词语大全 拈花微笑造句_拈花微笑中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 拈花微笑造句_拈花微笑中英文解释和造句
拈花微笑 niān huā wēi xiào
所以,佛祖拈花而迦叶微笑; Therefore, the Buddha Kassapaand smile;
此时如拈花微笑,包裹天地,骤雏无形。 At this point if Nianhuaweixiao, parcels world, invisible at first child.
歌词“拈一朵微笑的花”是哪首歌里的? Which song lining is’s that words of song “picks up the flower one smiling”?
禅宗以顿悟为特色,以心传心,不立文字,拈花微笑,具有智慧的独特魅力。 The characteristic of Zend is insight, which focuses on munications of minds, loose written words, understanding with smile, of which possess unique power of wisdom;
于是,你我静静拈花微笑,以这些绿色的叶子为茗做盏,饮却所有的美丽和哀愁。 So, our mirth is painted with flowers and our carouse is painted with green leaves without beauty and sadness any more.
词语大全 拈花惹草造句_拈花惹草中英文解释和造句
拈花惹草 niān huā rě cǎo
我是没有时间拈花惹草的,也不喜欢。 I had no time or inclination to philander .
她的丈夫总是在外拈花惹草。 Her husband is always playing around.
你需要戒除拈花惹草和威士忌,还有彻夜狂欢。 You need to quit the women and whiskey and carrying on all night.
唉,你是知道威廉这个色鬼的,他总是拈花惹草。 Well, you know William, always leching after some woman or other.
唉,你是知道彼得这个人的,他总是爱拈花惹草。 Well, you know Peter, always leching after some woman or other.
著名的英国影星修·格兰特为什么到处拈花惹草? Well-known British actor Grant repair Nianhuarecao everywhere Why?
虽然这家伙在法国有个女朋友,可还老是拈花惹草的。 Even though he has a girlfriend in France, he’s quite a womanizer.
但是他们仍然相爱,而且他品行端正,从不拈花惹草。 But they are still in love, good character and he never Nianhuarecao.
但是他们仍然相爱,而且他品行端正,从不拈花惹草。 Fortunately, they loved each other, and he was on the straight, and never had an affair with other women.
但是他们仍然相爱,而且他品行端正,从不拈花惹草。 But their still fell in love, moreover he well-behaved, ever did not sow wild oats.
对凯文来说,结婚是件难以决定的事,因为他喜欢拈花惹草。 It’s been a difficult decision for Kevin to get married because he likes playing the field.
永福人“拈花惹草”并非一时之兴,已有700多年的历史。 Yongfu, “Nianhuarecao” is not a temporary-hing, 700 years of history.
他终日拈花惹草,绯闻不断,只要有女人在场,他就头脑发晕。 He all lieutenant, he has been continually, as long as the women present, he heads Fayun.
他们人比美国人少出轨,但当他们的政客拈花惹草时,他们比较宽容。 They’re less prone to adultery than Americans but more forgiving when their politicians philander .
大多数男人在外拈花惹草却并不离开自己的太太,这个家伙恐怕也不会。 Most men who are having affairs don’t leave their wives, and he probably won’t either.
于是,一个拈花惹草的丈夫现在可以这样为自己辩护了:“我控制不了,亲爱的。 Thus, a Wandering husband can now offer the defence, “I can’t help it, honey.”
不要因为自认魅力无可抗拒而到处拈花惹草。你可能没有自己想像的那么据有魅力。 Don’t philander because you think you’re irresistible. Most likely, you’re not.
很抱歉,事实是截然相反的。你会更加热衷于编码而不再乐于时不时地去拈花惹草。 Sorry quite the opposite, you will be enjoying coding so much you won’t be chasing any women for a while.
据此项对70288人进行的在线调查显示,朋友和同事最易成为“拈花惹草”的对象。 According to the online survey of 70, 288 people, the most mon cheating partners are friends and co-workers.
据此项对70288人进行的线上调查显示,朋友和同事最易成为“拈花惹草”的对象。 According to the online survey of 70, 288 people, the most mon cheating partners are friends and co-workers.
但是与此同时,这类男性也更会拈花惹草,并且不在意长期关系,而将孩子丢给女性独自抚养。 But such men are also more promiscuous and do not care as much about long-term relationships, leaving women to raise their kids alone.
据此项对70288人停止的在线检查呈现,哥们和同事最易成了“拈花惹草”的object。 According to the online survey of 70, 288 human, the maximum mon cheating partners are not friends and co-workers.
