词语大全 捏一把汗造句_捏一把汗中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 捏一把汗造句_捏一把汗中英文解释和造句
捏一把汗 niē yī bǎ hàn
街坊邻居暗暗为母亲捏著一把汗。 Neighbors declined to a mother Niezhao Khan.
喝完绿豆汤再来痛快的流一把汗吧! After you take the drink and begin to sweat!
看着他往悬崖上爬,大家都捏一把汗。 Watching him climb up the precipice , everybody was breathless with anxiety.
看着树顶上的小男孩,她替他捏了一把汗。 She feared for the little boy when she saw him at the top of the tree.
小伟内心抹了一把汗,好险现在不是做同传。 Luckily this is not another round of simultaneous interpretation. Daniel is sweating within his mind.
而金融危机给零售业的影响更是让人捏一把汗。 The financial crisis has affected the retail industry is Nieyibahan people. 7 released by the U.
假如婚礼用的花朵含苞未放,我们会捏上一把汗。 We should break into a cold sweat if a flower is in bud and not fully open.
闻此消息,我们不由为旅游卫视的正台长捏了一把汗。 After heard this news, we feel worry about the director of the Travel Channel.
她看到那个小男孩在树顶上时,着实替他捏了一把汗。 She feared for the little boy when she saw him at the top of the tree.
再看看这么多游戏试玩展台,真为这些玩家捏一把汗。 To see so many games demo booth, for these players really Nieyibahan.
这一点不光心知肚明,就连纽约媒体也替他们捏了一把汗。 Not only this point knows in the heart the stomach to be bright, New York media was also anxious for them.
笔者希望双赢,但是心中并不踏实,有时还捏著一把汗呢! I hope it will be a win-win situation, but my mind is not at ease. In fact, sometimes I feel downright anxious.
道士擦了一把汗憨厚地一笑,顺便打听了一下石灰的市价。 Taoist Wang wiped the sweat off his head and smiled. Then he asked about the price of the lime wash.
形象突变到这个份上,笔者心里一直替开发商们捏著一把汗。 image mutations to the copies, the author could have been for a developer who Niezhao Khan.
看着这些精彩片断,我既为他捏著一把汗,又从心眼里佩服他。 Looking at these wonderful pieces, I am both for him upon her a sweat, and from the heart in the eyes admire him.
小明登台演讲时,自己一点也没有紧张,倒是妈妈为他捏一把汗。 Xiao Ming felt no tension when he went upon the stage and made a speech. However, his mom was all in a sweat for him.
笔者虽然对大学生性观念开放持“包容”态度,但为大学生捏一把汗。 Although the author of the concept of open university students on a “tolerant” attitude, but for college students Nieyibahan.
但是,比赛一开始,学生军的神奇发挥就让南昌球迷开始为本队捏一把汗。 However, the start, students of the military to play a magical let the fans began to Nanchang-based team Nieyibahan.
台上选手们紧张激烈的竞争,使得台下的老师和家长都在为他们捏一把汗。 As the petition getting intense, the teachers and parents of the contestants are getting nervous.
这场比赛中,郑洁叫了医疗暂停,戴着厚厚护踝的她的这一举动着实让人捏了一把汗。 In this petition, Zheng Jie has been called the medical suspension, wears protects malleolus’s her this action to let the human thick be anxious really.
今年,不断滑坡的经济又让录取办公室的职员捏了一把汗,因为有些家庭不能按计划支付大学的费用。 This year the weak economic has admission’s (admissions) officer’s nervous that some families may not be able to paid for colleges as planed.
山西晚报:侯斌“攀登”时,每位观众都为他捏了一把汗,因为这样点燃火炬的方式实在是太特别了。 Shanxi evening news: When Hou Bin climb, each audience was anxious for him, because lit torch’s way is really like this too special.
克罗地亚面前的难题开始堆积起来,而剩余的西巴尔干半岛国家只能手心里攥著一把汗,眼巴巴地袖手旁观。 But President Stipe Mesic thinks her government will not last long. Croatia’s problems are piling up—and the rest of the western Balkans looks on nervously.
此次香港突遭“非典”重创,本已不尽如人意的经济情况可谓雪上加霜,令人不禁为该市场的现状和前景捏一把汗。 The Hong Kong suddenly “broke” injuries, the economic situation is no longer satisfactory situation, and people can not help the current situation and prospects for the market shortly.
