词语大全 排斥异己造句_排斥异己中英文解释和造句
Posted 异己
篇首语:有的时候难过的不是结局不够好,而是真诚没有被善待。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 排斥异己造句_排斥异己中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 排斥异己造句_排斥异己中英文解释和造句
排斥异己 pái chì yì jǐ
马友友排斥异己方法:比他强的必须当他! Ma Youyou repels the dissident method: Is stronger than him must the ought to do he!
美国报告指控中国排斥异己,并对少数民族实施压制政策。 The US report accused China of harassing dissidents and increasing its repression of ethnic minorities.
无论是恪守德行,还是排斥异己,以至使用谶纬、自造《自本》,都是其权谋术中的一环。 Among the Political tricks were pretended virtue abidance, dissident suppression, seducing and autobiography forging.
明正德元年(1506年)宦官刘瑾为排斥异己,逮南京给事中御史戴铣等20余人下狱。 Ming Masanori first year (1506) eunuch Liu Jin as exclusion, arrest Nanjing, Xian Dai Ji Shizhong censor more than 20 imprisoned.
相反,一个忧郁的、时而友好时而变得冷酷或者排斥异己的母亲会培养出一个将来靠不住的恋人。 Coerly, a mother who has a depressive personality, and is sometimes friendly but then suddenly turns cold and rejecting, may rai a man who bees a dance-away lover.
相反,一个忧郁的、时而友好时而变得冷酷或者排斥异己的母亲会培养出一个将来靠不住的恋人。 Conversely, a mother who has a depressive personality, and is sometimes friendly but then suddenly turns cold and rejecting, may raise a man who bees a dance-away lover.
自20世纪60年代起,心理学家就认识到人们更愿意接受和他们自己观点相近的思想,排斥异己的思想。 Since the 1960s psychologists have known that people are more accepting of ideas close to their own views and resistant to those that differ.
人类中心主义、种族歧视、性别歧视、同性恋歧视,甚至过去对左撇子的歧视和排挤,本质上都是一样的,都是排斥异己。 Human-centrism, racial discrimination, gender discrimination, discrimination on grounds of sexuality, even discrimination against left-handed people all have the same root cause — exclusiveness.
拉宾夫人从一个家庭主妇转变成一位和平斗士,她由于支持以色列与阿拉伯和平共处而在国外享有厚誉,但是在国内却被一些以色列人列为异己分子而遭到排斥。 Rabin, a homemaker -turned-peace campaigner, had been feed abroad as an advocate of Israeli-Arab coexistence but was shunned by some in Israel as a divisive figure.
时而友好时而变得冷酷或者排斥异己的母亲会培养出一个将来靠不住的恋人,因为他从母亲那儿领略了恋爱的可怕之处,因此会害怕做出承诺,并为此与女朋友分道扬镳。 Because he’s been so scared about love from his mother, he is afraid of mitment and may pull away from a girlfriend for this reason.
“首先,我们需要在乌克兰建设欧洲,因为只有在一个国家具有相同血型的情况下,它才可以融入欧盟。否则,它将被视为异己分子,难逃被排斥的命运,”她在一次采访中这样说道。 “First of all we need to build Europe in Ukraine, because a country can only enter the EU if it has the same blood group, otherwise it will get rejected as an alien body, ” she says in an interview.
词语大全 排除异己造句_排除异己中英文解释和造句
排除异己 pái chú yì jǐ
宣传反共,排除异己,反对进步,鼓励倒退。 They oppose munism, purge those who hold different views, hinder progress and favor retrogression .
市长抱怨说,对这一丑闻进行调查的真正目的不过是为了排除异己。 The mayor plained that the investigation into the scandal was nothing more than a witch-hunt.
马政府则因顾忌「排除异己」的讥评,不敢作果断处置,如王仁炳者即留任至今。 The Ma administration, terrified of being accused that it was conducting a purge, dared not clean house, and the likes of Wang Jen-bing were kept on.
无论是谁开始这场混乱,从而有目的的集结FOX成员到一个单独行动中并排除异己。 Whoever starts this mess managed to Gather FOX members specializing in solo mission and killed all those who opposed.
那些通过腐败、欺骗、排除异己而依附于权力的人,请看清楚,你们站错历史方向了。 To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history;
那些通过腐败、欺骗、排除异己而依附于权力的人,请你们看清楚,你们站错历史方向了。 To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history;
在我们身处的社会中,总是多方强调彼此包容、维护和谐关系,我们避免那些排除异己的言论。 In our present society, there is much emphasis on tolerance and harmony. We dislike those exclusive statements.
