词语大全 一而再,再而三造句_一而再,再而三中英文解释

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篇首语:即使道路坎坷不平,车轮也要前进;即使江河波涛汹涌,船只也航行。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 一而再,再而三造句_一而再,再而三中英文解释相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 一而再,再而三造句_一而再,再而三中英文解释

2、词语大全 一而再,再而三的意思_成语“一而再,再而三”是什么意思

词语大全 一而再,再而三造句_一而再,再而三中英文解释

一而再,再而三  yī ér zài,zài ér sān








  • 我可以一而再再而三地去日本。 I could go to Japan again and again.

  • 于是一个人一直在想它,一而再再而三。 Then a person goes on thinking about it,again and again.

  • 唯一的最大的失败是一而再再而三的失败? The only ultimate failure is the failure to try and try again .

  • 故事很刺激,孩子们喜欢一而再再而三地听。 The stories are exciting and children enjoy listening to them again and again.

  • 我会一而再再而三地努力做到我想做到的事。 I will try to reach my goals again and again.

  • 他太热情了,一而再再而三地邀请我去他家做客。 He is so hospitable,and askes me to visit his home each time.

  • “没有人喜欢一而再再而三的动手术,”米奇说。 “Nobody likes to be operated (on) once or even twice,” Kupchak said.

  • (因为)你仍就在不断而盲目的救我,一而再再而三。 You’re still running blindly to save me again and again.

  • 他自己的叫声在寂静的山谷回响,一而再再而三地传回到他耳中。 His own cry,which clattered down the silent ravins,was borne back to his ears in the countless repetitions.

  • 我们不想要孩子,但我的父亲却一而再再而三的对我们说他想抱孙子。 We don’t want children,but my father keeps on and on talking about wanting grandchildren.

  • 一而再再而三地,媒体圈内人士都问我们:“史蒂芬又要上封面了吧?” Over and over,various members of the media are on us. “Steph gonna be on the cover again?”

  • 尤其是在有了明确目标,却一而再再而三预谋未遂的感觉更是万分的不妙。 Be in especially had specific target,however one and again,again and the feeling of abortive of 3 plot beforehand is more extremely bad.

  • 一而再再而三…等到我们发现问题,之间的关系已经比过期的面包更糟糕了。 One thing leads to another,and before we know it,our relationship has bee staler than one week old bread.

  • 我试着想把它当做没啥大不了的事,因而我一而再再而三的重复犯相同的错误。 I try not to make things a big deal and that’s how I have repeatedly mitted the same mistake over again.

  • 我试着想把它当做没啥大不了的事,因而我一而再再而三的重复犯相同的错误。 I try not to make things a big deal and that’s how I have repeatedly mitted the same mistake over again.

  • 一而再再而三,当他说话的尝试获得成功时,他的愿望会得到大人们的理解和满足。 Again and again,when his attempts at speech are successful,his desires are understood and fulfilled.

  • 一而再再而三地和编辑们及记者们谈到从前的贷款保证多达四千零九十亿美元的情况。 Over and over,I told editors and reporters about the $409 billion in previous loan guarantees.

  • 但业主们对公司的承诺表示怀疑:“他们一而再再而三地食言,叫我们怎么再相信他们。” However,owners of the pany expressed doubts about the mitment : “They repeatedly to fail,telling us how to believe them.”

  • 但是中国足球的每况愈下让中国球迷一而再再而三的受到打击,我们存抱希望,却每次失望而归! However,the decline of Chinese football fans China time and again by the blow,we have hope,but to the disappointment every time!

  • 但是中国足球的每况愈下让中国球迷一而再再而三的受到打击,我们存抱希望,却每次失望而归! But the Chinese football fans that China has been dominated by a blow to the us,hope,but every disappointment!

  • 但是中国足球的每况愈下让中国球迷一而再再而三的受到打击,我们存抱希望,却每次失望而归! But Chinese fans were hit time and time again by the downhill Chinese football. Though each time it seemed hopeful,the results were always disappointed at last.

  • 城市路面维修时,一而再再而三地发生地下管道割裂的现象,引起的慢性疾病折磨著许多大城市。 Repeatedly cutting open the road surface to repair various types of underground pipes has been pared to a chronic disease tormenting many big cities.

  • 主耶稣语重心长的,苦口婆心的,不厌其烦的,情词迫切的一而再再而三的提醒我们要小心,要警醒! Jesus advocates sincerely,tried best to convince,takes great pain,urgently reminds us again and again to be careful,be vigilant!

