词语大全 披星戴月造句_披星戴月中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 披星戴月造句_披星戴月中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 披星戴月造句_披星戴月中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 带月披星的意思_成语“带月披星”是什么意思

词语大全 披星戴月造句_披星戴月中英文解释和造句

披星戴月  pī xīng dài yuè








  • 巡道工人披星戴月地执行任务。The trackmen work very hard from morning till dusk.
  • 终于子时鸡叫,我们披星戴月回家了。 At last, we have heard the crow, and happily home along with twinkling stars.

  • 师徒四人披星戴月,艰难地向西天走去。 Four master Pixingdaiyue, hard day walking to the west.

  • 不用在战斗地图和村庄之间往返奔波,披星戴月。 Do not have maps and villages in the fighting between the round-trip travel, .

  • 她的父母告诉记者:“现在的孩子上学相当辛苦,基本上是披星戴月。 Her parents told this reporter : “Now the children to school rather hard, basically seen.”

  • 那几年大关人造田简直造疯了,就违反上背着襁褓的母亲也闲不住,也披星戴月地干。 Close man-made cropland a few that years to be built simply greatly mad, violate on the mother that carrying swaddle on the back also idle does not live, also ground of travel day and night works.

  • 但是来到圣西罗的罗马球迷不愿意披星戴月的回家,因此和以往一样,下午3点开球更好。 However, there will be Roma fans at the stadium who will not want to travelling all the way home in the dead of the night so it was better to play at 3pm, as normal.

  • 30多年如一日,顶风冒雨,披星戴月,在平凡的岗位上,履行着一个普通共产党员的誓言; 30 old and consistent day, against the wind risks rain, travel day and night, on ordinary post, the oath;

  • 纳西族妇女的羊皮披肩,上面精心绣制日、月、七星图案,俗称“披星戴月”,寓意吉祥如意。 It is known as the “unique living hieroglyph”. The woolen tippet used by Naxi women is embroidered with sun, moon, and seven-stars.

  • 纳西族妇女的羊皮披肩,上面精心绣制日、月、七星图案,俗称“披星戴月”,寓意吉祥如意。 The woolen tippet used by Naxi women is embroidered with sun, moon, and seven-stars.

  • 小学直到高中一路走来,仍是披星戴月,早五朝九的奋斗著,换来的仅是些书面知识,收获甚微。 The elementary school until a high school group, We worked night and day still, five dynasty nine struggles, but we traded a little written knowledge only,  Our harvest is very few.

  • 几乎每一个经济适用房项目开盘,必然会出现老百姓披星戴月、风餐露宿排长龙等候放号的场面。 Almost every item of housing markets, there are bound to break, worked long queues waiting to schedule the scene.

  • 摄影家必须能吃苦耐劳,忍受住严寒酷暑的折磨,背着沉重的摄影包,跋山涉水、风餐露宿、披星戴月; The photographer must be able to endure all kinds of hardships, whether it’s extreme chill or scorching heat. With his heavy set of equipment, he travels far and wide.

  • 这水远不只是一种饮料,它是披星戴月走了许多路才找到的,是在辘轳的歌声中,经过我双臂的努力得来的。 This water was indeed a different thing from ordinary nourishment. Its sweetness was born of the walk under the stars, the song of the pulley, the effort of my arms.

  • 常与师兄弟谈起血研所求学往事,如我一般“披星戴月”者,绝非个别,大都有几桩鲜为人知的“乐事”,甚至有的同学工作太晚了就睡在实验室。 I often talk about the past events in the institute with my fellow students, who, just like me, also worked day and night, and have their own little-known amusing anecdotes.

  • 竞选活动声势浩大,青年民众积极参与,他们用行动回击了人们对其漠不关心社会的指责。他们离开家门,远离亲人,从事报酬微薄,披星戴月的工作。 It grew strength from the young people, who rejected the myth of their generation’s apathy, who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep.

  • 曾经在电视上看到过一次对某位CEO的采访,他自豪地总结企业成功的秘诀:“我们的成功,都是因为我们的员工披星戴月、夜以继日的积极快乐地工作!” There was an interview with some CEO on TV insolently summing-up the secrets of success “Our success is due to those personnel happily working for the enterprise day and night, day after day.”

  • 所以,让我们一同唤醒自己的爱国心,唤醒为国效力的责任感,我们将一道披星戴月,披荆斩棘向前行进,我们需要照顾的不再只有我们自己,而是每一个人。 As Lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, “We are not enemies, but friends — though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection.”

  • 所以,让我们一同唤醒自己的爱国心,唤醒为国效力的责任感,我们将一道披星戴月,披荆斩棘向前行进,我们需要照顾的不再只有我们自己,而是每一个人。 So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility, where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but each other.

  • 所以,让我们一同唤醒自己的爱国心,唤醒为国效力的责任感,我们将一道披星戴月,披荆斩棘向前行进,我们需要照顾的不再只有我们自己,而是每一个人。 So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism; of service and responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves, but each other.

  • 曾经在电视上看到过一次对某位CEO的采访,他自豪地总结企业成功的秘诀:“我们的成功,都是因为我们的员工披星戴月、夜以继日的积极快乐地工作!” There was an interview with some CEO on TV insolently summing-u Hot the secrets of success “Our success is due to those personnel happily working for the enterprise day and night, day after day.”

  • 披星戴月造句相关


    词语大全 带月披星的意思_成语“带月披星”是什么意思

    成 语


    成语读音dài yuè pī xīng
    成语解释 披:覆蓋。顶月亮披星光。形容早出晚归或昼夜赶路,辛劳奔波。
    常用程度 一般
    感情色彩 中性词
    成语结构 联合式
    成语用法 作谓语、状语;形容辛劳奔波。
    产生年代 古代
    典故出处 元·王实甫《西厢记》第四本第二折:“则合带月披星,谁着你停眠整宿?”
    成语例句 明·吴承恩《西游记》第20回:“且说他三众,在路餐风宿水,~,早又至夏景炎热。”
    近 义 词 披星带月
    英文翻译 go to work in the field before dawn and e home after dark


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