词语大全 按捺不住造句_按捺不住中英文解释和造句

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篇首语:会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 按捺不住造句_按捺不住中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 按捺不住造句_按捺不住中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 招架不住造句_招架不住中英文解释和造句

词语大全 按捺不住造句_按捺不住中英文解释和造句

按捺不住  àn nà bù zhù








  • 她此时按捺不住自己, 料想一定是凶多吉少。She could now no longer contain herself, and was convinced that some disaster was impending.
  • 听到那个好消息时, 他按捺不住高兴的心情。When he learned of the good news, he was beside himself with joy.
  • 我们极为兴奋,简直按捺不住。 We could hardly contain our excitement.

  • 它们按捺不住心中的热情。 They cannot repress in heart’s enthusiasm.

  • 按捺不住自己的怒火。 He couldn’t keep down his anger.

  • 当你的香味轻巧地飘过,我再也按捺不住。 When you smell lightly drifting away, I can no longer contain himself.

  • 秋天终于按捺不住酷暑的热,悄然而至了。 Autumn finally cannot hold back the intense summer heat the heat, quietly but to.

  • 又过了一会,宝玉实在按捺不住,上前揭了盖头。 After a while, Pao-yu could wait no longer, so he stepped forward and removed the veil.

  • 突然眼泪终于按捺不住安静,¢你听。寂寞在唱歌。 Suddenly tears finally contain himself quiet, ¢ you listen to. Lonesome singing.

  • 在远离朋友之后,你可能按捺不住去寻找另一拨人群。 Far away from friends, you may be unable to remain still to find another crowd.

  • 如果他有什么自以为得意的事情,他总按捺不住;要把它说出来。 When elate on a subject, he could not avoid talking about it.

  • 最后这位队长按捺不住了,于是抓住了王室一个侍从作为 人质 。 The captain finally lost patience and seized a royal servant as hostage.

  • 下周是拍戏间隙,大家都休息。我今晚要出去钓鱼——我已经按捺不住了。 I’m going fishing tonight and can’t wait – haven’t been for ages.

  • 活动课一到,大家都按捺不住兴奋激动的心情,迫切地冲上绿油油的草地。 Once the activity lesson arrives, they can not help getting excited, rushing onto the meadow right away.

  • 尽管外界对基金参与年终行情的兴趣还有所争论,但基民似乎已按捺不住了。 While the outside world to participate in the Fund’s year-end market was also interested in the debate, but it seems that people have been unable base of.

  • 而梅妈自爱女离世后,已按捺不住多番大发雷霆,更发声明誓要保障阿梅的财物。 After Mui left, Mui Ma already got mad many times, and issued declaration for protecting Ah Mui’s belongings.

  • 但这个结局却总叫人按捺不住地不服气,我们有太多低级的揣测去考证故事的真实性。 But this ending calls a person always however to be able to ‘t restrain the ground ill-affected, we have too much and elementary conjecture to go the authenticity of textual research story.

  • 无论多么华贵的衣服都遮挡不住内心的丑陋,无论多么廉价的衣服,都按捺不住心中的火热。 No matter how luxurious clothes are ugly heart block could not, no matter how cheap the clothes are hot You’ll be tempted to mind.

  • 我此时按捺不住,拨开了章先生指点的手,这时章先生顺势向我右脸上打了一拳,转身便跑。 I now no longer hold, the chapter describes Mr. give hand, once told me that Mr. Zhang made the right face punched, does it run.

  • 作为深圳房地产业三大支柱之一的写字楼市场也按捺不住昔日的沉寂,受到市场越来越多的关注。 Shenzhen real estate as one of the three pillars of the market are no longer hold the office of the quiet past, the market was growing concern.

  • 舜天的大巴车还没有开远,就有个硬物砸向大巴车,伊戈尔有些按捺不住自己的情绪,用英文不停地骂着。 Shuntian’s bus vehicle did not have Kaiyuan, has a hard object to pound to the bus vehicle, Eagle somewhat cannot repress own mood, does not stop with English is scolding.

  • 在医生将心脏电子起搏器植入他胸腔后9天,这位按捺不住的五角大楼头头,上周六又回复到他原来的生活。 Nine days after doctors installed a pacemaker in his chest, the irrepressible Pentagon chief was back in form last Saturday.

  • 于是所有上海人或者已经、或者开始、或者按捺不住地买房投资,所有楼盘不约而同地祭出了“投资”的大旗。 So all the people of Shanghai or has, or start, or unable to control themselves to buy investment properties spontaneously introduced the stipulation : all of the “investment” banner.

