词语大全 拖泥带水造句_拖泥带水中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:知识是珍贵的宝石,文化的宝石放出的光辉。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 拖泥带水造句_拖泥带水中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 拖泥带水造句_拖泥带水中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 拖人下水造句_拖人下水中英文解释和造句

词语大全 拖泥带水造句_拖泥带水中英文解释和造句

拖泥带水  tuō ní dài shuǐ








  • 办事要利落, 不要拖泥带水。Do things neatly, not sloppily.
  • 拖泥带水的销售归咎于谨慎的心理。 Draggy sales are attributed to a psychology of caution.

  • 一颗樱桃不要咬两口;做事不要拖泥带水。 Never make two bites of a cherry.

  • 他干什么事总是快刀斩乱麻,从不拖泥带水。 He never procrastinates, but always takes resolute measures to solve a plicated problem in an instant.

  • 今天下班难得的不拖泥带水,基本准时到家。 The class is god-given below today not messy, basic and punctual excellent.

  • 而不是拖泥带水,陷落在无关紧要的枝蔓中扑腾。 Rather than beating about the bush, the fall of the dendrite in the matter of flopping about.

  • 她们可能转身就走,决不拖泥带水,伤人毫不留情。 They may turn around leave and never Tuonidaishui, wounding showed no mercy.

  • 星蚀毫无疑问是会带来最终答案的,绝不拖泥带水。 Eclipses call for final decisions, with no delaying the answer.

  • 如果你总是这样粗心大意、拖泥带水,你将坐失良机。 If you are always so careless and slow, you will lose the chance.

  • 他也毫不拖泥带水地指出了共产主义体制的实际缺陷。 He also pointed out, again without unnecessary polemics, the practical shortings of munist systems.

  • 是,你是第一个,其他男人都直截了当的,从不拖泥带水。 Yes, you are the first, other man is blunt, never messy.

  • 城市起步,高速超车,动力随传随到,没有一丝的拖泥带水。 The urban start, passes another vehicle high speed, the power enters into recognizances, does not have loathsome.

  • 不喜欢她,要明确地告诉她。免得拖泥带水的动摇你的意志。 If you like her, please tell her. Because your shy will make you miss the opportunities to love!

  • 这以后,他的电影变得越来越拖泥带水,情节也越来越一般。 After that, his movies got more saccharine and predictable.

  • 拉科尼亚人有个习惯不同寻常,说话简洁精练,从不拖泥带水。 One of the strange rules which the Lacons had was that they should speak briefly, and never use more words than were needed.

  • 但是签订这个全面性协定,我们须得准备应付许多拖泥带水的事情。 But if a general agreement is to be signed, we must be prepared as a consequence to deal with many messy matters.

  • 现任财长盖特纳则似乎有些拖泥带水,但也有人认同他的谨慎为上。 Currently hold the post of money to grow Gaitena to appear to have some of messy, but also the discretion that somebody agrees with him is on.

  • 琦是CTU总督察,爽快撇脱,做事公私分明,处理感情从不拖泥带水。 SAM is a Chief Inspector in CTU. She is decisive and never mixes personal matters with work.

  • 甚至纸张双方裁切得不敷不拖泥带水,纸外不敷笔直,城市因答力集洋而断纸。 Even the paper cut on both sides of a neat enough, there is not enough straight edges would stress concentration and break.

  • 其中复杂的家庭关系,她处理的绝不拖泥带水。男人大呼:如果有毛豆豆我也结婚! Her excellent capability in dealing with the plex family relationships drives all the single gentlemen crazy: God, please make Mao to be mine!

  • 还可用它来补偿邻近效应,或降低可使乐器声音显得沈闷或“拖泥带水”的低频部分。 It may also be used to pensate for proximity effect or to reduce the low frequencies that can make an instrument sound dull or “muddy.”

