词语大全 拍手称快造句_拍手称快中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 拍手称快造句_拍手称快中英文解释和造句
拍手称快 pāi shǒu chēng kuài
凶手被处死,小镇居民都拍手称快。 The residents in the small town all weled the execution of the killer.
当巴格达遭袭时,西方人会拍手称快。 Western living rooms applaud when cruise missiles strike Baghdad.
小镇的居民对处死杀人犯莫不拍手称快。 The residents in the small town all wele the execution of the killer.
搜出林家的“显赫背景”后,公众拍手称快。 After uncovering Lin Jia “the prominent background”, the public claps and cheers.
小镇居民对处决杀人凶手这件事无不拍手称快。 The residents in the small town all weled the execution of the killer.
在场师生及家长目睹了这一过程,无不拍手称快。 Witnessed the presence of students, teachers and parents in this process, without exception, clapped their hands in applause.
能这样大家会拍手称快,毕竟国内的情况没那么好。 This would be wele, for things are not so good at home.
好久一直没有下雨了,农民们对这场及时雨拍手称快。 Every farmer weles this honeyed shower, as the weather has been long dry.
凯尔特人头号球星凯文-加内特则更是对自己挚友的加盟拍手称快。 Celtics star Kevin number one – Kevin Garnett is even more of their close friends to join the clapped their hands in applause.
这几天,一定有很多人拍手称快,也一定有另外一些人紧张得睡不好觉。 These days, there are a lot of people clapped their hands in applause, and it will certainly be others Tense well or sleep well.
泡沫的追随者们一定对中国境内股票市场的首次公开募股形式的极速回归拍手称快。 Connoisseurs of bubbles must be rubbing their hands with glee over the imminent return of initial public offerings in China’s domestic stock markets.
中国政府过去一年在反腐败斗争中重拳出击,让贪官心惊肉跳,也让老百姓拍手称快。 Chinese government over the past year in an anti-corruption struggle with heavy blows to corrupt officials appear, but also to let the people clapped their hands in applause.
这种危改方式的程序规范、透明度高,实现了民主决策、自我改造,居民无不拍手称快。 This means procedures rebuild standardized, transparent, achieving democratic decision-making, self-transformation, the residents are all clapped their hands in applause.
微软公司拍手称快,发表声明称此判决为中国受理版权侵权案以来最为强硬的一次判决。 Microsoft applauded the sentence in a statement, saying they were the stiffest sentences ever handed down in this type of Chinese copyright infringement case.
许多社会的保守人士对推动修正案拍手称快。但是其他人却把它纯粹地看作是一种政治。 Many social conservatives applaud the push for a Constitutional amendment. But others see it as purely political.
当今一些经济大案,立案查处,成绩卓然,新建文章2,改名后按回车,群众拍手称快。 Nowadays , the public is clapping their hands in ap2plause for the great achievement we have made in placing cases on file for investigation and prosecution concerning some serious economic cases.
我看还没有到拍手称快的时候,这一现象也暴露了我国舆情通道和传媒业自身的一些真空。 When I look to still do not have clap express one’s gratification, this one phenomenon also exposed a few vacuum of passageway of our country public feelings and oneself of medium course of study.
这一声明是在对外方记者的规则将过期的最后一刻提出的,记者和媒体狗仔队应该会拍手称快。 The announcement came at the very last minute, just as the rules for foreign journalists were expiring. It’s likely to be applauded by journalists and media watchdogs.
韦德刺杀洪兆麟事件,震动了广东及港澳地区,革命者拍手称快,陈炯明吓得再也不敢轻举妄动。 Wade Hong Zhaolin assassination, shocked the Guangdong and Hong Kong and Macao, the revolutionary clapped their hands in applause, Chen Jiongming never scared to act rashly.
近期以来,全国各地因土地问题而受查处的事件时有曝光,相关责任人受到惩处,群众也拍手称快。 Lately, because of the land problem throughout the incident was exposed by the investigation, the relevant responsible punished, but also the masses clapped their hands in applause.
与此同时,也有一些声音对此拍手称快,认为这个政策将极大地打击房地产投机,有效打压虚高的房价。 At the same time, there are some voices which clapped their hands in applause, that this policy will be a great blow to real estate speculation, the real effective suppress prices.