然而更让人捏一把汗的是,当中国还处于工业革命的鼎盛阶段,许许多多的其他国家已经在为全球变暖而忧心忡忡了。 More pressing still, China has entered the most robust stage of its industrial revolution, even as much of the outside world has bee preoccupied with global warming.
罗斯福提到《租借法案》时口气那么随便,使维克多·亨利大大吃一惊,他和英国人一样,正为参议院里的激烈辩论捏一把汗。 Roosevelt’s offhand remark about Lend-Lease surprised Victor Henry, who was deeply worried, as the British were, about the violent debate in the Senate.
极端的开发限期,超长的工作时间,千变万化的SDK、操作系统以及异常激烈的竞争,使得这个产业的人们不得不擦一把汗。 The sweaty underbelly of this industry can be blamed mostly on insane deadlines and work hours, ever-changing SDKs and operating systems, and intense petition.
演播厅里,比赛进行的紧张激烈,大家全然感觉不到灯光的烘烤,夏季的炎热,就连台下的老师和家长都在为选手们捏一把汗。 As the petition getting intense in the studio, everyone seems to forget the burning lights and simmering summer. Even the teachers and parents of the contestants are getting nervous.
黄英的单曲则是重新编曲的《映山红》,不断往上走的KEY让人不禁为黄英捏一把汗,不过这对黄英来说都是小菜一碟,轻松完成。 Huang Ying singles are re-arranger “Azalea” and continuing to go up KEY Ying Huang Nieyibahan people can not help, but it is all a piece of cake for Huang Ying, easy to plete.
词语大全 腹背之毛造句_腹背之毛中英文解释和造句
腹背之毛 fù bèi zhī máo
腹背之毛 fùbèizhīmáo腹背之毛的意思和解释:比喻无足轻重的事物。腹背之毛的出处《韩诗外传》卷六:“背上之毛,腹下之毳,益一把飞不为加高,损一把飞不为加下。”腹背之毛的例
腹背之毛 fùbèizhīmáo腹背之毛的意思和解释:比喻无足轻重的事物。腹背之毛的出处《韩诗外传》卷六:“背上之毛,腹下之毳,益一把飞不为加高,损一把飞不为加下。”腹背之毛的例
单刀赴会 dāndāofùhuì单刀赴会的意思和解释:单刀:一把刀,指一个人。原指蜀将关羽只带一口刀和少数随从赴东吴宴会。后泛指一个人冒险赴约。有赞扬赴会者的智略和胆识之意。单刀
单刀赴会 dāndāofùhuì单刀赴会的意思和解释:单刀:一把刀,指一个人。原指蜀将关羽只带一口刀和少数随从赴东吴宴会。后泛指一个人冒险赴约。有赞扬赴会者的智略和胆识之意。单刀
嘴甜心苦 zuǐtiánxīnkǔ嘴甜心苦的意思和解释:说话和善,居心不良。嘴甜心苦的出处嘴甜心苦的例子“~,两面三刀”,“上头笑着,脚底下使绊子”,“明是一盆火,暗是一把刀”,
嘴甜心苦 zuǐtiánxīnkǔ嘴甜心苦的意思和解释:说话和善,居心不良。嘴甜心苦的出处嘴甜心苦的例子“~,两面三刀”,“上头笑着,脚底下使绊子”,“明是一盆火,暗是一把刀”,
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敝帚千金 bìzhǒuqiānjīn敝帚千金的意思和解释:一把破扫帚,当千金那样贵重。比喻东西虽不好,但自己十分珍惜。敝帚千金的出处汉·刘珍《东观汉记·光武帝纪》:“帝闻之,下诏
哀毁骨立 āihuǐgǔlì哀毁骨立的意思和解释:哀:悲哀;毁:损坏身体;骨立:形容极瘦,只剩下骨架。旧时形容在父母丧中因过度悲伤而瘦得只剩一把骨头。哀毁骨立的出处《后汉书·韦彪
哀毁骨立 āihuǐgǔlì哀毁骨立的意思和解释:哀:悲哀;毁:损坏身体;骨立:形容极瘦,只剩下骨架。旧时形容在父母丧中因过度悲伤而瘦得只剩一把骨头。哀毁骨立的出处《后汉书·韦彪