  • 可用它来补偿人声或乐器的邻近效应,或降低可使乐器声音显得沈闷或拖泥带水的低频部分。 Use this setting with vocals or instruments to pensate for proximity effect or to reduce the low frequencies that can make an instrument sound dull or muddy.

  • 他不会拖泥带水,他会很快的把球转移,他会看你是不是在一个合适的位置,他的位置感很强。 He doesn’t hold on to the ball too long for the sake of it, he moves the ball quickly, he looks for you in the right positions, he takes up good positions.

  • 她从领口取出白手帕时,也显得有点拖泥带水,这使从前曾目睹过她帮哭的人觉得有点不得劲。 She took the white handkerchief out of the neckline, but not quite nimbly as well. This made people who had ever witnessed her crying felt a bit uneasy.

  • 庄子认为施要由内心直接反应,不可拖泥带水。心不甘情不愿的施,有目地的施就没有慈悲的意义了。 Chuang Tzu thought that almsgiving must be reflected directly from the inner heart of some one without any hesitation. Reluctant almsgiving or purposeful almsgiving is not significant.

  • 的确,薄熙来性子急,说话直,做事雷厉风行,不拖泥带水,身边一起共事的人常常说他是“工作狂”。 Bo is indeed quick-tempered and outspoken. He is a man of action and does not tolerate any sloppiness. His colleagues call him a “workaholic”.

  • 每次,只要主人口中命令一出,它都能以惊人的效率去执行,从不拖泥带水。而且还有时间自己发展其他兴趣。 I use his example to remind myself that there is always room for improvement, and that we should never fail to aspire to perfection, even as we know that we cannot reach it.

  • 这里设计的目标是将元素结合在一起形成紧凑且完整的系统,设计达到这点才是完美组合,而没有一点拖泥带水。 The idea is to create a system of elements that integrate together to form a cohesive whole. A design that achieves this seems to fit together perfectly; nothing looks stuck on at the last minute.

  • 在我为“幽默栏目”写东西时,我得说一声领教了“客户服务部门”的“消极服务”—–就是“互联网服务的拖泥带水”。 As I write this column, I have literally been brought to my knees by the customer support department for my “ISP, ” which stands for “Internet Slow Provider.

  • 在我为“幽默栏目”写东西时,我得说一声领教了“客户服务部门”的“消极服务”—–就是“互联网服务的拖泥带水”。 As I write this column, I have literally been brought to my knees by the customer support department for my “ISP, ” which stands for “Internet Slow Provider.

  • 拖泥带水造句相关


    词语大全 拖人下水造句_拖人下水中英文解释和造句

    拖人下水  tuō rén xià shuǐ







  • 我想你保证,她会竭尽所能。每个人下水。 And I guarantee you, she will do everything she can to take everyone she can down with her.

  • 麦琪:这个安德鲁德里西,跟常把你下水的那有没有关系? Maggie: Is Andrew Delish related to that jerk that used to get you into trouble all the time?

  • 贝尔斯登濒临破产的消息使所有都大吃一惊,当时大有将整个华尔街下水的危险。 The Bear near-bankruptcy took everyone by surprise and risked taking down all of Wall Street.

  • 每当政府把什么从困境中解救出来,他们总是把别的什么也给下水,当然另外还以收费为诱饵。 Whenever the government bails someone out of trouble, they always put someone into trouble, plus of course a toll for the troll.

  • 都忘了吧,事在为的,只是某些不可理喻的请不要再拿来作为掩饰自己过错的工具,我不要再被下水了! Please, forget it, and I believe you can done. It is just an ugly excuse that someone protect his own mistakes. Stop involving me again and again~!

  • 在号称颇为强劲的经济复苏的带动下,在持续低利率和宽松信贷的推动下,美国将被下水,速度之快或许会令所有吃惊。 The United States will be pulled in–probably soon enough that we will all be surprised by a supposedly robust recovery, fed by continued low interest rates and loose credit.

  • 拖人下水造句相关



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