词语大全 摇旗呐喊造句_摇旗呐喊中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 摇旗呐喊造句_摇旗呐喊中英文解释和造句
摇旗呐喊 yáo qí nà hǎn
他们是摇旗呐喊之辈。 They are wavers of flags and shouters of slogans.
不少博主借助自己的博客平台为企业摇旗呐喊。 Bo with a lot of owners own blog platform for voicing support for the enterprise.
上个星期我会见一位每场比赛都摇旗呐喊的球迷。 Last week I met with a supporter who carries a flag to every game.
许多人还在自己的博客中为《物权法》摇旗呐喊。 Many advocated for the passage of the property law on blogs.
他们拉开阵势,为自己摇旗呐喊,场面格外热闹。 They undraw the battle array to whoop for themselves, and the scene was very impassioned too.
有比赛的时候,我们中的很多人都会去观看比赛、摇旗呐喊。 When there is a match, many of us go to watch it and cheer our side on.
但是熊彼得对工商业历史了解得太深透了,不会为它摇旗呐喊。 But Schumpeter knew far too much about the history of business to be a cheerleader.
事实上很多保守人士到现在还仍然用此观点来为麦凯恩摇旗呐喊。 In fact some conservatives still thumping the tub for McCain are making just this argument.
他关注现实社会,毕其一生投身革命,用文学之笔为之摇旗呐喊。 He paid attention to the realistic society, devoted all his life into revolution, and jubilated for it.
海外的同胞是那么的孤立却又为了你——我的祖国——而摇旗呐喊。 Overseas patriots are so isolated it to you – my homeland – and the lobby.
令人惊讶的是许多崩溃论者都在为这次突然降临的金融末日摇旗呐喊。 Surprisingly there are collapsitarians who are rooting for the quick arrival of the Long Doom.
“他说,对美国运动员来说,”看到总统为他们摇旗呐喊“是一件好事。 ” He said it was good for them “to see their president waving that flag.
今天我同一餐馆的为西班牙摇旗呐喊的巴拿马足球迷一起看了这场比赛。 today I watched this game with a whole restaurant full of Panamanian soccer fans all yelling for Spain.
清末科举制度废除前,社会舆论摇旗呐喊,从而为科举制度的废除营造声势。 At the end of Qing Dynasty, the social opinion had great effect on the abolishment of the imperial examination system.
阿尔伯特亲王,维多利亚女王的配偶,被选为横评法院院长并且为改革摇旗呐喊。 Prince Albert, Consort of Queen Victoria, is elected Chancellor and bees an influential voice for reform.
他从未停止为自给自足摇旗呐喊,因为他已经证明甚至连麻风病人都能做到这一点。 and he never ceased to beat the drum of self-sufficiency, for he had proved that even lepers could achieve it.
对破布忠心耿耿,替破布摇旗呐喊,把破布奉为神明,为破布鞠躬尽瘁–那就是一种愚忠。 To be loyal to rags, to shout for rags, to worship rags, to die for rags-that is a loyalty of unreason.
在现代通讯技术未发明之前,军队领袖往往是利用摇旗呐喊的方式来激励士气,挑旺他们对胜利的盼望。 In days before modern munications, military leaders often used banners and flags to encourage their troops and keep hopes of victory alive.
现在每天有数不清的合法与非法的报纸和杂志在争先恐后地为汽车摇旗呐喊,几乎什么报刊都有汽车版。 Have everyday now inputable it is car bang the drum for sb in ground of strive to be the first with illegal newspaper and magazine legally, almost what the press has car edition.
虽然卖房的开发商都在为房价上涨摇旗呐喊,可与此同时不少开发商却在大幅打折以促进自己项目的销售。 While the developers are real estate prices in the mouthpiece may at the same time many developers are substantially discounted in order to promote their own marketing projects.
由于需求紧迫,一些地方官员正不遗余力地为自己社区摇旗呐喊,宣称自己社区的问题要比临近城镇更为严重。 With their needs acute, some localities are abandoning boosterism, promoting their munity as being more run-down than the next town.
