处明·冯梦龙《古今小说·范巨卿鸡黍死生交》:“辞亲别弟到山阳,千里迢迢客梦长。岂