词语大全 挑肥拣瘦造句_挑肥拣瘦中英文解释和造句
Posted 乔治
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词语大全 挑肥拣瘦造句_挑肥拣瘦中英文解释和造句
挑肥拣瘦 tiāo féi jiǎn shòu
要饭的那能挑肥拣瘦。/饥不择食。 Beggars can’t be choosers.
要饭的哪能挑肥拣瘦。|饥不择食。 Beggars can’t be chooses.
要饭的,就不能挑肥拣瘦。 Beggars can’t be choosers.
要饭的就不能挑肥拣瘦。 Beggars can’t be choosers.
他吃东西总是挑肥拣瘦。 He is always very picky about food.
叫花子不能挑肥拣瘦; Beggars can’t be choosers. ph.
乞丐不能挑肥拣瘦。 Beggars cannot be choosers.
乞丐不能挑肥拣瘦。 Beggers can’t be choosers.
交际不要挑肥拣瘦,应该和各种各样的人打成一片。 Don’t pick and municate, you should talk and play with all.
交际不要挑肥拣瘦,应该和各种各样的人打成一片。 Do not be picky in the social intercourse . Try to make friends with all kinds of people.
只要美国还依赖外国资本,它就不能如此“挑肥拣瘦”。 As long as America depends on foreign capital, it needs to be less picky.
我本想要张床,叫花子不能挑肥拣瘦,我就睡在沙发上了。 I would have preferred a bed, beggars can’t be choosers so I slept on the sofa.
我本想要张床,但是叫花子不能挑肥拣瘦,所以我就睡在沙发上了。 I would have preferred a bed, beggars can’t be choosers so I slept on the sofa.
我本想要张床,但是叫花子不能挑肥拣瘦,所以我就睡在沙发上了。 I would have preferred a bed, but beggars can’t be choosers so I slept on the sofa.
看别人谈恋爱挑肥拣瘦,我们暗说,不知自己长啥样,还在那儿挑挑拣拣。 When seeing others be picky about choosing a lover, we may laugh ironically at their ignorance of their own looks.
交际不要挑肥拣瘦,应该和各种各样的人打成一片。(美国乔治·韦尔曼) Do not be picky in the social intercourse. Try to make friends with all kinds of people.
不过,我有种感觉,觉得你的情况不是“挑肥拣瘦”,仅仅是“慎重从事”。 I have a sense, however, that in your case, you are simply being choosy, not picky.
给她的任何工作都照单全收,从不挑肥拣瘦,只要公司不反对而有钱赚的事情。 for her work as any single The entire collection, Tiaofeijianshou never, as long as the pany and has no objection to making money.
交际不要挑肥拣瘦,应该和各种各样的人打成一片。———〔美国〕乔治·韦尔曼。 Do not be picky in the social intercourse. Try to make friends with all kinds of people. ———(America) George Wellman.
看来地荒虽不存在,但开发商们按自己的道理挑肥拣瘦,大多数地也只能默默地等待。 shortage not seem to exist, but by developers who own reasoning Tiaofeijianshou, most can only quietly to wait.
你们刚刚几岁,小小年纪就挑肥拣瘦,什么都要舒舒服服,那长大以后会成什么样子呢? You just teens, at a tender age Tiaofeijianshou, what should be fortable, it will grow up into what it look like?
虽然喜欢捕食小型哺乳动物,但北极狐本质上是一个机会主义者。北极不是一个可以挑肥拣瘦的地方。 Though it prefers hunting small mammals, the Arctic fox is at heart an opportunist. The Arctic is no place to be picky.
由于有救济金,法国人再就业时大多挑肥拣瘦,这也是法失业一年以上的长期失业者人数众多的原因之一。 Because has the relief fund, the French gets employed again when mostly is nitpicking, this also is the law is unemployed one of year above long-term unemployed population multitudinous reasons.
但是在工作岗位中挑肥拣瘦,以求找到一份迎合自身精神需求的工作,这在工作机会短缺的时候并不那么轻而易举。 But hopping between jobs to find one that meets your inner spiritual needs is not so easy when there are no jobs to hop to.
问题的实质,实际上非常简单:对保险人进行管制,这样,他们就不能只挑“健康体”,不能在补贴上挑肥拣瘦了;这样,所有的美国人都负担得起保险了。 The essence is really quite simple: regulation of insurers, so that they can’t cherry-pick only the healthy, and subsidies, so that all Americans can afford insurance.
什么是“挑肥拣瘦”,下面让我举两个例子:假设你遇到了一个潜在的对象,他具备了你所要的所有条件,除了他喜欢网球而你不喜欢之外,可就因为这一点,你把他排除在外了; Here’s what “‘too picky” means: You meet a potential mate who has all of the qualities you’ve been looking for…except you love tennis and he doesn’t, so you disqualify him immediately;
认真履行《劳动用工合同》,服从贵公司的各项安排,不折不扣完成贵公司下达的劳动任务,不挑肥拣瘦、消极怠工,更不无事生非,若因范严重过错被贵公司遣送回国,一切责任由本人负责。 While If I have made mistake and the Company sent me back to my home country as a result but I keep stay oversea by my personal reason, I should take all the responsibility.
成语故事 挑肥拣瘦的意思是什么?
【拼音】 tiāo féi jiǎn shòu
【解释】 挑、拣:选择;肥:肥肉;瘦:瘦肉。比喻挑挑拣拣,光要对自己有利的。
【例子】 他是个极端自私的人,干什么事都爱挑肥拣瘦。
【近义词】 挑三拣四 , 拈轻怕重
【反义词】 先人后己 , 舍己为人
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此唱彼和 cǐchàngbǐhè此唱彼和的意思和解释:这里唱,那里随声附和。比喻互相呼应。此唱彼和的出处清·陈田《明诗纪事·己签序》:“与前七子隔绝数十年,而此唱彼和,声应气求,
此唱彼和 cǐchàngbǐhè此唱彼和的意思和解释:这里唱,那里随声附和。比喻互相呼应。此唱彼和的出处清·陈田《明诗纪事·己签序》:“与前七子隔绝数十年,而此唱彼和,声应气求,
判若天渊 pànruòtiānyuān判若天渊的意思和解释:高低差别就象天上的云彩和地下的泥土那样悬殊。判若天渊的出处判若天渊的例子判若天渊造句判若天渊造句相关由两个偏正结构并列
判若天渊 pànruòtiānyuān判若天渊的意思和解释:高低差别就象天上的云彩和地下的泥土那样悬殊。判若天渊的出处判若天渊的例子判若天渊造句判若天渊造句相关由两个偏正结构并列
判若天渊 pànruòtiānyuān判若天渊的意思和解释:高低差别就象天上的云彩和地下的泥土那样悬殊。判若天渊的出处判若天渊的例子判若天渊造句判若天渊造句相关由两个偏正结构并列
判若天渊 pànruòtiānyuān判若天渊的意思和解释:高低差别就象天上的云彩和地下的泥土那样悬殊。判若天渊的出处判若天渊的例子判若天渊造句判若天渊造句相关由两个偏正结构并列