词语大全 投桃报李造句_投桃报李中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 投桃报李造句_投桃报李中英文解释和造句
投桃报李 tóu táo bào lǐ
你帮别人取得成功,别人也会投桃报李。 When you help others to succeed, they will do likewise for you.
你是我的,我会投桃报李。 As, thou being mine, mine is thy good report.
有迹象显示,美国方面有可能投桃报李。 There are indications that the United States has probably reciprocated.
而阿里巴巴也马上投桃报李:我们会尽快促成会谈。 And Alibaba also the exchange gifts on the horse: We can facilitate as soon as possible talk.
中国人的善意,也得到了外国残疾运动员的投桃报李。 Chinese’s good intentions, also obtained the foreign disability athlete’s exchange of gifts between friends.
世间法本是相对,一般凡夫总是投桃报李,或以牙还牙。 Ordinary people are always either “returning the gift of a peach with a plum” or “taking a tooth for a tooth.
对于当地人民的赠予,人民解放军也尽可能的投桃报李。 The PLA probably reciprocated for everything that the local people supplied them;
“红”与“黑”本来势不两立,如今却相互渗透,投桃报李。 “red” and “Black” would have irreconcilable, penetrate each other now, to repay them.
同时在吸引外资的过程中引进国外的先进技术,即“投桃报李”。 Introduce foreign advanced technique in the process that attracts foreign capital at the same time, namely ” exchange gifts ” .
肯恩:第一条是平等互惠法则,也就是说人们有投桃报李的倾向。 Ken: The first law is the Law of 8)Reciprocity. It means that people tend to return favors.
而就在第二年夏天,当中西部闹水灾的时候,佛州人便投桃报李。 The next summer, during the Midwest flooding, Florida returned the favor.
从某种角度说,俄对阿奉行和缓政策是对阿疏远美国的一次投桃报李。 In some ways that Russia pursue moderate policies on the Arab-Israeli Arab alienation is the first time in the United States reciprocated.
或许阿里巴巴进入风投领域,有投桃报李之意,帮助更多的中小公司发展壮大。 Alibaba may be voted into the wind field, Toutaobaoli meaning and help more small and medium-sized panies to grow and develop.
或许阿里巴巴进入风投领域,有投桃报李之意,帮助更多的中小公司发展壮大。 Probably Alibaba enters wind to join a field, have the idea of exchange gifts, help more in small pany development expands.
多数博主都投桃报李,表扬这躺车,他们给予铁路公司的是一种日益重要的宣传。 Most of the bloggers returned the favor by talking up the train and giving the railway an increasingly important type of publicity.
多数博主都投桃报李,表扬这趟车,他们给渝铁路公司的是一种日益重要的宣传。 Most of the bloggers returned the favor by talking up the train and giving the railway an increasingly important type of publicity.
他投桃报李,遣一条船载新鲜水果、鱼、蔬菜以及一只猪,送给埃姆登号的德军。 In return, he sent a boat to the Emden loaded with fresh fruit, fish, vegetables and a pig.
然而,令这些地方失望的是,他们苦心制定的优惠政策并没有收到投桃报李的效果。 However, those who make these places disappointed is, the favourable policy that their pains makes did not get the result of exchange gifts.
如果你帮助我把这些垃圾从我的花园中清除出去,我会帮助你粉刷房子-投桃报李嘛! If you give me a hand clearing the rubbish from my garden I’ll help you to paint your house – you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.
投桃报李,我们将以更加优质、人性化的产品,更加完善的售后服务回报社会各界的厚爱。 reciprocated, we will be more high-quality, user-friendly products, more prehensive after-sales service return the love the munity.
转而卡特就投桃报李,助易建联连续跳投得手,后者如此轻松就拿到了他在网队的前4分。 Carter turned on to repay them, then jump in a row to help Yi Jianlian, who so easily get on his Nets in the first 4 minutes.
在华人看来,人家“给了面子”,自己便是得了人情,因此必须投桃报李,以便使对方也不失面子。 Chinese who has been “given face” feels that he or she has received a favour. In turn, he or she has to reciprocate the favour so that the other party will not lose face.
而且,既然老板的热心打动了她,她也就立刻下决心“投桃报李”,买了好几样东西后才离开了这里。 Moreover, since the owner moved by her enthusiasm, she is immediately determined to “repay”, bought a few things here before leaving.
同样乐于助攻的他此后又投桃报李地妙传给葡萄牙人单刀,可惜后者晃过门将后却将球打在了边网上。 He’s also happy to assist followed by the Portuguese to return a favor to pass Single, which is a pity, however, after goalkeeper Huang Guo ball in the side of the line.
商队亦投桃报李,将城堡列入商路为其带来财富,同时亦为城堡供应足够骆驼以供城堡组建骆驼骑兵部队。 The traders show their appreciation by including the place along their caravan route, bringing extra coin in, and ensuring there’s enough camels about to use them to form specialised cavalry units.
如果科比投篮不准的时候,他会传球助攻队友得分,而队友对于科比的助攻投桃报李的是稳稳地把球投进篮筐。 If the calls aren’t ing, he’s got to either pull up or hit a teammate with a pass – but they in turn need to reward him with a steady shot.
道金斯:为了投桃报李,我也乐意承认你所说的,我应该可以做得更有技巧一些,我也可以用更吸引人的方式展开沟通。 Dawkins : In exchange, I am happy to agree with you that I could, and probably should, have put it more tactfully.
中国人一而再的善意日方不但没有投桃报李,洗心革面地对过去所犯的战争罪行做出反省,还厚颜无耻地声称所有指责俱属诬蔑。 Not only did the Japanese not reciprocate the friendly gesture of the Chinese by making remorse over the war crimes, it declared shamelessly that all accusations on them were only mud-slinging.
在媒体问周迅与在《画皮》中搭档的感受时,周迅也投桃报李道:“我也是在今天早上才发现,原来我和邓超、孙俪是先后合作。 Zhou Xun and asked the media in “The Painted” partner in the feelings, Zhou Xun also reciprocated: “I found this morning, and I had DENG Chao, Sun Li is the co-operation one after another.
潘基文可以为较落后的国家做更多贴心的事,例如在这些国家的发展和维安方面都有可为之处,投桃报李,他将可以寻求更大的权力。 In return for doing more on issues dear to the poor world, like development or peacekeeping, which require heavier spending, he will seek greater power.
词语大全 投桃报李造句
报投 [bàotóu][报投]基本解释“投桃报李”的省称。[报投]详细解释“投桃报李”的省称。宋梅尧臣《和长吉上人淮甸相遇》诗:“报投仍勉强,实谬匠者为。”参见“报李”。[报投]
词语大全 报李投桃 [bào lǐ tóu táo]什么意思
报李投桃 [bàolǐtóutáo][报李投桃]成语解释意思是他送给我桃儿,我以李子回赠他。比喻友好往来或互相赠送东西。[报李投桃]成语出处《诗经·大雅·抑》:“投我以桃,报之以
词语大全 投桃之报 [tóu táo zhī bào]什么意思
投桃之报 [tóutáozhībào][投桃之报]成语解释比喻给对方的报答。[投桃之报]百科解释投桃之报指比喻给对方的报答。更多→投桃之报[投桃之报]成语接龙投桃之报报效万一一身