  • 当我和弟弟从柜台上接过宝剑,便按捺不住地剑锋出鞘,在大街上对舞起来,那高兴劲儿引来了一大堆人围观。 As soon as we got the swords in hand, we could not help playing them in the street. Our excitement attracted a crowd around us.

  • 武则天按捺不住喜悦,事情进展的和她预料的差不多,她为自己下一步谋划著,甚至每个细节、每个对话和动作。 Wu Zetian can’ts restrain joyance, what its evolutional and she expects is about the same, she is herself next plan are worn, even every every detail, dialog and movement.

  • 发言者继续着他的演讲,说到点子上时,他按捺不住内心的激动,要介绍“所有成就了今天毕业礼的了不起的人们!” As the speaker continued with his speech, he reached a point where he had an uncontrollable urge to introduce “all the wonderful people, who have made this day possible! “”

  • 当老太太走进来,站在那儿望着地上的破碎的罐子,从眼镜上面放射出愤怒的火花,他真是高兴到了极点,几乎按捺不住了。 He was so brimful of exultation that he could hardly hold himself when the old lady came back and stood above the wreck discharging lightnings of wrath from over her spectacles.

  • 地铁五号线、八通线、城市轻轨离我们越来越近了,北京城市轨道交通一日千里的发展速度让很多建筑商都按捺不住投资的欲望。 MTR 5th Line, Batongxian, urban Light Rail is getting closer and closer to us, Beijing urban rail rapid pace of development for many developers are no longer hold the investment desire.

  • 到了2003年年初,上海楼市火暴的市场行情令海外基金再也按捺不住,他们开始提出这样的问题:我该怎样真正进入这个市场。 By early 2003, the Shanghai property market Huobao the market can no longer hold the overseas funds, they began to question : how I truly entered the market.

  • 一些专家说,出于对文化敏感性的关注,以及想要扩大他们自身与中国的联系的愿望,使大学生们在谈到更为偏激的主张时都按捺不住了。 Some experts say that colleges feel constrained from reining in the more extreme protests through a bination of concerns about cultural sensitivity and a desire to expand their own ties with China.

  • 按捺不住造句相关


    词语大全 招架不住造句_招架不住中英文解释和造句

    招架不住  zhāo jià bù zhù






  • 阿奇伯:我赌能让他招架不住。 Akibo : I bet I can talk him down.

  • 过多的改革会让学生招架不住。 Too many students losing some of the reforms will.

  • 我赌能让他招架不住。 I bet I can talk him down!

  • 没有大智慧和大海一样包容心的女人,系招架不住滴! She couldn’t stand it if no wiser&deeper mind like sea, only a open-mind woman suitable you.

  • 起初他否认有罪,但给他看证据时,他招架不住而供认了。 At first he refused to admit his guilt but when he was shown the evidence he broke down and confessed.

  • 再讲下去我就招架不住了,我可不是从小在英国长大的啊! You continue to say, I can’t handle, I wasn’t in Britain grew up!

  • 一只猴子能抓许多跳蚤,可一只跳蚤却招架不住许多猴子。 A monkey can have fleas, but a flea can’t have monkeys.

  • 我是人,我不是神啊,接二连三的打击,我也会招架不住的。 I am a person, not a god. If things always beat me, I will be on the receiving end.

  • 杰克明白莉莉的心思,她的攻势越来越猛,他有些招架不住了。 Jack knows Lily’s scheming. He finds her offensive gets so intensive that he is unable to resist.

  • 后来,招架不住房屋中介不知疲倦来电骚扰,我决定将闺房出嫁。 Later, overwhelmed housing intermediary tireless harassment calls, I decided to Her marriage.

  • 李明博的新内阁刚成立两周,内阁官员们已经开始有些招架不住了。 Bureaucrats in his government, which was launched just two weeks ago, have been showing signs of burnout.

  • 他说:「他的演技真的很了不起,是经典之作,真的令人招架不住。」 “It’s stunning, it’s iconic, ” he said. “It’s going to just blow people away. ”

  • 罗丹斯实在招架不住了不得不到朋友狄安娜的神庙里躲避她的求婚者。 Exhausted by their pursuit, Rhodanthe was forced to take refuge from her suitors in the temple of her friend Diana.

  • 生活有时候会让你招架不住,然而,你总可以轻易地掌控每个小的片段。 Life can seem overwhelming, and yet in each moment it is easily manageable.

  • 罗丹斯实在招架不住了,不得不到朋友狄安娜的神庙里躲避她的求婚者。 Exhausted by their pursuit, Rhodathe was forced to take refuge from her suitors in the temple of her friend Diana.

  • 罗丹斯实在招架不住了,不得不到朋友狄安娜的神庙里躲避她的求婚者。 Exhausted by their pursuit, Rhodanthe was forced to take refuge from her suitors in the temple of her friend Diana.

