词语大全 招摇撞骗造句_招摇撞骗中英文解释和造句
Posted 诈骗罪
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词语大全 招摇撞骗造句_招摇撞骗中英文解释和造句
招摇撞骗 zhāo yáo zhuàng piàn
他经常假借公司的名义来招摇撞骗。 He often swaggered and swindled under the guise of the pany’s name.
他冒充记者招摇撞骗,诈取了不少钱财。 He pretended to be a journalist, and swindled lots of money.
利用公司名誉在外招摇撞骗,致公司名誊受损害者。 Use pany reputation to flaunt and swindle, causing pany bad reputation.
比较了合同诈骗罪与诈骗罪、招摇撞骗罪、金融诈骗罪; And pare crime of contract fraud with crime of fraud crime of cheating and bluffing and crime of financial fraud; In the meanime, !
利用公司名义在外招摇撞骗,致使本公司信誉蒙受重大损失者。 Committing an act of cheating in the name of the Company and causing serious damage to the Company regulation.
那个德瓦隆骗子利用希基塔里人的多阶段生命周期来招摇撞骗。 The multi-stage life cycle of the Shikitari factored into the conman’s scam.
他不害怕任何人,他说,招摇撞骗,因为大部分的伟大超期“ 。 He’s not intimidated by anyone. He has that swagger that most of the great ones have. “””
这个故事是说:有些人凭借别人的权势到处招摇撞骗,欺压弱小。 The story tells us that there is always someone who tries to swagger about in borrowed plumes.
这只鹦鹉八成把它用来做招摇撞骗之类的事情。」这本护照持有人说。 The Kea’s probably using it for fraudulent claims or something, ” the passport owner, who did not want to be named, told the newspaper.”
对此,人们有四种分析:一为,他们光炒作,不买房,纯系招摇撞骗; So, people have four analysis : one, they just speculation, not individuals, is purely a swindle and bluff;
尽管他的哥哥喜欢招摇撞骗,可她却是个黑发美人,简直是美得惊人。 Although her brother is a fraud, she is truly a pretty girl with dark-hair.
虽然,湖北省消费者委员会已经发出声明,称此说法是个别人招摇撞骗。 Although, hubei saves consumer mittee to had issued statement, weighing this view is an others swindle and bluff.
甄别中介机构 目前,劳务中介机构很多,许多人以此为幌子招摇撞骗。 Discriminate intermediary orgnaization at present, service intermediary orgnaization is very much, a lot of people are cover swindle and bluff with this.
人体装甲的口袋在肩膀和手肘,国语衣领和对比度管涌放入少许招摇撞骗。 The body armor pocket at shoulders and elbows, mandarin collar and contrast piping add a little swagger.
渝中区法院今天透露,该院一审以冒充军人招摇撞骗罪,判处邓拘役四个月。 The Yuzhong District court disclosed today that this courtyard first trial pretends to be the serviceman mooching crime, condemns Deng to imprison for four months.
正是在这种情况下,李洪志得以“气功”之名,并打着“宗教”的招牌招摇撞骗。 In this case, Li Hongzhi could be able to get his way around in the name of Qigong and signboard of religion.
第三,借毕业的的名义招摇撞骗还疯狂的灌水。弄的路人皆知,影响了你的声誉; Third, take advantage of name of graduate swindle by false pretences crazy even pouring water. The ones that got are known by everybody, influence your reputation ;
如果有打着我的旗号招摇撞骗、违法违纪的,可直接向执法部门报案,先把人扣起来。 If I have the banner of swindle and bluff, violation of law, may report directly to the law enforcement sector, the first one held up.
这两个家伙开始招摇撞骗坏话,指出了杜卡迪自行车上展出,并粗鲁评论非美国自行车。 Both of the guys started to swagger and cuss, pointed to a Ducati bike on display and made rude ments about non-American bikes.
所以,现实中不少人打着高官的招牌、假冒某些名人进行招摇撞骗,而且还往往易于得逞。 So, in reality many people sign the banner of the senior officials, attempted to fake some celebrities, but also are often easier to succeed.
中国中医科学院院长秘书田毅称,没有什么肿瘤首席专家,也没有特邀教授白希和,就是招摇撞骗。 Tian Yi of secretary of prexy of the medical courses in general in China says, without what tumour chief expert, also hope in vain without specially invite professor and, it is swindle and bluff.
这也令我们想起,当耶稣看到市井商贩在神的殿里招摇撞骗,玷污神的名时,他的心里是何等的悲伤。 This also reminds us of how Jesus’ heart was broken when he saw the temple being defiled by merchants taking advantage of the poor.
我是指一个平局,有没有进球无所谓,让他们繁忙起来,让那个到处招摇撞骗的35岁租借队员感受一点疲惫。 By which I mean a draw, goalless or otherwise, leading to unhelpful fixture congestion and increased tiredness for any 35-year-old loan signings who happen to be lying around the place.
