词语大全 拍案叫绝造句_拍案叫绝中英文解释和造句

Posted 创意

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1、词语大全 拍案叫绝造句_拍案叫绝中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 拍案而起造句_拍案而起中英文解释和造句

词语大全 拍案叫绝造句_拍案叫绝中英文解释和造句

拍案叫绝  pāi àn jiào jué








  • 精彩的表演令人拍案叫绝。We were overwhelmed with admiration for the superb performance.
  • 他们的布景设计经常让人拍案叫绝。 Their set designs are always stunning.

  • 他的技术水平令人拍案叫绝。 His skill level was simply astounding.

  • 这个点子真是令人拍案叫绝,我可以用它吗? That is a brilliant idea! Can I steal it from you?

  • “吊环王”小将陈一冰的精彩表现令我拍案叫绝。 “Hoisting ring’s king” rookie player Chen Yibing has demonstrated brilliant performance which made me clap the table.

  • 那是我一切体育观看经历当中,最为拍案叫绝的时刻。 It may have been my greatest “Wow! “moment in all of sports.

  • 原著的本身描写得拍案叫绝,很少能读到如此优秀的作品。 The scripts were absolutely brilliant, and it isn’t often that you get to read really good scripts.

  • 最后他们败诉,还要赔付巨款,这简直就是让人拍案叫绝。 The fact that they eventually lose and still have to pay a fortune is just too delicious.

  • 这样的胸襟,这样的气度,这样的智慧,真让人拍案叫绝。 Such a mind, Such tolerance, such as wisdom, really lovely planning.

  • 从这四个实验中浮现的物理图像,相互一致而且令人拍案叫绝。 The physical picture emerging from the four experiments is consistent and surprising.

  • 所设计雕刻的作品常有令人拍案叫绝之作,获得行外行内一致好评。 That does what be designed that the work carving often has making people thump the table and praise the excellence , gains consistent favourable ment of row of lay inner.

  • 想必您是玩过一些类似玩具的,这款变形音箱的创意另人拍案叫绝。 You must have similar toys before, but you will have nothing but good to say of this transformer speaker.

  • 其高明令人拍案叫绝,自然的高明就是让人莫名其妙,并出人意料。 Its clever Amazingly, natural clever people is baffling and unexpected.

  • 他们的节奏、剪接、音乐、人物、语言、几乎一切,都让我拍案叫绝。 Maybe it’s the black humor, or the great editing, the quick pace, the characters, the language, the music, all of it.

  • 但在听他拖着江浙口音解释完后,你不得不被他的整合能力拍案叫绝。 But listening to his explanation after a tail pieces accent, you had to be his ability to integrate win.

  • 晓来谁染霜林醉?总是离人泪……”谁不为这华彩的词章而拍案叫绝哪! Who knows to drink with cream-lam? always tears from the people…… “who is not the word for this Huacai Chapter Paianjiaojue!”

  • 只有那些创意独特、手法新颖、令人拍案叫绝的广告才能够让人过目不忘。 Only those unique ideas, innovative practices, the ad is lovely planning people can not forget to look over.

  • 两者都对香港之所以是香港,即所谓“香港性”进行了令人拍案叫绝的诠释。 The reason that both to Hong Kong are Hong Kong, namely so-called Hong Kong carried on made the annotation which one thumped the table and shouted praise.

  • 江南的紫砂壶玲珑剔透,泥人张的彩塑令人拍案叫绝,它们不都是泥土的微笑吗? Both the exquisiteness of the boccaro tea pots made in south China, and the shockingly beautiful sculptures by Clay Sculptor Zhang of Tianjin –aren’t they all smiles of the earth?

  • 此次入围的作品都令人拍案叫绝,实属精品中的精品,但是最终只有一部作品能够胜出。 The entries to this petition are awe-inspiring and grand and yet there could only be one winner.

  • 国际米兰行云流水般教科书式的反击以如此令人热血沸腾的方式结束,怎不令人拍案叫绝? Inter Milan Hangyunliushui as textbook-style in order to counter such an emotional way to an end, is lovely How can we help?

  • 然而,令人拍案叫绝的,是明代才子解缙竟用以上10个围棋别名,写成一首七律诗《观弈棋》。 However, it is lovely, is a gifted scholar in the Ming Xie Jin has used more than 10 aliases Go, written in a seven Poems, “Yi Qi concept.”

  • 其中最令人拍案叫绝的莫过于高盛国际资产管理,他于2005年5月9日获得批准,而大底也随后出现。 One of the most lovely than the Goldman Sachs Asset Management International, in May 9, 2005 have been approved, and also subsequently emerged at the end of major.

  • 再增上后期增工工艺:扫金、UV局部上光、烫金、起凹等,更使烟包佛脚著粪,丑仑丑奂,让人拍案叫绝。 Together with the late processing technology: swept gold, UV blocking local, and so on, convex, the icing on the cake for cigarette packs, aesthetically, amazing.

  • 另外,在巧选妙用地块“边角料”方面,温州开发商和投资者,更具耐心别具匠心,他们的举措更是让人拍案叫绝。 Also, in one election understand the magic of the land mass “bits and pieces”, Wenzhou developers and investors more patience special ceremony, they are so wonderful initiatives.

  • 这样的称呼的确令人击节赞赏,拍案叫绝。如此寥寥的几个汉字竟能表达出千千万万广大群众如此真挚的深情和心声。 Indeed, it is a wonder that so few words can express so much out of the minds and hearts of so many people in their thousands of millions.

