词语大全 只可意会,不可言传造句_只可意会,不可言传中

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篇首语:笛里谁知壮士心,沙头空照征人骨。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 只可意会,不可言传造句_只可意会,不可言传中相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 只可意会,不可言传造句_只可意会,不可言传中

2、词语大全 只可意会,不可言传的意思_成语“只可意会,不可言传”是什么意思

词语大全 只可意会,不可言传造句_只可意会,不可言传中

只可意会,不可言传  zhǐ kě yì huì,bù kě yán chuán








  • 只可意会不可言传,这就是女人! Women were meant to be loved,not to be understood .

  • 好画犹如佳肴,只可意会不可言传。 Good painting like good cooking,it can be tasted,but not explained.

  • 友谊的表达方式是只可意会不可言传的。 The language of friendship is not words but meanings.

  • 要说这草莓的滋味,却总是只可意会不可言传。 the way strawberry was always supposed to taste,but never knew how.

  • 佛蒙特的地标学院是一所(只可意会不可言传–)的学校。 Landmark college in * Vermont is a college for students with learning difficulties.

  • 房地产的最高境界是韵,而这像人的气质一样只可意会不可言传。 Real Estate Services is the highest level,which — just like people can accept and unspeakable.

  • 一说到宣传艺术,有人总觉得有点“玄”,认为它只可意会不可言传。 One respecting publicizes art,somebody always feels to have a place ” black “,think it a gratifying meeting,inexpressible.

  • 如果我瞥见了只可意会不可言传的事物,企图把它说出来,那是不明智的。 If we glimpse the unutterable,it is unwise to try to utter it.

  • 波兰尼认为,在柏拉图的显性知识传统之外,存在着只可意会不可言传的隐性知识。 In Polanyi s opinion,there is a kind of tacit knowledge out of the western tradition built by Plato which”can be sensed but not expressed in words”.

  • 缄默知识是一种只可意会不可言传的知识,这种知识类型广泛地存在于体育教学之中。 Tacit knowledge is something that we know but can not tell,it lies widely in physical teaching.

  • 在有者悠久历史的中国,有这样一个不成文的规则,很多事情是“只可意会不可言传的”。 It is a truth that  could be write into the paper,about many things you understand easily but you don’t know how to express.

  • 但只要是玩家,大凡都能体会到游戏中装备升级所带来的这种“只可意会不可言传”的快乐。 However,as long as the player is,when can feel the game in equipment upgrades brought about by this “can only sense,can not explain in words” happy.

  • 使人看不到垂直的墙,象自然生长起来一样,这种感觉只可意会不可言传,很难用语言表达出来。 Obscure vertical wall,like natural growth up,this feeling only too unspeakable,it is difficult to find words to express them.

  • 爱因斯坦抓住了问题的实质,他写道:“数十年黑暗中对真理的探索,只可意会不可言传的体验”。 Einstein captured it best when he wrote,“the years of anxious searching in the dark for a truth that one feels but cannot express.”

  • 是一种文化,是一种气质,是一份内涵,是智慧,是技巧,是积累,还是……也许,只可意会不可言传。 One culture,One connotation,is wisdom,is art or…Perhaps,only may feel cannot explain.

  • 九寨沟有最吸引人的景色,它的美只可意会不可言传。如果你有机会去九寨,千万不要迟疑,越早越好! Jiuzhaigou has been blessed with some of the most captivating landscapes on earth and words simply do not do it justice,and so you are encouraged to visit at the earliest opportunity.

  • 时间掌握在动画创作中是一个非常关键但也很难把握的内容,在很多人眼里是个只可意会不可言传的东西。 Time grasp in cartoon one very key in creating but difficult content that grasp very either,it is understood by thinking thing that cannot be explained in words that it is one in a lot of human eyes.

  • 时间掌握在动画创作中是一个非常关键但也很难把握的内容,在很多人眼里是个只可意会不可言传的东西。 in cartoon one very key in creating but difficult content that grasp very either,it is understood by thinking thing that cannot be explained in words that it is one in a lot of human eyes.

  • 而内隐知识往往相对“私有化”,深藏于知识的载体——人的头脑中,反映在技能上,通常只可意会不可言传。 And inside concealed knowledge often opposite ” change demesne “,the carrier that is hidden at knowledge — in the person’s brains,mirror on skill,normally gratifying is met,inexpressible.

  • 我国古典诗歌意境深远、韵律严谨、形式独特,其中那种只可意会不可言传的美,即使用现代汉语也很难完美地再现出来。 With typical artistic conception,metrics and form,Chinese poetry is known throughout the world. Those unique characteristics are very hard to convey even by modern Chinese.

  • 如果我们瞥见了只可意会不可言传的东西,企图把它说出来时不明智的,对我们不理解的事物,我们也不应该赋予它意义。 If we glimpse the unutterable,it is unwise to try to utter it,nor should we seek to invest with significance that which we cant grasp.

  • 这为人类只可意会不可言传的差异留下了发展空间。这种差异激发出伟大的文学、艺术和我们的生活,使之成为一个整体。 That leaves room for an unmeasured but discernible human difference,a difference that inspires great literature,art,and our lives as a whole.

  • 如果瞥见了只可意会不可言传的事物,企图把它说出来,那上不明智的;对于我们不理解的事物,我们也不应该去赋予它某种意义。 If we glimpse the unutterable,it is unwise to try to utter it,nor should we seek to invest with significance that which we cannot grasp.

  • 如果我蹩见了只可意会不可言传的事物,企图把它说出来,那是不明智的,对于我们不理解的事物,我们也不应该去赋予它某种意义。 If we glimpse the unutterable,it is unwise to try to utter it.,nor should we seek to invest with significance that which we cannot grasp.

  • 如果我们瞥见了只可意会不可言传的事物,企图把它说出来,那是不明智的;对于我们不理解的事物,我们也不应该去赋予它某种意义。 If we glimpse the unutterable,it is unwise to try to utter it,nor should we seek to invest with significance that which we cannot grasp.

  • 这种(构建)过程可以理解为创建一套新的数值,这种创建方式只可意会不可言传。这套新的数值可以用数学方法描述,进而洞析数值可能被处理和描绘的方式。 This construction can be interpreted as implicitly constructing a new set of values,which can be described mathematically,giving insight into the way the values can BE manipulated and represented.

  • 一句话,如果美有某种意义的话,我们千万不要去阐明它的意义。如果我瞥见了只可意会不可言传的事物,企图把它说出来,那是不明智的;对于我们不理解的事物,我们也不应该去赋予它某种意义。 in a word,beauty means something,yet we glimpse the unutterable,it is unwise to try to utter it,nor should we seek to invest with significance that which we can not grasp .

  • 只可意会,不可言传造句相关


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