词语大全 招兵买马造句_招兵买马中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 招兵买马造句_招兵买马中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 招军买马的意思及近义词 成语大全

词语大全 招兵买马造句_招兵买马中英文解释和造句

招兵买马  zhāo bīng mǎi mǎ








  • 并且招兵买马从内部颠覆这个国家。 And enlist people to work against this country from within.

  • 传说永清县北钊是燕王讨北招兵买马之地。 Yongqing County North Wenzhao legend is the king of recruiting to discuss the North.

  • 招兵买马,是为作战之日;但是胜利,却由上主指使。 The horse is equipped for the day of battle, but victory is the LORD’S.

  • 戴福瑞和另外一个创始人加入进来,三个人开始招兵买马。 Dai Furui and another author are joined e in, 3 people begin enlarge an army.

  • 朝廷发布文告,下令招兵买马,榜文到涿县,引出了三位英雄。 After a royal edict to recruit soldiers in Zhuozhou, three heroes surfaced.

  • 如果他们准确答复明年能够参加联赛,俱乐部就要立即招兵买马。 If they answered accurately next year can attend the league tournament, the club must prepare for war immediately.

  • 公司一经成立后,就打出自己的王牌――疯狂的做广告、招兵买马。 Once the pany was established, it made its own trump card — the frenzied advertising and recruitment.

  • 太阳能光热企业在全国各地圈地建厂、招兵买马的消息也是络绎不绝。 solar light and heat throughout the enclosure in factories, is also a stream of recruiting news.

  • 今年以来该公司已经在美国招募了240人,还计划进一步招兵买马。 It has hired 240 people in the U. S. since January, with more to e.

  • 自后,他们招兵买马,宣称获得真主阿拉的召唤,要在地球上建立一个天堂乐土。 He called himself a Seek. From then on they began to recruit widely, claiming they were answering the call from Allah. They wanted to build a heaven on Earth.

  • 海军陆战队称,此次招兵买马主要是为了应对伊拉克和阿富汗战场自愿军的短缺。 The Marines say the call-up is primary due to a shortage of volunteers to duties in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  • 招兵买马:美国有2万6000名飞航管制员,每周工作40小时,但加班是常有的事。 HELP WANTED : The nation’s 26, 000 controllers work a 40-hour week, although overtime is not unmon.

  • 由于火箭队之前的招兵买马颇为引人注目,因此媒体也对本赛季的火箭队寄予更高的希望。 As the Rockets before a rather high-profile recruit, so to the media this season, the Rockets have high hopes for a higher.

  • 他以此为据点,收容旧部,招兵买马,屯垦湖田洲地,帮助村民发展生产,增加部队给养。 He as a base for asylum Jioubu, recruiting, Chau Lake settlement to help the villagers develop production and increase supplies units.

  • 由于火箭队之前的招兵买马颇为引人注目,因此媒体也对本赛季的火箭队寄予了很高的期望。 As the Rockets before a rather high-profile recruit, so to the media this season, the Rockets had placed high expectations.

  • 市场需求的扩大不得不令这位制鞋匠急忙招兵买马,图克在短短几天便新聘了100名工人。 Market demand to expand the system had to hastily recruit shoemaker, Tucker in just a few days will employ 100 new workers.

  • 他们招兵买马,先后设立了若干小组,招募组长,由组长招募小姐、键盘手、传号手、保安。 They recruit, has set up a number of group head of recruitment, recruitment by the head of the Miss keyboard hand-trombonist, and security.

  • 传统上,政府工作在衰退中是一个稳定的岛屿。2007年底衰退开始后很久各州仍在继续招兵买马。 Government jobs have traditionally been an island of stability during recessions, and states kept adding workers well after the recession began at the end of 2007.

  • 我打赌他们肯定会招兵买马、扩充实力,许多球队都会不惜血本。但是我们仍旧会满怀信心让他们心服口服。 quot; I am sure they will sign players and strengthen again, a lot of teams will, but we will certainly push them all the way again.

