词语大全 披荆斩棘造句_披荆斩棘中英文解释和造句

Posted 亨利

篇首语:少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 披荆斩棘造句_披荆斩棘中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 披荆斩棘造句_披荆斩棘中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 披荆斩棘造句

词语大全 披荆斩棘造句_披荆斩棘中英文解释和造句

披荆斩棘  pī jīng zhǎn jí








  • 我们的技术革命正在披荆斩棘, 胜利前进。Our technical revolution is blazing its way forward through all the difficulties and advancing victoriously.
  • 生存的天性使然,帮助我们披荆斩棘。 That survival instinct helped us to overe the obstacles.

  • 平凡的偶像定会助你披荆斩棘,走向成功。 Ordinary idol will help you overing all obstacles, to success.

  • 你要知道一颗善良的心不会一直庇佑为你披荆斩棘。 You know a heart of gold won’t take you all the way.

  • 他走进一片茂密的森林,披荆斩棘,闯出一条路,来到林中深处。 He ered a dense wood, picked his pathless way to the centre of it.

  • 他走进一片茂密的森林,披荆斩棘,闯出一条路,来到林中深处。 He entered a dense wood, picked his pathless way to the centre of it.

  • 这信心被在幽暗中披荆斩棘,追寻自由的奴隶和解放者们低声吟诵。 It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail toward freedom.

  • 因为年轻,盐田人敢闯前人没走过的路,他们披荆斩棘,奋力开拓! Because young Yantian predecessors did not dare to take the road travelled, they break, making up!

  • 这信念被在幽暗中披荆斩棘,追寻自由的奴隶和解放者们低声吟诵。 It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail toward freedom.

  • 目前,奥巴马正在克氏王朝经营数十年的领地披荆斩棘,为自己奠定政治基础。 Now Mr Obama is making inroads into a political base that the Clinton dynasty has spent more than a decade cultivating.

  • 他们就像在丛林中披荆斩棘,觅路前行的开拓者—他们必须随时应对各种情况。 They were like explorers hacking their way through a jungle-they had to be prepared handle anything.

  • 我们敢于开风气之先,朝着理想的目标不断迈进,必须披荆斩棘,克服重重障碍和困难。 We both started something new and have been forging ahead unremittingly towards our ideals. We both have overed many obstacles and hardships and there are many ahead.

  • 克服阻碍,披荆斩棘,这将会很艰难。但这是一次大胆的尝试。新赛季会是乘风破浪的一年。 It is going to be hard to overe the hurdle, but this is an adventure. It is my year abroad.

  • 我看到寻求幸福的道路百转千回荆棘密布,我更看到人们披荆斩棘跋山涉水一往无前的勇敢! I saw the road to seek the well-being of one hundred to over a thousand thorns back, I see people going to be a hard mountain climbing wear wading indomitable courage!

  • 我看到寻求幸福的道路百转千回荆棘密布,我更看到人们披荆斩棘跋山涉水一往无前的勇敢! I saw the road to seek the well-being of one hundred to over a thousand thorns back, I see people indomitable courage!

  • 一位探险家听到密林深处传来鼓声,为了揭开其中的奥秘,他披荆斩棘进入密林,寻找敲鼓人。 The explorer heard the sound of drums ing from deep within the jungle, so in the spirit of discovery he slashed his way through the thicket in search of the drums.

  • 他们带领孩子们披荆斩棘,攻克考试难关,他们引导挖掘学员们的无限潜力,一起追寻明天的梦想。 They guide the trainees in hacking their way through difficulties, breaking down exam barriers and tapping their infinite potentialities for the achievement of their dreams.

  • 企业文化也一直极为强调人才的流动性:鼓励合伙人大刀阔斧,为公司新鲜血液的注入一路披荆斩棘; The accent has always been on regeneration: partners are encouraged to move on to allow fresh blood to e through;

  • 伊利湖的流水披荆斩棘流向安大略湖,造就了现今的尼亚加拉河,目前河水流速为每小时56。3公里。 The rushing water from Lake Erie carved its way to Lake Ontario and formed today’s Niagara River, which currently flows at a speed of about 56. 3 kph.

  • 这一切,与广大流民含辛茹苦、披荆斩棘的创业精神是不可分的,流民堪称发展东北农业经济的主力军。 All these suffered great hardships and broke through brambles and this with the general refugees. So, The refugees may be called the main force of developing the northeast agricultural economy.

  • 事业不是生活的全部,但却是生命的重要部分!是人生价值得到证明的途径!有的人面对挫折披荆斩棘。 The working is not all part of our life , but It is important part! It is the road that we can prove our value on it.

  • 他走进一片茂密的森林,披荆斩棘,闯出一条路,来到林中深处,在一棵枝叶茂盛的橡树下,一屁股坐到青苔地上。 He ered a dense wood, picked his pathless way to the centre of it, and sat down on a mossy spot under a spreading oak.

  • 他走进一片茂密的森林,披荆斩棘,闯出一条路,来到林中深处,在一棵枝叶茂盛的橡树下,一屁股坐到青苔地上。 He entered a dense wood, picked his pathless way to the centre of it, and sat down on a mossy spot under a spreading oak.

  • 亨利王子成为国王并称之为亨利三世,然而他的统治并有没达到那些为他的王座之路奋勇挥刀、披荆斩棘的支持者的期望。 Prince Henry had bee King Henry III. However, his rule did not live up to the expectations of those who had carved his path to the throne with their swords.

  • 我们能不因他们而自豪吗?我们能不为他们而骄傲吗?朝日喷薄,霞光万丈,在新的征程上,他们又将披荆斩棘,奋力拼搏。 We can not because they are proud of it? We can not do them proud? Asahi gushing, Xiaguang miles, in the new journey, they will worked hard.

  • 他带着草帽,穿着结实的鞋子和深褐色裤子,勇敢地在灌木丛和百合科植物茁长的地方披荆斩棘,攀上一棵树去会见一只鹰和一只雀巢。 He wore a straw hat, stout shoes, strong gray trousers, to brave scrub-oaks and smilax, and to climb a tree for a hawk’s or a squirrel’s nest.

  • 令人惊叹的阵容 卡里克有信心,即使贝尔巴托夫转会曼联不能实现,弗格森教练也绝对有能力在国内国际比赛中披荆斩棘,获得荣誉。 Amazing Even if a move for Berbatov fails to materialise, Carrick is confident that Ferguson has the talent at his disposal to challenge for honours at home and abroad.

  • 所以,让我们唤醒自己新的爱国心,唤醒为国效力的责任感,我们将一道同心协力,披荆斩棘向前行进,我们需要照顾的不再只有我们自己,而是每一个人。 So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism; of service and responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in (协力) and work harder and look after not only ourselves, but each other.

  • 所以,让我们一同唤醒自己的爱国心,唤醒为国效力的责任感,我们将一道披星戴月,披荆斩棘向前行进,我们需要照顾的不再只有我们自己,而是每一个人。 So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility, where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but each other.

  • 穆里尼奥是现任国际米兰队的主教练,曾经带领蓝军在争夺英超联赛的征途上披荆斩棘。他在2007年离开切尔西俱乐部。在上周观看老东家比赛的时候,穆里尼奥一直面无表情。 Mourinho, who is now in charge of Inter Milan, guided the Blues to their pair of Premier League crowns before leaving in 2007 and he was unimpressed by his ex-club at the weekend.

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