词语大全 抽丝剥茧造句_抽丝剥茧中英文解释和造句

Posted 猎狗

篇首语:黑暗带来恐惧。知识可以点亮你,驱逐恐惧。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 抽丝剥茧造句_抽丝剥茧中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 抽丝剥茧造句_抽丝剥茧中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 春蚕抽丝的意思_成语“春蚕抽丝”是什么意思

词语大全 抽丝剥茧造句_抽丝剥茧中英文解释和造句

抽丝剥茧  chōu sī bāo jiǎn






  • 抽丝剥茧,以利开放原始码应用。 sort the out for the benefit of applying open source tools on them.

  • 他们只是从中抽丝剥茧般汲取想法,去芜存菁。 They extract ideas, resonating with some and disregarding others.

  • 在本页台湾分会会员及会友试以抽丝剥茧之,以利开放原始码应用。 On this page members and friends of the Taiwan Chapter will attempt to sort the out for the benefit of applying open source tools on them.

  • 反正到处都是烟幕弹,而我只能抽丝剥茧,把真正的‘地主’给揪出来。 ‘because everywhere smoke, and I can’s take a careful, the real ‘landowners’ to the clutch out.

  • 在打虎的日日夜夜里,是人肉搜索不断抽丝剥茧地搜寻,将真相进行到底。 Dahu in the days and nights, is constantly examine the human search and search, the truth will be carried out in the end.

  • 那真是非常好的训练,我所要做的,你知道,就是把专辑抽丝剥茧然后找出每个人的声部。 That was a great education, just picking apart, you know, who sang what on the albums, because sometimes, she actually sang lower than one of the guys.

  • 尽管有地质学研究加以抽丝剥茧,解开了一个又一个的谜,我们仍然不知道冒出的气体是什么。 As careful geologic research and reasoning solved riddle after riddle, we were still left with the question of what gases might have emerged.

  • 讲述警员张大勇与李忠义同罪犯周旋,抽丝剥茧侦查一连串棘手罪案,悬念不断,极具吸引力。 LI Zhong-yi Zhang and tells the police to deal with the offenders, leaving no stone unturned to detect a series of tough crime, suspense continued attractive.

  • 在大型软件项目中,关注根本复杂性,消除偶发复杂性,抽丝剥茧制订解决方案,才是目前真正的挑战。 In large-scale software, though, removing accidental plexity while retaining the solution to the essential plexity is challenging.

  • 能够毫不讳言,抽丝剥茧,把权色交易分析到如此精准的地步,就目前的大环境来说,确实是需要勇气的。 Can not say, leaving no stone unturned to bring the right color analysis of the transaction to the point where such a precise, the current environment, indeed the need for courage.

  • 本演出是一出充满特异想像的舞蹈,积木与小丑对话,抽丝剥茧,令你时而沈思,时而展眉,随着情节次第舒展。 This performance is full of uniquely imaginative dance, building blocks and clown dialog, and “silk unreeling. ” The plot will force you to think, and perplex you at times.

  • 这一季的《迷失》因受编剧罢工影响而遭缩减,因此节奏加快了不少,使我们更深入地陷入剧情抽丝剥茧的谜团中。 With this season truncated by the writers’ strike, “Lost” has quickened its pace and wrangled us deep into the vortex of its revelations.

  • 但─旦接到案子,他马上会变成─匹追逐猎狗旳狼,开始锁定目标,将整个事件抽丝剥茧、层层过滤,直到最后真相大白! But once received the case, he would immediately bee a dog chasing a wolf, began locking the target and the entire incident boils, layers of filtration, until the final truth!

  • 但一旦接到案子,他马上会变成一匹追逐猎狗的狼,开始锁定目标,将整个事件抽丝剥茧、层层过滤,直到最后真相大白! But once received the case, he would immediately bee a dog chasing a wolf, began locking the target and the entire incident boils, layers of filtration, until the final truth!

  • 有多重要需要抽丝剥茧地来衡量,但显然这是自1965年以来的这样一段很长的时间里,我们的医疗制度的第一次重大变革。 How big a deal you have to measure piece by piece but clearly it is the first major change in our health care system since nineteen sixty-five so that’s a long time ing.

  • 求职综合症是一种罕见的遗传条件,使陈梁梦莲,极易受到细菌感染(尤其是抽丝剥茧)和真菌感染,她的皮肤,并在她的肺部。 Job’s syndrome is a rare genetic condition that makes Maureen highly susceptible to bacterial infections (particularly boils) and fungal infections on her skin and in her lungs.

