词语大全 推陈出新造句_推陈出新中英文解释和造句

Posted 武士道

篇首语:人生要事在于树立一个伟大的目标,并决心实现它。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 推陈出新造句_推陈出新中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 推陈出新造句_推陈出新中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 推陈出新造句

词语大全 推陈出新造句_推陈出新中英文解释和造句

推陈出新  tuī chén chū xīn








  • 继承传统最好的办法是推陈出新。 The best way of inheriting tradition is to develop the new from the old.

  • 推陈出新是我的无上的诀窍。 So all my best is dressing old words new.

  • 飞鸽只是推陈出新的新花招。 The pigeons are a new twist to an old story.

  • 戏剧的生命在于推陈出新。 The life of drama lies in its development and renovation.

  • 转变思路,推陈出新,不断提高本质安全水平。 Change mind and take new measures to improve safety production.

  • 在继承与创新方面,坚持要继承发扬民族传统,推陈出新; He insisted on carrying forward the national traditions and made innovation from the old.

  • 企业要长生不老,就必须推陈出新,制卡和会员卡制作业也是一样。 Enterprises want to live forever, you will have up-to-date business card printing and membership card manufacturing workers is the same.

  • 证券投资基金的规模正呈几何级数增长,基金品种也不断推陈出新。 The size of the funds witnessed exponential growth. The category of funds was also increasing rapidly.

  • 简介:少儿唐诗三百首朗读版这套丛书本着推陈出新弘扬传统之宗旨。 Description: Three Hundred Tang Poems read children’s version of the series in carrying forward the tradition of the purpose of the new.

  • 品质超群、新颖独特、推陈出新,为企业竞争提供了源源不断的生命力。 Superior quality, unique novelty, innovation, petition for business has provided an endless vitality.

  • 我不是在谈论胜利——我实在谈国际奥委会的选择。我希望能推陈出新。 I’m not talking about victory —I’m talking about decisions of the IOC. I hope to be innovative.

  • 但旗袍却在不断的推陈出新中日益受到青睐,成为中国一道流动的风景。 But the Chinese dress in unceasing weeds through the old to bring forth the new to hit actually receives the favor day by day, bees scenery which China flows together.

  • 广州的传媒业正处于深刻的变革之中,传播媒介不断推陈出新,内容极为丰富。 The media industry of Guangzhou is being changed deeply, the medium puts forth new ideas continuously, and the contents is extremely abundant.

  • 近代日本的武士道文化是对先前武士道精神的推陈出新,体现了道德、文化的共通与变异。 The bushido culture of modern age of Japan succeeded to the old Bushido spirit, it got off the stale and brought forth some fresh ideas, it reflected the inherits and variations of culture.

  • 她说,如果城市要取得成功,重要的是现有土地和空间的重新使用以及城市生活的推陈出新。 She says the reuse of existing land and spaces and the reinvention of urban life is important if cities are to succeed.

  • 根据市场的需求,我们还会不断的推陈出新、参与竞争,与时俱进、力争在同行中名列前茅。 According to market demand, we will continue to replacing old ones, take part in the petition, advancing with the times and strive to counterparts in the top.

  • 紧跟市场走势,我们不断地推陈出新,凭借有利的资源优势和丰富的管理运作经验从而达到互惠互利。 Keep up with market trends, we continue to develop initiatives with favorable resources and rich experience in management and operation so as to achieve mutual benefits.

  • 在餐馆和酒吧带头下,饭店也推陈出新,推出各式创意鸡尾酒、小酒厂酿造的啤酒和不含酒精进口饮料。 Following the lead of restaurants and bars, hotels are ing up with more creative cocktails, beers from smaller brewers and more exotic nonalcoholic drinks.

  • 随着广州确立“南拓、东进、北优、西联”的城市发展战略,原来星罗棋布的广州楼市格局将推陈出新。 “South up, East chin, North distinctions, the West” city development strategy, the original web of Guangzhou property market pattern will emerge.

  • 作为全球三大硬盘生产厂家,西部数据深知此道,凭著强大的研发能力和创新的设计技术,西数不断推陈出新。 As the world’s three major hard drive manufacturer, Western Digital, well aware of this, with a strong R &D capabilities and innovative design techniques, Western Digital their quality.

  • 企业只有科学地把握时代的特征,通过新技术和新产品的推陈出新来提高企业核心竞争力,才能赢得市场竞争。 The enterprise only have to grasp the time characteristic, weed through the old and bring forth the new product so as to enhance the enterprise core petitive ability, win its market petition.

  • 对于要求更新的3。1。3,犹如远水解不了近渴,苹果在短期内还会继续推陈出新,而这些才是我们需要进行的工作。 It has been tweeted and on interview blogs that a 3. 1. 3 jailbreak will not be forthing…there are other updates ing out from Apple very soon and these are the updates that need working on.

  • 诚信,认真的工作态度,不断推陈出新的产品,良好的售后服务使得我们的业务量不断扩大,成为一个年轻而又快速增长的公司。 Integrity and serious working attitude, their quality products, good after-sales service has enabled us to expand the volume of business, as a young and fast-growing panies.

  • “毫无疑问,村上春树是一名受读者欢迎的小说家,他推陈出新的想法绝不逊色于他那令人迷醉的小说。”——《科柯斯评论》。 “Murakami is of course himself an immensely reader-friendly novelist, and never has he offered more enticing fare than this enchantingly inventive tale. “- Kirkus Review.

  • 随着银行、证券、保险业务的逐步融合,交叉业务、金融衍生产品的不断推陈出新,我国现行的分业监管体制的局限性日渐突出。 With banking, insurance and securities sectors being increasingly interlinked, an appropriate regulatory and supervisory setup to deal with the specific risks they raise is required.

  • 而且,该种划分方法所建立的模块系统是一个开放的系统,可以随着市场需求的变化和科学技术的发展推陈出新,实现良性循环。 Furthermore, the module system set up is an open system, that can weed out the old and bring forth the new along with the development of science and technology and the change of market demand.

  • 「他们替消费者做一部份以前消费者自己必须做的功课。」佛耐尔如此描述好市多,该卖场库存的商品数量有限,且不断推陈出新。 “They do a part of what used to be the consumer’s job, ” Fornell said of Costco, which stocks an ever-changing array of limited quantities of items.

  • 本文对科普期刊的走势进行了剖析,说明科普期刊应该和必须推陈出新地不断寻找出新的题材、新的角度和开掘出新的深度与广度来。 This paper analyses the trend of science periodical development. It is suggested that science periodicals should get rid of the stale and look for new subjects and new perspectives in depth.

  • 鉴于此,笔者认为,对于流动人口的管理首先在理念上要推陈出新,政府及各职能部门、社区等需要通力配合,流动人口管理才能步入常态化、正规化和合理化。 We have to change our management concept facing with such a situation, government agencies and munities should cooperate in order to settle the problems emerged from enlarged floating population.

  • 我们坚持以“质量为根,诚信为本”为服务宗旨,时刻关注、掌握市场动态,不断推陈出新。我们承诺将始终以高尚的品质、热情的服务、创新的精神来满足广大消费者的需求。 We adhere to our service principles—”Quality first, Credit prior”. We promise that our pany will meet every customer’s demand with superior quality, creative spirit and enthusiastic service!

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