娶乾隆最小也是最喜欢的女儿为妻进一步巩固了和绅的地位,并使他有能力拉拢党羽和排除异己。 He strengthened those ties by marrying the emperor’s youngest and favorite daughter, giving Ho-Shen the power to make or break other officials.
他娶了皇帝最小也是最喜欢的女儿为妻进一步巩固了这层关系,致使他有能力拉拢党羽和排除异己。 He strengthened those ties by marrying the emperor’s youngest and favorite daughter, giving Ho-Shen the power to make or break other officials.
他娶了皇帝最小也是最喜欢的女儿为妻进一步巩固了这层关系,致使他有能力拉拢党羽和排除异己。 He strengthened those ties by marrying the emperor\' s youngest and favorite daughter, giving Ho-Shen the power to make or break other officials.
他的儿子娶乾隆最小也是最喜欢的女儿为妻进一步巩固了和绅的地位,并使他有能力拉拢党羽和排除异己。 He strengthened those ties by making his son marry the emperor’s youngest and favorite daughter, giving Ho-Shen the power to make or break other officials.
对会员单位应本着“平等互利”“自由出入”的原则 ,既不强迫命令 ,也不排除异己,更不能拉帮结派。 Should act on to member unit ” equal mutual benefit ” ” free discrepancy ” principle, both neither forces a mand, also do not eliminate dissident, cannot help the group that help a tie more.
观察家认为,政府如此热衷于排除异己部分反映了共产党对将于2011年举行的5年一届的全国代表大会的担心。 Observers say this repressive zeal partly reflects nervousness ahead of the Communist Party’s five-yearly congress in 2011.
中国政府知道,一旦爆发抗议活动,媒体的视点肯定会从中国的现代化建筑或体育成就上转移至此,所以它加大了排除异己的力度。 Anxious to prevent protests that might steal headlines from the glories of Chinese modernist architecture or athletic prowess, the authorities have hounded dissidents with more than usual vigour.
到处排除异己分子会使整个政府处于瘫痪状态,这样就没有人愿意为政府的决定出身入死,因为他们担心自己稍有不慎就会被指责为腐败成性。 Witch-hunts can create paralysis in government, leaving nobody willing to take a decision, for fear of being accused of corruption if it goes wrong.
排除异己 páichúyìjǐ排除异己的意思和解释:排挤、清除和自己意见不同或不属于自己集团派系的人。排除异己的出处排除异己的例子排除异己造句宣传反共,排除异己,反对进步,鼓励倒
排除异己 páichúyìjǐ排除异己的意思和解释:排挤、清除和自己意见不同或不属于自己集团派系的人。排除异己的出处排除异己的例子排除异己造句宣传反共,排除异己,反对进步,鼓励倒
朋党比周 péngdǎngbǐzhōu朋党比周的意思和解释:结党营私,排斥异己。朋党比周的出处《荀子·臣道》:“朋党比周,以环主图私为务,是篡臣者也。”朋党比周的例子朋党比周造句
朋党比周 péngdǎngbǐzhōu朋党比周的意思和解释:结党营私,排斥异己。朋党比周的出处《荀子·臣道》:“朋党比周,以环主图私为务,是篡臣者也。”朋党比周的例子朋党比周造句
冰炭不同器 bīngtànbùtóngqì冰炭不同器的意思和解释:冰和炭火不能放在同一个器具里。比喻性质不同的事物彼此排斥,不能相容。冰炭不同器的出处《韩非子·显学》:“夫冰炭不
冰炭不同器 bīngtànbùtóngqì冰炭不同器的意思和解释:冰和炭火不能放在同一个器具里。比喻性质不同的事物彼此排斥,不能相容。冰炭不同器的出处《韩非子·显学》:“夫冰炭不
标同伐异 biāotóngfáyì标同伐异的意思和解释:帮助意见相同的人,排斥意见不同的人。标同伐异的出处南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语·轻抵》:“真长标同伐异,侠之大者。”标同伐异的
标同伐异 biāotóngfáyì标同伐异的意思和解释:帮助意见相同的人,排斥意见不同的人。标同伐异的出处南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语·轻抵》:“真长标同伐异,侠之大者。”标同伐异的