由于不同顾客代表来公司认证所花费的时间剧减,因此很多供应商也对强调第三方认证的转变拍手称快。 Some suppliers also weled the shift in emphasis to third party certification since that certification greatly reduced the time spent in their facilities by various customer representatives.
公众对于张茵的“不幸”拍手称快,因为对于很多中国人来说,张茵是他们无法接受的资本主义的代言人。 There has been public glee at her misfortune because, to many Chinese, she is the unacceptable face of capitalism.
我们在开家长会的时候公布了这个规定,可以说98%的家长都是拍手称快的,认为这样有助于学校加强管理。 We will be open when the parents announced that the provisions can be said that 98% of all parents clapped their hands in applause, that this will help to strengthen school management.
来电群众都表示,在今天的文明社会打人者还能明目张胆地逃跑,这样的人一定要绳之以法才能让老百姓拍手称快。 calls masses expressed in today’s civilized society batterers also brazenly escape This person must be brought to justice for the people clapped their hands in applause.
山东郓城以宋江为首的三十六人等掀起了风起云涌的农民起义,他们杀富济贫,行侠仗义,令统治阶级闻风丧胆,广大百姓拍手称快。 They make life very hard for the mom people and so in Shandong Provience a peasant uprising takes place. This movement is led by Song Jiang. He and his followera rub the government soliders.
有段时间,成人之间的亲密行为还被最常认为是性方面的行为。在这种观点及其存在的可能性被证明是非常狭隘的以后,人们都拍手称快。 At a time when intimacy between adults is most often identified with the sexual act, it is refreshing and invigorating to hear proof of the narrowness of this view and the possibilities that exist.
影片中下场悲惨的都是无名的敌人,而在伊斯特伍德的这部电影中,无论是看得见的敌人还是伪冒的英雄,都不再“隐姓埋名”,这不禁让人拍手称快。 It is possible to do terrible things to faceless foes. Ultimately, laudably, Mr Eastwood’s films attack anonymity, whether invisible enemy or fake heroes.
一般影片中下场悲惨的都是无名的敌人,而在伊斯特伍德的这部电影中,无论是看得见的敌人还是伪冒的英雄,都不再隐姓埋名,这不禁让人拍手称快。 It is possible to do terrible things only to faceless foes. Ultimately, and laudably, Mr Eastwood’s films attack anonymity, whether invisible enemyorfake heroes.
一般影片中下场悲惨的都是无名的敌人,而在伊斯特伍德的这部电影中,无论是看得见的敌人还是伪冒的英雄,都不再“隐姓埋名”,这不禁让人拍手称快。 It is possible to do terrible things to faceless foes. Ultimately, laudably, Mr Eastwood’s films attack anonymity, whether invisible enemy or fake heroes.
词语大全 抚掌大笑造句_抚掌大笑中英文解释和造句
抚掌大笑 fǔ zhǎng dà xiào
抚掌大笑 fǔzhǎngdàxiào抚掌大笑的意思和解释:抚:拍。拍手大笑。形容非常高兴。抚掌大笑的出处南朝·宋·刘义庆《世说新语·纰漏》:“帝抚掌大笑。”抚掌大笑的例子抚掌大笑
抚掌大笑 fǔzhǎngdàxiào抚掌大笑的意思和解释:抚:拍。拍手大笑。形容非常高兴。抚掌大笑的出处南朝·宋·刘义庆《世说新语·纰漏》:“帝抚掌大笑。”抚掌大笑的例子抚掌大笑
称快 [chēngkuài][称快]基本解释表示痛快、快意[称快]详细解释叫快,喊痛快。《晋书·杨济传》:“须臾复一出,济受诏又射杀之,六军大叫称快。”宋陆游《老学庵笔记》卷四:
拍手 [pāishǒu][拍手]基本解释双手相拍或鼓掌[拍手]详细解释两手相拍。多用以表示欢迎、感谢或赞成等。《太平御览》卷九二四引汉杨孚《异物志》:“孔雀其大如雁而足高,毛皆有
词语大全 拍手叫好 [pāi shǒu jiào hǎo]什么意思
拍手叫好 [pāishǒujiàohǎo][拍手叫好]成语解释拍着手叫好。形容仇恨得到消除。[拍手叫好]成语出处清·刘鹗《老残游记》[拍手叫好]百科解释拍手叫好是一个汉字词语,意