词语大全 指日可待造句_指日可待中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:如果惧怕前面跌宕的山岩,生命就永远只能是死水一潭。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 指日可待造句_指日可待中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 指日可待造句_指日可待中英文解释和造句
指日可待 zhǐ rì kě dài
未来赚更多的钱指日可待! And he can earn more money in the future.
但是官方人员暗示,中国拥有航母指日可待。 Officials hint it will not be long before China has some of these too.
不行,但随着这个发现,更好的治疗方法指日可待。 No, but with its discovery, they are hope fully on the way to finding better treatments.
人到了这种状态,能熟练掌握这种语言便指日可待了。 The person arrived this kind of appearance, can masterly control this kind of language to then can be expected soon.
目前这些奇迹有一些是可以实现的。其它的也指日可待。 A number of these marvels are available right now, and others may be just around the corner.
让这个地区成为世界上强大统一组织的前景现在指日可待。 The prospect from the region being a formidable bloc in the world is well within our reach.
自由世界同心协力地推广民主,我们敌人的灭亡就指日可待了。 The concerted effort of free nations to promote democracy is a prelude to our enemies’ defeat.
无论如何,一个健康的生活是指日可待当您开始调整您的身心。 Anyway, a healthy life is within reach when you begin to adjust your mind and body.
如果公众不是认为加入欧盟指日可待,改革的动力将会大大受挫。 Had the public started to doubt that entry was fairly imminent, the drive for reforms would have been undermined.
世界上最富有、最强大的两人发誓联手破敌,一场好戏指日可待。 WHEN two of the world’s richest and mightiest men pledge to destroy an enemy, it is time to pay attention.
这在所有市场销售良好,所以获得三成的市场占有率是指日可待的。 It was well-received in all markets, so a gain of three market share points can be expected.
我国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)的谈判已进入最后阶段,入世之日指日可待。 The negotiations of China~ s accession to WTO are at the end, the day of it can be expected soon.
我坚信,如果我们能将上述的理论应用于实践,创造崭新的社会文明将指日可待。 I am convinced that if we put into practice the ideas mentioned above, then there is the possibility of creating a new civilization.
拉米指出,对于世界贸易组织的153个成员来说,达成协议其实已经指日可待。 Lamy says the WTO’s 153 member states are within reach of achieving an agreement.
当然我们会谨慎,看看他是否还有别的问题,可以说他复出的那一天已经指日可待。 We will have to see if he has any other problems, but he is very close.
波斯对希腊在小亚细亚的城邦爱奥尼亚,希腊文明首个繁衍的地方的征服指日可待。 Persia already numbered among its conquests the Greek cities of Ionia in Asia Minor, where Greek civilization first flourished.
可以说多普达目前仅是宏达电股掌中的一枚棋子,待时机成熟将前者划入帐下已经指日可待。 It can be said that at present only Dopod HTC hands of a chess piece, the time is ripe to be included in the former account has been just around the corner.
金价再向上测试1,000美元可谓指日可待,对上一次金价升上1,000美元在二月尾。 The time for gold to test the $1, 000 level is well within sight. That level was last reached in late February.
如果说手机科技的迅速发展能让我们看出端倪,那么人们所到之处都能连接上网的日子应当是指日可待了。 If the rapid progress in cell phone technology is any indication, it may not be too long before an Internet connection simply follows you wherever you go.
这为通用公司早日脱离破产保护程序扫清了障碍,而政府持有大部分股权的新通用汽车的诞生将指日可待。 This clears the way for GM to quickly emerge from bankruptcy protection as a new-and-smaller pany largely owned by the government.
生物燃料在适合长途班机使用前,还需要对飞机生物燃料发动机作一些进一步的研究,但应该指日可待了。 Biofuel engines for aircraft still need some work before they are suitable for long-haul flights, but should be available soon.
只有对人真诚又尊重时,才能赢得他人的尊敬。如果我们能做到以上几点,我相信受人欢迎是指日可待的事。 Only by being sincere and respectful of others can we earn their respect. If we can do all of the above, I am sure popularity will e our way.
随着中国的公共资金推动经济活跃地发展,世界各地的存货正在充实起来,而日本的出口商受益也指日可待。 With public money in China pushing growth there to a brisk canter, and inventories all over the world being restocked, it was only a matter of time before Japan’s exporters began to benefit.
通过对不同镜头的功能了解以及对一些构图基本原理的掌握,在你的作品中提高影像的力量是可以指日可待的。 With a few basic principles of position along with an understanding of what different lenses can do for you, improving the power of photography in your own work will be within reach.
尽管现在的宝山除了中心地区外都很荒凉,但要是看看上海的发展步伐就不难想象打造另一个浦东也是指日可待! But if you look at how fast Shanghai is going, you will have fully confidence that Baoshan will bee another Pudong in few years! !
扑克爱好者的最爱。铁盒包装内包括200个筹码,3个大筹码,两复牌,一块绒布。有了它,成为赌王指日可待。 Tin box includes a poker gaming mat, 200 chips, 3 buttons, 2 decks of cards, and an instruction booklet. Best gift for poker lovers! Or you can bee a poker master!
不过呢,他要是一直像刚过去的打黄蜂小牛火箭的那三场一样飘忽不定,他的首发地位就岌岌可危了——变动指日可待。 But if he continues to play a erratic as he has the past three games against New Orleans, Dallas and Houston, it may be time for change.
生物降解绷带在疗伤药品竞争中不敢说首屈一指,如果其功能真如广告所宣传的那样,那么至少治愈的伤口不会留下疤痕是指日可待的。 Biodegradable scaffolds might not win the healing race, but if they live up to their promise, at least there won’t be a scar in sight.
随着全球经济一体化的迅猛发展、兼并浪潮此起彼伏、中国“入世”指日可待、单体饭店的生存空间逐步被吞噬、企业组织结构与制度必须创新。 Enterprise institution must be innovated as the quick development of the global economy and tourism market, china entering the WTO drawing near and breathing space for single hotel being smaller.
可是,或许有朝一日这可能变得无关紧要,如果说手机科技的迅速发展能让我们看出端倪,那么人们所到之处都能连接上网的日子应当是指日可待了。 But someday that might not matter. If the rapid progress in cell phone technology is any indication, it may not be too long before an Internet connection simply follows you wherever you go.
词语大全 指日可下造句_指日可下中英文解释和造句
指日可下 zhǐ rì kě xià
指日可下 zhǐrìkěxià指日可下的意思和解释:表示不久就可以攻下。指日可下的出处指日可下的例子这最后的抵抗如被冲破,武昌城便~。(郭沫若《革命春秋·北伐途次》)指日可下造句
指日可下 zhǐrìkěxià指日可下的意思和解释:表示不久就可以攻下。指日可下的出处指日可下的例子这最后的抵抗如被冲破,武昌城便~。(郭沫若《革命春秋·北伐途次》)指日可下造句
簪缨世胄 zānyīngshìzhòu簪缨世胄的意思和解释:指世代做官的人家.簪缨世胄的出处明·凌濛初《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十七:“舍人是簪缨世胄,况又是黉宫名士,指日飞腾,岂分什么
簪缨世胄 zānyīngshìzhòu簪缨世胄的意思和解释:指世代做官的人家.簪缨世胄的出处明·凌濛初《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十七:“舍人是簪缨世胄,况又是黉宫名士,指日飞腾,岂分什么