词语大全 泼冷水造句_泼冷水中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:一个有信念者所开发出的力量,大于个只有兴趣者。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 泼冷水造句_泼冷水中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 泼冷水造句_泼冷水中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 泼冷水   [pō lěng shuǐ]什么意思

词语大全 泼冷水造句_泼冷水中英文解释和造句

泼冷水  pō lěng shuǐ






  • 他们对他的想法泼冷水时, 他并不泄气。He wasn’t discouraged when they threw cold water on his ideas.
  • 我们不能给他们的热情泼冷水。We must not pour cold water on their enthusiasm.
  • 屏住呼吸吧,我要开始泼冷水了。 But hold Ur nose cuz here goes the cold water.

  • 不管我建议什么,他总是给我泼冷水。 No matter what I suggest, he always throws cold water on the idea.

  • 别让你的亲戚来给你的乐观态度泼冷水。 Don’t let relatives to pour cold water on your optimism.

  • 终于有人给大家泼冷水了。 Finally some people poured cold water to everybody.

  • 我们应当鼓励他们,而不是向他们泼冷水。 We should encourage them instead of throwing cold water on them.

  • 不要对这个主意泼冷水。 Don’t pour cold water on the idea.

  • 我的观点是要泼冷水的。 My view is to dampen.

  • 董事长对我们筹集资金的所有建议都泼冷水。 The chairman poured cold water onto all our suggestions for fund raising.

  • 所有这些州的行动,让人欲罢不能,想泼冷水。 It is tempting to pour cold water on all this state activity.

  • 我们打算开个花店。可是父亲却给我们泼冷水。 We planned to start a florist shop. but Father threw cold water on the idea.

  • 我们打算开个花店。可是父亲却给我们泼冷水。 Don’t pour cold water on the idea: it may be just what we need.

  • 该给普遍存在的对亚洲迅速繁荣狂热泼泼冷水了。 Popular enthusiasm about Asia’s boom deserve to have some cold water thrown on it.

  • 很多最近的注资都赔了钱,这或许会为注资热情泼冷水。 Many recent capital infusions have lost money, which could temper enthusiasm.

  • 当然,在数据库营销被热捧的今天,也不乏泼冷水之声。 Of course, being in the database marketing Repeng today, there are also pouring cold water on the Voice.

  • 更不用指望它会去给铁了心要填补财政赤字的政府泼冷水。 I hardly expect the Bank to ment on the government’s determination to close the fiscal deficit.

  • IMF不应继续向此类措施泼冷水,相反,应该将这视为一种机遇。 Instead of continuing to throw cold water on such measures, the Fund should view this as an intellectual opportunity.

  • 他的父亲曾试图给他的写作泼冷水,而且对他的诗歌从来都是不屑一顾。 His father tried to discourage him from writing and never cared for his poems.

  • 中国政府或许是正在给房地产市场泼冷水,但一家开发商却在火上浇油。 China’s government may be splashing cold water on the nation’s property market but one buyer has just doused it with gasoline.

  • 他说:“办公室里所有的人都认为我的主意很好,就是我们的老板给我泼冷水。” Everybody else in the office thought my idea was great, but the boss threw cold water on it.

  • 他说:“办公室里所有的人都认为我的主意很好,就是我们的老板给我泼冷水。”。 Everybody else in the office thought my idea was great, but the boss threw cold water on it.

  • 而成龙虽一向崇拜田亮,却对他闯娱乐圈一事大泼冷水:“我想不到可以跟他拍什么戏! Tian Liang and Jackie Chan is always worship, but he was big dampen new entertainment business : “I can not think of what they can show with him!”

  • 是的,我还留在这个破论坛,因为每次被你们扔板砖泼冷水或者说我臭美,我真的受伤了。 Yes, I stayed. I stayed, because every time you threw up brick on the head or said I smelled, it hurts.

  • 我一直想上医学院。可是,那天我爸爸给我泼冷水,说他不一定有能力替我付那么多年的学费。 other day when he told me he wasn’t sure he had the money to pay my tuition for so long.

  • 当然,这并不是说:人类性生活的这个方面已经消失。而只是被断然否定、被泼冷水和被谴责。 This is not to say that this side of human sexuality disappeared, of course; it was simply denied, discouraged and condemned.

  • 他说:“我一直想上医学院。可是,那天我爸爸给我泼冷水,说他不一定有能力给我付那么多年的学费。” I had planned on going to medical school but my dad threw cold water on this idea the other day when he told me he wasn’t sure he had the money to pay my tuition for so long.

  • 他说:“我一直想上医学院。可是,那天我爸爸给我泼冷水,说他不一定有能力替我付那么多年的学费。” day when he told me he wasn’t sure he had the money to pay my tuition for so long.

  • 他说:“我一直想上医学院。可是,那天我爸爸给我泼冷水,说他不一定有能力替我付那么多年的学费。” t my dad threw cold water on this idea the other day when he told me he wasn’t sure he had the money to pay my tuition for so long.

  • 小马给利物浦上下泼冷水咯,他表示周日屠狗的表演并不意味着我们就能一步登天,仅仅只是一场普通的胜利而已。 Javier Mascherano has warned Liverpool that Sunday’s victory over Manchester United will count for nothing if it is not the start of a winning run.

  • 泼冷水造句相关


    词语大全 泼冷水   [pō lěng shuǐ]什么意思

    泼冷水   [pō lěng shuǐ]




    • 【解释】:比喻挫伤别人的热情或兴致。


    中国熟语,比喻败别人的兴头,打击别人的热情 更多→ 泼冷水


    Pour cold water on




    词语大全 泼冷水的意思_成语“泼冷水”是什么意思


    词语大全 泼冷水   [pō lěng shuǐ]什么意思

    泼冷水  [pōlěngshuǐ][泼冷水]基本解释比喻挫伤别人的热情或兴致。[泼冷水]详细解释【解释】:比喻挫伤别人的热情或兴致。[泼冷水]百科解释中国熟语,比喻败别人的兴头,打

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