  • 这里有个问题。大多数人都只想着他们不想的事物,他们奇怪为什么那样的事情总是一而再再而三地发生。 Here’s the problem. Most people are thinking about what they don’t want,and they’re wondering why it shows up over and over again.

  • 愿伊朗从过去的错误中学取教训,而不一而再再而三地,重复由革命至独裁专政,再回到革命的恶性循环。 May Iran learn from past mistakes and not continue through the cycles of revolution to dictatorship to revolution again and again.

  • 一而再再而三要求在课堂上一点汉语也不要说,不管发生什么事都要说英语,即使着火了他们还要用英语说。 I tell my students time and time again that they cannot speak any Chinese in the classroom. No matter what happens,they have to speak English at all times,even if the classroom catches fire!

  • 和其他稳健发展的行当一样,摄影,使得本行的大腕们,觉得有必要对这一行的性质和价值,一而再再而三加以阐释。 Like other steadily aggrandizing enterprises,photography has inspired its leading practitioners with a need to explain,again and again,what they are doing and why it is valuable.

  • 跳羚也是全世界最杰出的跳高选手,当它受到惊吓要逃命时,往往会一而再再而三的立定跳高,高度高达3。5公尺,几乎是自己身高的五倍。 When alarmed or excited,it will make a series of stiff-legged vertical leaps up to 3. 5 meters high,almost 5 times higher than its own stature.

  • 在保守派人士看来,通过在鲜有宪法合理性的情况下推翻选举产生的立法者们的意见,自由派法官们在最近几十年里一而再再而三地暗中破坏法制。 As conservatives see it,liberal judges have repeatedly subverted the rule of law in recent decades by overruling elected lawmakers with scant constitutional justification.

  • 我想换一个。如果你买了件蓝色的东西,后来改变主意,又喜欢红色的,没问题,你可以拿回商店换红色的。但是如果你一而再再而三的心猿意马,小心了! If you buy something in blue and later decide that you really want it in red,you can return to the store and ask to exchange it for the new color.

  • 一而再,再而三造句相关


    词语大全 一而再,再而三的意思_成语“一而再,再而三”是什么意思

    成 语


    成语读音yī ér zài,zài ér sān
    成语解释 再:第二次。一次又一次。形容多次。
    常用程度 常用
    感情色彩 中性词
    成语结构 复句式
    成语用法 作定语、分句;指多次。
    产生年代 近代
    典故出处 清·俞万春《荡寇志》第109回:“那厮必然再用此法,一而再,再而三,我其危矣。”
    成语例句 张恨水《夜深沉》第40回:“~上了人家的当。”
    近 义 词 屡次三番
    英文翻译 again and again


    词语大全 一而再,再而三的意思_成语“一而再,再而三”是什么意思


    词语大全 一而再,再而三   [yī ér zài,zài ér sān]什么意思

    一而再,再而三  [yīérzài,zàiérsān][一而再,再而三]成语解释再:第二次。一次又一次。[一而再,再而三]成语出处《尚书·多方》:“至于再,至于三。”《荡寇志》一○

    词语大全 一而二,二而三的意思_成语“一而二,二而三”是什么意思


    词语大全 一而二,二而三   [yī ér èr,èr ér sān]什么意思

    一而二,二而三  [yīérèr,èrérsān][一而二,二而三]成语解释由一至二,由二至三。指由此及彼联想开去。[一而二,二而三]成语出处清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第二十八回:“因此

    词语大全 至再至三的意思_成语“至再至三”是什么意思


    古诗词大全 贈梁任父母同年 / 題梁任父同年


    古诗词大全 贈梁任父母同年 / 題梁任父同年


    古诗词大全 贈梁任父母同年 / 題梁任父同年


    古诗词大全 黄遵宪《赠梁任父母同年╱题梁任父同年》原文及翻译赏析

    赠梁任父母同年/题梁任父同年原文:寸寸山河寸寸金,侉离分裂力谁任。杜鹃再拜忧天泪,精卫无穷填海心。赠梁任父母同年/题梁任父同年创作背景  诗人是清末著名外交家黄遵宪,面对腐败的大清一而再,再而三的割地

    古诗词大全 黄遵宪《赠梁任父母同年╱题梁任父同年》原文及翻译赏析

    赠梁任父母同年/题梁任父同年原文:寸寸山河寸寸金,侉离分裂力谁任。杜鹃再拜忧天泪,精卫无穷填海心。赠梁任父母同年/题梁任父同年创作背景  诗人是清末著名外交家黄遵宪,面对腐败的大清一而再,再而三的割地