  • 在这个展览模型中,每个建筑都细致如微,而这个永久性展览令人拍案叫绝的地方就在于,很多模型中的规划都变成了现实。 Every building is shown in painstaking detail, and the most breathtaking thing about this permanent exhibition is how quickly so much of it became reality.

  • 在进攻上,阿泰远近都能开火,也可以为自己的得分创造机会,他也可以抢下篮板和传球,可以做出一些让人拍案叫绝的进攻策略。 He can also rebound at both ends and when he’s in a passing mode, can make excellent decisions with the ball.

  • 值得一提的是,这些贺卡的实物效果比在电脑上看到的更好。大约40位设计人员的创意让我经常为其中的幽默内容和精美设计拍案叫绝。 It’s worth noting the cards looked even better in person, created by about 40 designers who left me both scratching my head over some of their humor and cooing over their beautiful designs.

  • 它是以我曾听到过的所有电脑音箱中声音最开放、最通透、最均衡且最富感染力的,将古典、原声和爵士乐演绎地如此完美无暇,实在令人拍案叫绝。 Classical, acoustic, and jazz, sounds simply sublime with the most open, airy, balanced and convincing soundscape I’ve heard from a set of puter speakers.

  • 拍案叫绝造句相关


    词语大全 拍案而起造句_拍案而起中英文解释和造句

    拍案而起  pāi àn ér qǐ







  • 因为太多的人过于懦弱,不敢拍案而起; Because so many of us are cowardly, and afraid to stand up for what is right;

  • 正是经历了对国民党的极度失望后,闻一多成为拍案而起的民主斗士。 After very grave loses hope to the Kuomintang, Wen Yiduo criticizing the Kuomintang government bitterly and bee a democraticfighter.

  • 右翼人士拍案而起,愤然反对改革,认为这无非是对非法移民者的“大赦”。 Right-wingers snarl that it is nothing but an “amnesty” for illegals.

  • 前不久,广州市委书记林树森几乎拍案而起,怒斥开发商哄抬房价无异于抢劫。 Not long ago, Lin Shusen, secretary of Guangzhou City almost knocked the sky, early developers drive up prices is tantamount to robbery.

  • 一些开发商听到某些“官话”后也拍案而起:“简直是指鹿为马,一派胡言”; Some developers have some “Mandarin” also indicate the sky : “It is something else and nonsense”;

  • 凤铝俱乐部拍案而起,高价聘请律师,召开新闻发布会,开始用法律手段来维护权益。 Feng stroke the table club into aluminum, high-priced lawyer, held a news conference with the beginning of legal means to safeguard the rights and interests.

  • 如当时一位歌手李双泽在演唱会上,当场拍案而起,喊出了“唱我们自己的歌”的口号。 At that time, as a singer in Chak Li concerts, on the spot stroke the table to the sky, and a call for “singing our own songs” slogan.

  • 在三聚氰胺奶粉事件发生之时,无论我们为人父母,还是尚无子嗣,都曾拍案而起,怒不可遏。 why during the melamine-tainted milk powder incident, whether we were parents, or still without heirs, we struck the table rising to our feet in anger( burst out in anger ).

  • 拍案而起,拂袖而去,临走前告诉他我只会买/只会开/中国人自己开发生产的自己品牌的车。 Before going out, I told him that I would only buy /drive the car developed independently by our Chinese.

  • 在一次集会上,寿祺拍案而起,痛斥顽固派,致书省咨议局议长张林焱,提出实行共和的六条主张。 In a rally, Shou-chi stroke the table to the sky, denounced diehards, books to Kuk Speaker of the provincial consultative Zhang Yan, the implementation of the six Republican ideas.

  • 以下是全文,真希望没看过的能看一遍全文,哪怕不能拍案而起,在将来也至少做一个洁身自好的人。 Maybe we are not brave enough to stand up. At least we can behave ourselves and be a good person.

  • 比如某位电视经济学家在节目里眉飞色舞大谈美国金融危机对中国的冲击,反方嘉宾拍案而起:你在替谁说话? Economists such as a TV show exultant about the U. S. financial crisis on China’s impact on stroke the table into force of the guests: Who is speaking for you?

  • 你有没有过不顾别人对你生气而为自己认为正确的事拍案而起?要是没有过的话,你认为自己是不是有足够的勇气去做呢? Did you ever stand up for something you thought was right even though a lot of people got upset with you? If not, do you think you would ever be strong enough to do so?

  • 拍案而起造句相关



    词语大全 拍案而起造句_拍案而起中英文解释和造句

    拍案而起  pāiànérqǐ拍案而起的意思和解释:一拍桌子猛地站起来。形容非常愤慨。拍案而起的出处拍案而起的例子闻一多~,横眉怒对国民党的手枪,宁可倒下去,不愿屈服。(毛泽东《别

    词语大全 拍案而起造句_拍案而起中英文解释和造句

    拍案而起  pāiànérqǐ拍案而起的意思和解释:一拍桌子猛地站起来。形容非常愤慨。拍案而起的出处拍案而起的例子闻一多~,横眉怒对国民党的手枪,宁可倒下去,不愿屈服。(毛泽东《别

    词语大全 拍案叫绝造句

    拍案叫绝造句  1:这幕舞台剧,精彩得令人拍案叫绝。  2:“吊环王”小将陈一冰的精彩表现令我拍案叫绝。  3:这位主持人,妙语如珠,观众拍案叫绝之声,如雷灌耳。  4:谷歌终结了这场游戏:它或许是开

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