不过他主要从事诈骗,在奢华的娱乐场所招摇撞骗-因为他可以很好的融入上层社会,并且显得和其他人一样的诚实。 Mostly, however, he worked as a confidence-man, and as a sharper at the grand casinos-for of course, he could mix with Society, and seem honest as the rest.
我们重视自己履行的事实重于道听途说我们不会想那些发疯的人所说的到处招摇撞骗、充满邪恶,那只会毁掉我们自己。 We neglect neither dimension for the other, seeing both as necessary for our fulfillment. We do not run around like crazy people saying that we are cursed or that astral nasties are going to get us.
当你辛辛苦苦拍摄的照片,所写下的文字,全部变成了别人的版权所有,还拿去出版卖钱,招摇撞骗,那又是什么感觉? When your hard-earned photos and words bee protected by someone else’s intellectual property right and were sold to the publishers, what is your feeling?
先贤的荣耀是我们民族的光辉历史,它应成为我们今天发奋图强的动力,而决不是我们招摇撞骗的旗帜或涂脂抹粉的面霜。 Sages is the glory of the glorious history of our nation, it should be a high level of power we have today, and will by no means the banner of a trickster or to whitewash the face cream.
她无法应付好莱坞那些招摇撞骗的时髦人物,他们很可能追她,目的是他们可以吹牛皮,说什么他们已经把约翰昵 – 方檀的第一房妻子引上钩了。 She wasn’t equipped to handle the Hollywood sharpies who might e after her just so that they could brag about having screwed Johnny Fontane’s first wife.
除在此慎重声明,本宫亦无将在美国合法登记之免税号码借于他人使用,对于招摇撞骗,进行募款实际骗财之行为,本宫除严厉谴责之外,并保留 一切法律追诉权利。 We do not release our tax ID to others. Chin Chueh Gung, Inc. reserves the right to pursue legal action against any illegal conduct through this manner.
词语大全 招摇过市造句_招摇过市中英文解释和造句
招摇过市 zhāo yáo guò shì
穿着奇装异服招摇过市的大有人在。 There are quite some people swaggering through the streets in outlandish clothes .
我看见他开着他的崭新跑车招摇过市。 I saw him out posing in his new sports car.
她们穿着新裙子招摇过市。 They flashed it away in their new dresses.
他们穿着新衣服招摇过市。 They flashed it away in their new clothes.
保守的白领们招摇过市。 White collared conservative flashing down the street.
明明是狗,非要化装成熊猫招摇过市,很囧吧! It is not panda but dog, dressing like panda, walking on the street!
另类风景线:奥林匹克中心日本女人招摇过市! Another kind scenery line: The Olympics centre Japan woman blatantly seek publicity!
昨天我看到那些年轻人开着他们的新车招摇过市。 They flashed it away in their new clothes. I saw those young men flashot away in their new car yesterday.
在我们的城市招摇过市的人中,弗兰克-卢卡斯是最危险的一个。 Frank Lucas is the most dangerous man walking the streets of our city.
你想让他享受到这些花架子短语多一点,挑选一件伎俩或两名来自招摇过市黄铜。 you wanted him to enjoy these showy phrases a little more, pick up a trick or two from the swaggering brass.
现代的都市街头,胸前挂著或红或绿的翡翠吊坠招摇过市的时尚男青年也屡见不鲜。 Modern metropolis street is hung before chest or is red, or green jadeite hangs to fall recruit to shake city fashion young man also monly seen.
其次,假名牌在时尚圈里不得不提,在中国尤其多见,似乎处处可见假名牌招摇过市。 Second, the counterfeit industry is fascinating. Especially in China, it is so prevalent everywhere. It seems like everyone is carrying a fake handbag or wearing a fake suit.
一个朋友曾给过我一本红酒指南,建议我下次拿着一瓶红酒招摇过市之前先查查这本书。 A friend once handed me a wine guide and suggested that I consult it before I next brought a bottle round.
这群小青年,蓄著长头发,穿着花衬衫,在边上招摇过市。在我看来,他们是十足的娘娘腔。 all these fellows who go ground with long hair and shirts with flowers on them look like a lot of Nancy Boys to me.
麦琪:没关系,卡罗尔,只要你别穿着它招摇过市。宝贝儿,我从来没有过得像今天这样愉快。 Maggie: Oh, it’s ok, just promise you’ll never wear it in the public. Sweet heart, I have enjoyed every minute of today.
哼,你们等著瞧吧,她准会别上个胸针,或者是异教徒的什么首饰,档住胸口,照样招摇过市! Why, look you, she may cover it with a brooch, or such like heathenish adornment, and so walk the streets as brave as ever!