  • 这不但因为相宜的事业,并非像雨后的菌子一样,俯拾即是,而且因为我们对自身的认识,也是抽丝剥茧,需要水落石出的流程。 It is not just inexpensive cause is not like after the rain of the bacteria, find, but because we recognize its own right, but also carefully, need to get to the bottom of the process.

  • 道理就是这么简单,任何事物抽丝剥茧真理都是一个,凡是符合符合人性、不以损人利已或损人不利已为手法的事物就可以包容鼓励。 Truth is that simple, any examine the truth of things are one, all with a human face, not to harm or harm Lee has been negative for the way things can encourage tolerance.

  • 本剧运用现代人扑朔迷离自私自利的爱情关系作为论述主轴,抽丝剥茧这些文本的后设情境,企图重新认识「报应」、「惩罚」与「自我」。 The study inducts the discourse of retribution in dissecting the mise en scene behind these writings in reacquainting the system of retribution and just punishment.

  • 诺兰和其弟弟乔纳森(他也帮助构思了《致命魔术》)值得表扬,他们确实深入地研究了蝙蝠侠的故事,抽丝剥茧地分析了所有可能的不足之处。 Credit Nolan and his brother Jonathan (who also helped conceive The Prestige) for really digging into Batman’s world, turning over the soil and examining its roots for possible deficiencies.

  • 莎翁的故事说来话长,牵涉广泛,而倍特先生以混合著历史学、传记学、文学的优秀素养,精准又广博地为我们抽丝剥茧,撰写出这本不可多得的好书。 It is a long story, with many branches, and Mr Bate teases it out with the mixture of precise, wide-ranging historical, biographical and literary scholarship that distinguishes the book as a whole.

  • 世世代代的艺术家、解剖学家、鉴识学与精神科专家、还有颜面外科医师皆尝试深入地探索这个领域,将脸孔层层抽丝剥茧,研究对象涵盖死者与活人。 Generations of artists, anatomists, forensic and psychological experts and facial surgeons have probed on and below its surface, mapping its contours inside and out, on the dead as well as the living.

  • 抽丝剥茧造句相关


    词语大全 春蚕抽丝的意思_成语“春蚕抽丝”是什么意思

    成 语


    成语读音chūn cán chōu sī
    成语解释 蚕:昆虫名;抽:拔出。形容人的思绪、言谈牵扯无尽。
    常用程度 常用
    感情色彩 中性词
    成语结构 主谓式
    成语用法 作宾语、定语;用于比喻句。
    产生年代 现代
    典故出处 陈波《漫谈聊天》:“聊起来也定会如春蚕抽丝,而总无尽意吧。”


    词语大全 剥茧抽丝的意思_成语“剥茧抽丝”是什么意思


    词语大全 剥茧抽丝的意思_成语“剥茧抽丝”是什么意思


    词语大全 春蚕抽丝的意思_成语“春蚕抽丝”是什么意思


    词语大全 春蚕抽丝的意思_成语“春蚕抽丝”是什么意思


    词语大全 春蚕抽丝的意思_成语“春蚕抽丝”是什么意思


    词语大全 春蚕抽丝的意思_成语“春蚕抽丝”是什么意思


    词语大全 抽丝剥茧   [chōu sī bāo jiǎn]什么意思

    抽丝剥茧  [chōusībāojiǎn][抽丝剥茧]成语解释丝得一根一根地抽,茧得一层一层地剥。形容分析事物极为细致,而且一步一步很有层次。[抽丝剥茧]百科解释抽丝剥茧是成语,形

    词语大全 剥茧抽丝的意思及成语解释 成语大全


    词语大全 剥茧抽丝   [bō jiǎn chōu sī]什么意思

    剥茧抽丝  [bōjiǎnchōusī][剥茧抽丝]成语解释比喻根据顺序寻求事物的发生发展过程。[剥茧抽丝]成语出处朱光潜《艺文杂谈·谈对话体》:“疑难是思想的起点与核心,思想由此

    词语大全 抽丝   [chōu sī]什么意思

    抽丝  [chōusī][抽丝]基本解释1.把蚕茧的丝抽取出来2.因脱针或断线而脱丝[抽丝]详细解释抽茧取丝。亦比喻缓慢。《文选·陆倕<新漏刻铭>》“微若抽茧”唐吕向注:“言水下之