  • 青年党招兵买马的资金和武器来自厄立特里亚和几个阿拉伯国家。厄立特里亚希望利用他们打击埃塞俄比亚。 Money and arms from Eritrea, which wants to use Somalia to hurt Ethiopia, as well as from some Arab countries, enabled it to recruit.

  • 犯罪专家和警察发现分散于整个国家的几个由数百人组成的团伙,第一次开始招兵买马了,年纪从10岁到12岁。 Crime experts and police have revealed that many of the several hundred gangs spread across the country have started to recruit members aged from 10 to 12 for the first time.

  • 1996年,广州美院国画系教师黄一翰发起“卡通一代”的艺术活动,开始招兵买马,物色与此概念相关的艺术家。 In 1996, Mr. Huang Yihan, a teacher of traditional Chinese painting at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, initiated a campaign called the “Cartoon Generation”.

  • 今天我们正面对着狡诈的恐怖分子,他们使用着防追踪手机和因特网来彼此交流、招兵买马、并计划著袭击我们的国家。 Today we face sophisticated terrorists who use disposable cell phones and the Internet to municate with each other, recruit operatives, and plan attacks on our country.

  • 在2003-04赛季,也就是湖人三连冠后球队首次在季后赛出局之后的一个赛季,湖人正在为下一次夺冠招兵买马。 In the 2003-04 season, following the Lakers first Playoffs exit after three championships in a row, the Lakers were re-tooled for another run.

  • 在印度和中国,对零售银行业务的需求猛增,而各投资银行也在招兵买马,为该地区涌现出的有意进行收购的公司提供服务。 Demand for consumer banking in India and China is soaring and investment banks are adding personnel to service the region’s emerging acquisitive corporations.

  • 这些方式为恐怖主义分子招兵买马提供了借口,使我们的敌人袭击我们的意志更为顽固,同时还降低了其他人与美国合作的愿望。 They serve as a recruitment tool for terrorists, and increase the will of our enemies to fight us, while decreasing the will of others to work with America.

  • 他在一篇文章中表示,印度与巴基斯坦围绕穆斯林人口占多数的克什米尔的冲突,正在帮助伊斯兰恐怖组织招兵买马,此言激怒了印方。 He raised hackles in an article saying India’s conflict with Pakistan over the Muslim-majority Kashmir was aiding Islamist terror group recruitment.

  • 很多无辜者被错误关进军营,而且据人权组织说军营里常常使用酷刑,这些人最后都被释放,这大概他们招兵买马并发动分裂活动的成熟时机。 Innocents wrongly detained at army camps, where human-rights groups say torture is rife, are eventually released, presumably ripe for recruitment to the separatist cause.

  • 对于一些毕业生而言,当他们意识到自己并不想在通常在校园里招兵买马的金融或咨询行业干一份普普通通的工作时,他们便开始了自己的追求。 For some graduates, the pursuit es when they realize they dont want the run-of-the-mill jobs in, say, finance or consulting that panies typically tout on campus.

  • 尤文图斯正在追逐利物浦的哈维。阿隆索,塞维利亚中场克里斯蒂安。保尔森也是他们努力的目标。为了迎接下赛季的挑战,斑马军团正在抓紧时间招兵买马。 Juventus are chasing Liverpool’s Xabi Alonso and they may try and swoop for Sevilla’s Christian Poulsen also as they continue to strengthen ahead of the new campaign.

  • 招兵买马造句相关


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    中文发音: zhāo jūn mǎi mǎ


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    词语大全 招兵买马   [zhāo bīng mǎi mǎ]什么意思

    招兵买马  [zhāobīngmǎimǎ][招兵买马]成语解释旧时指组织或扩充武装力量。后比喻组织或扩充人力。贬义[招兵买马]成语出处明·汤显祖《牡丹亭》:“限他三年内招兵买马;骚

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    词语大全 买马招兵   [mǎi mǎ zhāo bīng]什么意思

    买马招兵  [mǎimǎzhāobīng][买马招兵]成语解释犹言招兵买马。[买马招兵]成语出处《再生缘》第三回:“今中既到山中住,少不得,买马招兵尽壮怀。”[买马招兵]百科解释犹