本故事描述一位经常穿梭中港两地的货车司机,在外经常拈花惹草,在家却不肯与妻作安全性事。 This story is about a long-haul truck driver who is used to have casual sex but refuse to have safe sex precaution with his wife.
在日本现代,夫妻关系处于平等了,男子在外拈花惹草的事虽然还是不少,但是多少受到些限制。 Be in Japan contemporary, spouse concern is in equality, the man is outer although the thing that have many affairs is not little still, but more or less to get some of limitation.
宙斯凭借着神王的地位,到处拈花惹草,闹出了许多风流韵事,给得墨忒尔带来了无穷无尽的烦恼。 Zeus the God King by virtue of the status of everywhere, making a lot of affair to Demeter brought endless trouble.
据悉,酒井法子于1998年年底与高相奉子成婚,婚后高相一直在外拈花惹草,导致婚姻多次亮红灯。 Sakai and Takaso were married in late 1998. However, Takaso’s many love affairs soon troubled the marriage.
苏蕾骂人:像你这样,长得又丑赚得又少,自私自利拈花惹草的败类,简直就是堵塞化粪池的臭石头…… Sulei curse: like you, they look ugly and earned less self-serving scum of the Nianhuarecao, simply plug the septic smell of stone … …
如果是一个想要寻觅一夜情的女士,她会盯上那些一直和身边的女孩搭讪的男人,因为那表示他也想拈花惹草。 If it’s a lady looking for a man to love for one night then look for the guy that is talking to every girl he can because that’s how you know he is on heat.
当比尔得知太太爱丽斯原来一直背着他红杏出墙后,开始幻想拈花惹草,他妒忌太太无比的吸引力,他的妒忌渐成为以性来换取的报复。 Bill Harford: And no dream is ever just a dream. [last lines]Alice Harford: I do love you and you know there is something very important we need to do as soon as possible.
在中国很少有女人因为自己的丈夫在外拈花惹草而要求离婚,而对美国女性来说, 欺骗是绝对不能宽恕的, 离婚是唯一的解决办法。 Few wives in China will divorce with their husbands who have love affairs with other women, while, to American wives, cheating is absolutely intolerant and divorce is the only solution.
拈花惹草 niānhuārěcǎo拈花惹草的意思和解释:比喻到处留情,多指男女间的挑逗引诱。拈花惹草的出处拈花惹草的例子拈花惹草造句我是没有时间拈花惹草的,也不喜欢。Ihadno
拈花惹草 niānhuārěcǎo拈花惹草的意思和解释:比喻到处留情,多指男女间的挑逗引诱。拈花惹草的出处拈花惹草的例子拈花惹草造句我是没有时间拈花惹草的,也不喜欢。Ihadno
破颜微笑 pòyánwēixiào破颜微笑的意思和解释:形容心领神会。破颜微笑的出处《大梵天王问佛决疑经》:“尔时大梵天王即引若干眷属来奉献世尊于金婆罗华,各各顶礼佛足,退坐一面
破颜微笑 pòyánwēixiào破颜微笑的意思和解释:形容心领神会。破颜微笑的出处《大梵天王问佛决疑经》:“尔时大梵天王即引若干眷属来奉献世尊于金婆罗华,各各顶礼佛足,退坐一面
词语大全 拈花微笑 [niān huā wēi xiào]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
拈花微笑 [niānhuāwēixiào][拈花微笑]成语解释原为佛家语,比喻彻悟禅理。后比喻彼此心意一致。[拈花微笑]成语出处《大梵天王问佛决疑经》:“尔时大梵天王即引若干眷属
水中捞月 shuǐzhōnglāoyuè水中捞月的意思和解释:到水中去捞月亮。比喻去做根本做不到的事情,只能白费力气。水中捞月的出处宋·黄庭坚《沁园春》词:“镜里拈花,水中捉月,
水中捞月 shuǐzhōnglāoyuè水中捞月的意思和解释:到水中去捞月亮。比喻去做根本做不到的事情,只能白费力气。水中捞月的出处宋·黄庭坚《沁园春》词:“镜里拈花,水中捉月,
无风起浪 wúfēngqǐlàng无风起浪的意思和解释:比喻平白无故地生出事来。有故意制造事端的意思。无风起浪的出处唐·希运《黄檗断际禅师宛陵录》:“达摩西来,无风起浪;世尊拈花