据传说,有一天,该城里一个小乐队从市中心吹着喇叭招摇过市,领头者更是将喇叭翘到了天上。 It’s said that, one day, a band of this city march on the road from the center of the city with playing oviduct, even the leader maked his oviduct towards sky.
不!异教徒(异端?)们招摇过市并坐在了王座上!我将带领我的人民通往圣洁。这都始于3年前。 No! Heretics walk the streets and sit upon the throne! I might lead our people to holiness and purity. It all began three years ago.
在上海东北部,日新(音)社区居委会已经发起了“远离睡衣”的活动,来抵制白天穿睡衣招摇过市。 In the northeast of Shanghai, the Rixin neighbourhood mittee has begun a “Ban the PJs” campaign to discourage the daytime display of nightwear.
艾迪总是为人低调怕被认出,而我却喜欢招摇过市, 但我们都展示了真实的自我并且度过了美好时光。 Eddie tries to hide from his fame, while I flaunt mine, but we’re both struggling to be true to ourselves and to have a great time.
于是插著美巴两国国旗的一支冒牌乔装的汽车队在摩托车队护送之下,从伊斯兰堡招摇过市,驰往山区。 So a decoy caravan of limousines, flying the flags of the United States and Pakistan and acpanied by a motorcycle escort, rolled through the streets of Islamabad and up into the mountains.
我讨厌那些白占地方的东西,讨厌满载一大堆空纸盒的车招摇过市,也讨厌堆砌那些大而无实际内容的词汇。 I hate to see a load of bandboxes go along the street, and Ihate to see a parcel of big words without anything in them.
我父亲还记得,他十几岁的时候,看见过托马斯·沃尔夫[1]在镇上招摇过市,傲视群氓,俨然一个大明星。 My father remembers as a teenager seeing Thomas Wolfe walking around town, towering over everyone, a celebrity.
关于默多克:他就像是一个哥特人穿着马桶盖似的肥大衣领,在罗马大摇大摆地招摇过市。他的身上洋溢着自信。 Of Rupert Murdoch: Like a Goth swaggering around Rome wearing an onyx toilet seat for a collar, he exudes self-confidence.
在谢泼德所处的时代,强盗在光天化日、众目睽睽之下拦路抢劫,还大摇大摆、得意洋洋地招摇过市,如入无人之境。 In Sheppard’s day highwaymen mitted robberies in broad daylight, in sight of a crowd, and rode solemnly and triumphantly through the town without danger of molestation.
妮可·�奇因常穿各类皮毛时装招摇过市而引起动物保护主义者们的强烈不满,因此被评为2006年度穿着最差的明星。 Animal rights activists are furious about Nicole Richie wearing fur in public, and have chosen her as one of its Worst Dressed stars for 2006.
我是移民,过我去常常开着我那保险杠上贴满了撕不掉的小贴纸的二手车招摇过市,其中一个小贴纸写到‘如果你不讲英语,回家去’。 I’m an immigrant and I used to drive this used car with a lot of bumper stickers that impossible to tear off and one of them said ‘If you don’t speak English go home.
他们轰轰烈烈地攫取财富,好勇斗狠地击败对手,大包大揽地承担责任,招摇过市地炫耀品位,其实都为畅享人生,怎么好玩儿怎么来。 Dynamic to grab their wealth, Haoyongdouhen to defeat the opposition, Taibaodalan to assume responsibility, to show off Zhaoyaoguoshi grade, in fact, have to enjoy life Cheong, how to how-so-fun.
70年代,厚底坡跟鞋开始大行其道,年轻女士们(以及少数勇敢的男士)脚踩厚厚的软木底坡跟鞋招摇过市,鞋底的厚度最多达到4、5英寸。 In the 1970s, high-heeled platform shoes caught on with hip, young women (and a few brave men) who clomped around in heavy cork-soled platform shoes that were up to 4- or 5-inches thick.
招摇过市 zhāoyáoguòshì招摇过市的意思和解释:招摇:张扬炫耀;市:闹市,指人多的地方。指在公开场合大摇大摆显示声势,引人注意。招摇过市的出处《史记·孔子世家》:“居卫
招摇过市 zhāoyáoguòshì招摇过市的意思和解释:招摇:张扬炫耀;市:闹市,指人多的地方。指在公开场合大摇大摆显示声势,引人注意。招摇过市的出处《史记·孔子世家》:“居卫
花天酒地 huātiānjiǔdì花天酒地的意思和解释:形容荒淫腐化、吃喝嫖赌的生活。花天酒地的出处清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第二十七回:“到京之后,又复花天酒地,任意招摇。”花天
花天酒地 huātiānjiǔdì花天酒地的意思和解释:形容荒淫腐化、吃喝嫖赌的生活。花天酒地的出处清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第二十七回:“到京之后,又复花天酒地,任意招摇。”花天