词语大全 摇头晃脑造句_摇头晃脑中英文解释和造句

Posted 摇头晃脑

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1、词语大全 摇头晃脑造句_摇头晃脑中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 摇头摆尾造句_摇头摆尾中英文解释和造句

词语大全 摇头晃脑造句_摇头晃脑中英文解释和造句

摇头晃脑  yáo tóu huàng nǎo







  • 这里想说说印度人的摇头晃脑。 Here I would like to say some words about Indian’s wagging head.

  • 摇头晃脑的轨迹像是一个躺着的8。 It is tracked like a sleeping 8.

  • 就算只有一个人也要摇头晃脑的舞动。 Dance even if it is by yourself.

  • 这里的人们摇头晃脑,讲著不知何方语言。 Yaotouhuangnao people here, who spoke the language I do not know where.

  • 我的,我的,斯考特,他不断地摇头晃脑。 My, my, Scout, he said, shaking his head from side to side.

  • 他并没有把钱收下,而是摇头晃脑地走开。 He did not accept the money but went away shaking his head.

  • 一个脖子上装着弹簧、摇头晃脑的布什娃娃。 Bush doll with a spring for a neck bobs its head.

  • 摇头晃脑:这种人特别自信,以至于唯我独尊。 shake head: Such people have a special self-confidence, so conceited.

  • 小玲:“买来时还只会摇头晃脑,现在居然能点头了。” ” Xiaoling: “Yaotouhuangnao will also buy, even a nod to.

  • 建议,有空时摇头晃脑、甩甩手、走走路,会让人比较有精神! Suggestion: Shake your head and hands or walk when you have time.

  • 在为自己“狡辩”一番后,多西还摇头晃脑的诉说自己的“功绩”。 In his “sophistry” after a number of West Yaotouhuangnao also tell of their own “merits.

  • 看到两个哥哥坐在桑树上吃桑椹,那摇头晃脑的神气,真叫人羨慕死了。 See two elder brothers sit on mulberry to eat mulberry, what wag his head then is perky, true envy calling a person died.

  • 花儿咬著耳朵,在雨中轻轻地呢喃,她们簇拥在枝头摇头晃脑,好不惬意。 Flowers bit the ear, twitter softly in the rain, they are surrounded by the branches , really happy.

  • 最近我儿子迷上摇滚音乐,每天摇头晃脑的,还说我落伍了,跟不上时代。 It is my son, he is struck on the Rock music and bobbing the head with the music. He even said I was out and didn’t keep up with the times .

  • “‘咬下来,就当是个葡萄,’”他尖声说,一边看着我们,一边摇头晃脑。 ‘Bite it off just like it was a grape, ‘” he said in his high-pitched voice and looked at us, moving his head up and down.”

  • 白衣长老一边听,一边摇头晃脑,就像老爷爷津津有味的听着小孙子讲故事般。 As the White-cowled Elder nodded his head as he listened, just like some old grandfather listening with great interest to a story told by his grandson.

  • 而且只要我对某一个人摇头晃脑的微笑,我会得到同样一个摇头晃脑。屡试不爽。 What is true that if I smiles with wagging head to somebody, I will definitely get a return of smiling wagging head. Never failed.

  • 人人摇头晃脑,悬梁刺骨到血流成河,惨不忍睹,仍不能阻止我们睡觉的雄心壮志。 Everybody wags his head, hang oneself from a beam is biting bee a river to blood stream, horrible, still cannot prevent the lofty aspirations and great ideals that we sleep.

  • 我们整天摇头晃脑地把古人的遗训背得滚瓜烂熟,有几个能真正领悟其中的真意呢? We read the ancients’ teachings and rules all day long until we can recite them fluently, but how many of us have understood what they really mean?

  • 绿草地上到处是五颜六色的夏季野花,一片片树林以翠绿的树顶在阳光下摇头晃脑。 Meadows, filled with summer’s wild flowers of every color, dots of trees in groups, their emerald green heads nodding in the sun.

  • 摇头晃脑,瞇一只眼睛,提高嗓门,活象一个在十字路口准备开始表演的卖艺人。 He shook his head, winked, screwed up one eye, and raised his voice like a medical professor who is about to make a demonstration.

  • 他四处调查,摇头晃脑,看起来颇为不凡,还像他的同行们一样,取得了惊人的进展。 Louis, moused around, shook his head, looked wise, and made that sort of astounding success which members of that craft usually achieve.

  • 他四处调查,摇头晃脑,看起来颇为不凡, 还像他的同行们一样,取得了惊人的进展。 Louis, moused around, shook his head, looked wise, and made that sort of astounding success which members of that craft usually achieve.

  • 其实准确的说是摇头晃脑而不是简单的摇头。区别是摇头是头的左右摆动,没有上下的位移。 And the exact word we are talking about here is wagging head, which is not only waving left to right, also with the movement of up and down at the same time.

  • 从宽敞的车道开始,地面上铺着华贵的红地毯,几个探照灯正摇头晃脑地在地毯上打出超人的标志。 From spacious lane, the red carpet on the ground arrived 2290, several searchlight is to assume an air of self approbation in the carpet, making superhuman sign.

  • 我回来了」两首主打歌,歌迷们跟着歌声扭动身躯,摇头晃脑,尽情地享受着2003年的最后一个夜晚。 Fans shook their body and head to the rhythm of the song, enjoying themselves on the last night of 2003.

  • 摇头晃脑:这种人特别自信,以至于唯我独尊。他们在社交场合很会表现自己,对事业一往无前的精神常受人赞叹。 shake head: Such people have a special self-confidence, so conceited. They are social occasions will show themselves to the cause of indomitable spirit often amazed by the people.

