词语大全 据为己有造句_据为己有中英文解释和造句

Posted 财产

篇首语:惜时专心苦读是做学问的一个好方法。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 据为己有造句_据为己有中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 据为己有造句_据为己有中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 攫为己有造句_攫为己有中英文解释和造句

词语大全 据为己有造句_据为己有中英文解释和造句

据为己有  jù wéi jǐ yǒu








  • 谢谢你还我钱包,小人常常据为己有! Thank you for returning my wallet to me, the lesser man often holds appropriation!

  • 你可以把这种智慧据为己有、好好利用。 You can use that Wisdom as your own.

  • 之后就会把商队所的货物和牛车据为己有。 Then they had taken for themselves all the merchandise and bullock carts of the caravan.

  • 梦想是组成我们的一部分,谁也无法向梦想据为己有。 Dreams are the part of us that no one else can claim right to possess.

  • 他以可以把布朗先生的钱据为己有,但却一分钱也没捞著。 He thought he could get Mr. Brown’s money in his pocket but he lost all, he was too clever by half.

  • 如果他是保皇党,他们可以名正言顺没收他的田产,据为己有。 If he had been Loyalist they would have been able to seize his lands for themselves, under confiscation .

  • 格雷在一间荒废的办公室内发现了这张桌子并将它“据为己有”。 Gray found this desk in an empty office and claimed it for his own.

  • 律师是学问的绅士,他从你的敌人手里救出你的财产,然后据为己有。 A lawyer is learned gentleman who rescues your estate from your enemy and keeps it himself .

  • 城中的牲畜和财物,以色列人依照上主吩咐若苏厄的话,据为己有。 However, the Israelites took for themselves as booty the livestock and the spoil of that city, according to the mand of the LORD issued to Joshua.

  • 这些已毕业的学生被控剽窃罪。剽窃罪就是将别人的词句或观点据为己有。 The former students are being accused of plagiarism. Plagiarism is making it appear that someone else’s words or ideas are your own.

  • 俄勒冈州的一名女子被指控谋杀其一名怀孕的朋友并且想把孩子据为己有。 This woman in Oregon is accused of killing her pregnant friend and trying to pass the baby off as her own.

  • 人们千万不要看到动物就想抓来据为己有,否则动物怎能「放心」与人亲近? If people keep trying to catch animals and keep them, how can they learn to be friendly with man?

  • 然而这一协议的执行结果却使得印度能够从美国用过的核燃料中提炼钚据为己有。 India, which has never signed the NPT, does not yet have any American-built reactors, let alone the spent fuel from them to reprocess.

  • 又见虚拟语气(作者在火车上捡到一本书,带回了家,现在点后悔不应该据为己有。 Every time I see the book on my bookshelf, I wonder if I should have taken it or not.

  • 我想清楚啥你总是把咱们共同做的任务据为己有。比如说新的冰激凌广告的那个创意。 That were my line, Mark. I knowinging we worked on the ad togetIT, but those were definitely my line.

  • 同样,他们的工作也会得到一份特殊的回报,那就是常常可以将免费所购之得据为己有。 Their job es with a special benefit, too. They often get to keep what they buy for free!

  • 当荣誉一时尚未确定归属的时候,某些虚荣心比你更强的人就会跃跃欲试,把荣誉据为己有。 If it remains a while uncertain to whom the merit belongs, someone more vain than yourself may be encouraged to claim it.

  • 食物是阿拉斯加的第一爱好,它可能会了这一小片肝脏做出任何事情,想方设*据为己有。 Food is the number one priority for the Alaskan Malamute, and he will do almost anything to get that piece of liver for himself and keep it away from all petitors.

  • 如果你对五蕴、五受阴产生爱欲、贪取、据为己有之念,则此无常将会你带来无穷无尽的苦恼。 If you love, covet and possess the five skandhas and five experiential consciousnesses, impermanence it will bring distress to you.

  • 当时,在美国的很多地区,将他人据为己有是合法的。奴隶跟家私和家畜一样被视是一种财产。 Owning another human being was legal in many parts of the United States at that time. Slaves were considered property, like furniture and farm animals.

  • 爱情不是占,正如你喜欢明月却不可能把它摘下据为己有一样,但皎洁的月光却仍可以洒落房内。 Love is not possessive. As you like the moon but it’s impossible to bring the moon down and keep it. But the moonlight will still shine into your room.

  • 啊!婚姻的烦恼!我们可以把这些可爱的人儿据为己有,却无法掌控她们的各种欲望。—《奥赛罗》。 O, curse of marriage, that we can call these delicate creatures ours, and not their appetites!

  • 但在许多公司眼中,他却是头号恶棍,因他利用专利制度,将许多并非出自其手的发明权益据为己有。 But many corporations consider him an arch villain who misused the patent system to obtain claims on things he never invented.

  • 在那动物是人也是动物的时日,蜘蛛安安西恶整了所人,特别是老虎,因他想把所的故事据为己有。 It was in those days when animals were people as well as animals that Anansi the spider tricked all of them, especially Tiger; because he wanted all the stories named after him.