  • 罗丹斯实在招架不住了,不可不到哥们狄安娜的神庙里躲避她的求婚者。 Exhausted by their ss pursuit, Rhodanthe were forced to get refuge from IT suitors in the temple of IT friend Diana.

  • 罗丹斯实在招架不住了,不得不到朋友狄安娜的神庙里躲避她的求婚者。 Exhausted by their ss pursuit, Rhodanthe was forced to get refuge from her suitors in the temple of her Diana.

  • 罗丹斯实在招架不住了,不得不到朋友狄安娜的神庙�婺�避她的求婚者。 Exhausted by their pursuit, Rhodanthe was forced to take refuge from her suitors in the temple of her friend Diana.

  • 马蒂娜·辛吉斯击球准确,但尽管在赛场上竭尽全力,仍招架不住拍拍重扣。 Martina Hingis hits the ball well but, despite a better effort in the gym, can’t match punch for punch.

  • 虽然玛丽已经89岁,她还是反击,并且让窃贼招架不住,带着抓伤和淤青逃跑。 But the 89-year-old granny fought back and gave as good as she got. The thief got away, but not without some scratches and bruises.

  • 爵爷终于招架不住,说:“我的金银财宝——你千万不能走漏风声——全是偷来的。 Finally, wearying of her speech, the knight said, “All we have and I charge you to say nothing of this to anyone is stolen.”

  • 假如人们对周围看到、听到、和闻到的东西都去注意,他们整理和回忆信息就会招架不住。 If human being paid attention to all the sights, sounds, and smells that besiege them, their ability to codify and recall information by would be swamped.

  • 每当球向我飞来时,我就僵住了。这种犹豫不决至今萦绕着我,在我最糟糕时使我招架不住。 Any time the ball came to me I’d freeze, the indecisiveness that still haunts me today attacking me at the worst moment.

  • 为了生存,那些招架不住的企业已“浑然变质”,在质量上向“五劣板”看齐,打起擦边球。 To live, those enterprises that enrol cannot sustain already ” muddy deteriorates like that ” , go up in quality to ” 5 bad board ” dress, hit an edge ball.

  • 9月24日英国工会说,最低工资标准已经让经济领域中好几个行业如零售业有些招架不住了。 The Confederation of British Industry said on September 24th that businesses in several parts of the economy, such as retailing, were struggling to cope with the minimum wage.

  • 波兰人上月突然发现,对波及全球的金融危机传染病,他们没有免疫力,这项发现令他们招架不住。 Poles were jolted last month by the sudden discovery that they were not immune to the financial crisis contagion rippling across the globe.

  • 这样做很重要,否则每次你去看电子信箱的时候,你都会觉得自己招架不住,感觉就像凌乱的纸张一样! That’s a crucial thing because otherwise everytime you go to read your email, you’re just swamped and it’s just as bad as the cluttered paper.

  • 但他很快就招架不住了,一则是与行者斗了一日,力倦神疲;二则是见八戒的钉钯凶猛,于是败阵就走。 But very soon, he could barely parry the blows of Pig Bajie without the strength to hit back because he’d fought Monkey King for a whole day and was therefore tired out.

  • 2002年:“忽悠,接着忽悠。”人说吃一堑长一智,范伟显然吸取了前一年的教训,但最终还是招架不住赵本山的忽悠。 in 2002: “flickers, then flickers. “The human said experience teaches, Fan great has drawn the preceding year lesson obviously, but cannot resist Zhao Benshan’s flickering finally.

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    招架不住  zhāojiàbùzhù招架不住的意思和解释:抵挡不了或没有力量再支持下去。招架不住的出处招架不住的例子招架不住造句阿奇伯:我赌能让他招架不住。Akibo:IbetIc

    词语大全 招架不住造句_招架不住中英文解释和造句

    招架不住  zhāojiàbùzhù招架不住的意思和解释:抵挡不了或没有力量再支持下去。招架不住的出处招架不住的例子招架不住造句阿奇伯:我赌能让他招架不住。Akibo:IbetIc

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    按捺不住  [ànnàbùzhù][按捺不住]成语解释按捺:压抑,忍耐。心里急燥,克制不住。[按捺不住]成语出处明·冯梦龙《警世通言·白娘子永镇雷峰塔》:“不想遇着许仙……按捺不住

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    按捺  [ànnà][按捺]基本解释抑制;忍耐。[按捺]详细解释抑制;忍耐。金董解元《西厢记诸宫调》卷一:“打拍不知个高下,谁曾惯对人唱他说他?好弱高低且按捺。”《清平山堂话本·刎

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