  • 那时,请你到竹林里走走,鸟儿为你歌唱,云儿为你伴奏,那一阵阵风吹过,竹笋摇头晃脑,真像一个刚出生而站不稳的小娃娃! At that time, please go to the bamboo, and the birds singing for you, for you云儿acpaniment, and that the wind waves, and bamboo shoots really like a just born baby instability Station!

  • 每次乐队吹竽时,南郭先生就在里边,学着别人,好象会吹的样子,也鼓著腮帮捂著竽眼儿,摇头晃脑,装模作样地在乐队里充数。 Each time the yu players performed, Nanguo was among them, copying the other musicians, puffing out his cheeks, swaying his head, and pretending to play.

  • 反过来,用眼睛当摄影机就可以解决这个摇头晃脑的问题,而且我们晶片上3600个节细胞的输出,应该可以提供几近正常的视野。 Alternatively, using the eye itself as the camera would solve the rubbernecking problem, and our chip’s 3, 600 ganglion-cell outputs should provide near-normal vision.

  • 摇头晃脑造句相关


    词语大全 摇头摆尾造句_摇头摆尾中英文解释和造句

    摇头摆尾  yáo tóu bǎi wěi







  • 你认为你如此摇头摆尾就能过我? You expect me to react to all that head-shake and body gyration?

  • 它经常对我摇头摆尾,好象知道我很喜欢它… She often winks and nods to me as if she knows my love and kindness to her.

  • 看橱窗里有着一条小狗,它摇头摆尾可真逗。 How much is that doggie in the window?The one with the wabbly tail.

  • 该溪中的鲤鱼和人很亲,听到人声、见到人影反而会靠拢过来摇头摆尾。 The Lei Yue Mun River in the very pro-people and hear the human voice, it will move closer to see the silhouette from chasing its tail.

  • 那狗还真是有灵性,便“嗯嗡”两声,就跟在二哥的身后摇头摆尾去了。 The dog was very intelligential. After uttering moan, it went away wagging tail behind my second eldest brother.

  • 狗的摇头摆尾或是猫儿的咪咪叫,使得它的主人感受到爱意绵绵或心存感激。 A wagging tail or friendly purr makes an owner feel loved and appreciated.

  • 鹿很轻松地逃脱了狮子的追赶,躲在树林中,又摇头摆尾地欣赏起自己美丽的角来。 The deer easily escaped from the lion. Then he hid himself in a forest and started enjoying his own deer horns again.

  • 她们中有些人起初并不是高贵淑女,有些人摇头摆尾地走路只是在替她们的行当做广告。 Some of them hadn’t always been such fine ladies either; some of them swished up and down like that just to advertise their trade.

  • 看橱窗里有着一条小狗,它摇头摆尾可真逗。花多少钱才能把它买下?我希望它能够出售。 How much is that doggie in the window? The one with the wabbly tail. How much is that doggie in the window? I do hope that doggie is for sate.

  • 每当挤奶的时间一到,饲养员就播放起邓丽君的甜歌,牛儿们便摇头摆尾,奶腺充溢如泉涌。 The time that milks every time arrives, what the breeder broadcasts Li Jun removing Deng is sweet song, ox people assume a manner of levity, the circumfuse that suckle gland emerges like the spring.

  • 起初觉得这游戏还有些趣味,麦爪爪摇头摆尾要吃要喝要溜达,狗狗和场景的仿真度没得说。 At first, paw puts on a pool face, wags his head and tail, wants me to feed him. I felt a little interested in this game.

  • 第四个步法:一定要扭一扭 老年人走路的时候没事扭一扭,过去老话里叫“摇头摆尾扭一扭”。 The forth footwork: the elderly should twist their bodies slightly while walking. There is an old saying that shake head swing waist and twist body.

  • 当他们走近庄园,斯奎拉朝他们蹦蹦跳跳地走过来,他一直莫名其妙地没有参加战斗,而此时却高兴得摇头摆尾。 As they approached the farm Squealer, who had unaccountably been absent during the fighting, came skipping towards them, whisking his tail and beaming with satisfaction.

  • 这个大型玩具吠犬会摇头摆尾,追逐骨头,除此之外还会很多动作——但至少它不会像我的那条真狗那样在家俱上蹭来蹭去。 This massive toy dog barks, shakes his head, wags his tail, chases his bone, and a lot more besides – but at least he doesn’t hump the furniture like my dog does.

  • 然而它的出生地却没人知晓,那时她还只是一条摇头摆尾,通体透明的鱼苗,任何一只青蛙,梭子鱼,苍鹭都能置它于死地。 Her actual place of birth, as a wriggling, transparent fry prey to every frog, pike and heron, was never known.

  • 而这家咖啡馆位于东京繁华的代宫山地区,现在他们又提供了一份特别的菜谱给那些摇头摆尾的狗们。在狗碗里装上了如蔬菜卷和鸡肉饼等佳肴供狗们享用! The cafe, in Tokyo’s fashionable Daikanyama district, now offers a menu prepared exclusively for dogs, including dishes such as cabbage roll and chicken pie.

  • 李家耀吓坏了,赶紧风雨兼程往回赶,赶到獒园一见“红孩儿”扑过去捧住它的脸瞧,“红孩儿”立刻眼神聚集光彩摇头摆尾了一会儿,然后自己去找食盆吃起了食。 Li Jia-yao very worried, hastened home, rushed to a park to see “Hong Hai-er”, “Hong Hai-er” immediately with the spirit, and then eat food.

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