  • 一项政府通讯社做的网络调查显示,90%网民认学校无权没收这些礼物,甚至怀疑校方想把这些球据为己有。 An online survey by the government news agency show that 90% of netizens feel the school has no right to take away the gifts and even suspect this was a case for private gain.

  • 这个无意中导致黑骑士毁灭的人是艾伦西亚爵士的儿子,他把这致命的宝剑据为己有,并小心的不去触碰它的剑柄。 The man who had inadvertently caused the Dark Knight’s demise was the son of the Baron of Erenthia. He took the deadly sword as his own, careful not to touch its grip.

  • 外层空间,包括月球与其他天体在内,不得由国家通过提出主权主张,通过使用或占领,或以任何其他方法,据为己有。 Outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means.

  • 俄勒冈的一名妇女因涉嫌谋杀她怀孕的朋友并试图将婴儿据为己有受到指控,受害者的母亲说他们显然是在“格雷克”网站上认识的。 This woman in Oregon is accused of killing her pregnant friend and trying to pass the baby off as her own. The victim’s mother says they apparently met on Craigslist.

  • 人类的足迹踏遍了地球的每一个角落,更无耻地据为己有,就连我的家–南印度洋暴风带上这一片纯洁的蓝天碧海,你们也没放过。 What corner of the planet has man not sought to explore and call his own, including the Roaring Forties, a wild expanse of air and water in the Southern Indian Ocean which is my home?

  • 颜色恰恰合适。她知道这套发梳是很贵重的,她心神向往了好久,却从未奢望过据为己有。现在,这一切居然属于自了!可那对此渴望已久的秀发却已经不见踪影了。 They were expensive bs, she know, and her heart had simply craved and yearned over them without the least hope of tresses that should have adorned the coveted adornments were gone.

  • 据为己有造句相关


    词语大全 攫为己有造句_攫为己有中英文解释和造句

    攫为己有  jué wéi jǐ yǒu







  • 新政党往往把敌对政党的思想攫为己有。 A new political party usually poaches ideas from its rivals.

  • 新政党往往把敌对政党的思想攫为己有。 He refused to identify himself/bee identified with the new political party.

  • 新政党往往把敌对政党的思想攫为己有。 A new political party usually poach idea from its rival.

  • 攫为己有造句相关



    词语大全 攫为己有造句_攫为己有中英文解释和造句

    攫为己有  juéwéijǐyǒu攫为己有的意思和解释:攫:夺取。有强行手段夺取别人的东西,占为己有。攫为己有的出处《列子·说符》:“因攫其金而去。”攫为己有的例子攫为己有造句新政

    词语大全 攫为己有造句_攫为己有中英文解释和造句

    攫为己有  juéwéijǐyǒu攫为己有的意思和解释:攫:夺取。有强行手段夺取别人的东西,占为己有。攫为己有的出处《列子·说符》:“因攫其金而去。”攫为己有的例子攫为己有造句新政

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    拾金不昧  shíjīnbùmèi拾金不昧的意思和解释:金:原指钱财,现泛指各种贵重物品;昧:隐藏。拾到东西并不隐瞒下来据为己有。指良好的仆人道德和社会风尚。拾金不昧的出处拾金不昧

    词语大全 拾金不昧造句_拾金不昧中英文解释和造句

    拾金不昧  shíjīnbùmèi拾金不昧的意思和解释:金:原指钱财,现泛指各种贵重物品;昧:隐藏。拾到东西并不隐瞒下来据为己有。指良好的仆人道德和社会风尚。拾金不昧的出处拾金不昧

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    功成不居  gōngchéngbùjū功成不居的意思和解释:居:承当,占有。原意是任其自然存在,不去占为己有。后形容立了功而不把功劳归于自己。功成不居的出处《老子》第二章:“生而不

    词语大全 功成不居造句_功成不居中英文解释和造句

    功成不居  gōngchéngbùjū功成不居的意思和解释:居:承当,占有。原意是任其自然存在,不去占为己有。后形容立了功而不把功劳归于自己。功成不居的出处《老子》第二章:“生而不

    词语大全 功成不居造句_功成不居中英文解释和造句

    功成不居  gōngchéngbùjū功成不居的意思和解释:居:承当,占有。原意是任其自然存在,不去占为己有。后形容立了功而不把功劳归于自己。功成不居的出处《老子》第二章:“生而不

    词语大全 功成不居造句_功成不居中英文解释和造句

    功成不居  gōngchéngbùjū功成不居的意思和解释:居:承当,占有。原意是任其自然存在,不去占为己有。后形容立了功而不把功劳归于自己。功成不居的出处《老子》第二章:“生而不

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    词语大全 放辟邪侈造句_放辟邪侈中英文解释和造句

    放辟邪侈  fàngpìxiéchǐ放辟邪侈的意思和解释:放、侈:放纵;辟、邪:不正派,不正当。指肆意作恶。放辟邪侈的出处《孟子·梁惠王上》:“茍无恒心,放辟邪侈,无不为己。”放辟