法国总统的言论是不能不加以考虑的,特别是还有其他地中海国家支持他,它们一直为推行反倾销政策摇旗呐喊。 French president cannot be lightly dismissed, particularly when he is supported by other Mediterranean governments that consistently vote for antidumping measures. Yet Mr.
在1957年的男单决赛中,一位名叫海伦?贾维斯的女士突然闯进球场,在场内为呼吁建立新的世界银行体系摇旗呐喊。 In the 1957 gentleman’s final, a Mrs. Helen Jarvis invaded the court, shouting and waving a banner calling for a new world banking system.
在1957年的男单决赛中,一位名叫海伦·贾维斯的女士突然闯进球场,在场内为呼吁建立新的世纪储蓄所体系摇旗呐喊。 In the 1957 gentleman’s final, a Mrs. Helen Jarvis invaded the court, shouting and waving a banner calling for a new globe banking system.
福泽谕吉是日本有名的启蒙思想家,他提倡文明开化,主张学习西方文明,为日本的近代化发展摇旗呐喊,在日本享有重要地位。 Yukiti Fukuzawa, a wellknown thinker and torchbearer of important standing in Japan, was a vocal advocate of the idea of modernization and emulation of Western civilization.
巴拉克。奥巴马和希拉里。克林顿准备开始联手作战了,奥巴马的团队说前总统候选人和竞争对手下周将在一个集会上为奥巴马摇旗呐喊。 Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are set to share the same stage together. His campaign says the former presidential candidate and rival will speak out in favor of Obama at a rally next week.
这位康涅狄格州参议员(2006年前的铁杆民主党人,现为无党派人士)与共和党联姻,并非仅仅是为了给当前预定候选人麦凯恩摇旗呐喊; The Connecticut Senator — now an Independent, but until 2006 a staunch Democrat, married to the party — is not just campaigning for presumptive Republican nominee John McCain;
相反的,那些摇旗呐喊,身先士卒,领头进行串联活动的年青人,他们在这漫长的十年中不但白白的浪费了青春,现在迈入中年,还身无一技之长; On the contrary, those guys, who waved flags, shouted battle cry and took the lead to gang up, lost study time within the ten years. In their middle age, they are skillful at nothing.
肖恩·博伊恩是军事杂志《简氏军事评论》的记者,他在1997年写的文章经过政府的“一番取舍”,竟摇身一变出现在了一份长达19页的政府文件中,为首相布莱尔的战争主张摇旗呐喊。 Mr Boyne, who works for military magazine Jane’s Intelligence Review. Articles he wrote in 1997 were plagiarized for a 19-page intelligence document to add weight to the PM’s warmongering.
伊斯特伍德讽刺所谓战争英雄纯属子虚乌有的用意在片中得到充分体现,然而更加具有讽刺意义的是,伊斯特伍德的原意是针对当前的伊拉克战争,末了却把一部讽刺战争的电影变成了为战争摇旗呐喊的“帮凶”。 Mr Eastwood’s point that war heroes are cynically manufactured is well made. Seemingly aimed at the current Iraq war, it is ironic then that it turns a film about propaganda into propaganda itself.
词语大全 摇旗呐喊造句
一、 语义说明:打仗时,挥舞旗帜,嘶喊以助声威。 使用类别:用在「壮势助威」的表述上。 摇旗呐喊造句:
二、 语义说明:比喻为他人助长声势。 使用类别:用在「壮势助威」的表述上。 摇旗呐喊造句:
摇旗呐喊 [yáoqínàhǎn][摇旗呐喊]成语解释原指古代作战时摇著旗子,大声喊杀助威。现比喻给别人助长声势。[摇旗呐喊]成语出处元·乔梦符《两世姻缘》第三折:“你这般摇旗呐
词语大全 太监的最后一声呐喊 (打一歌名),太监的最后一声呐喊 (打一歌名)
谜面:太监的最后一声呐喊(打一歌名) 谜底:把根留住
词语大全 太监的最后一声呐喊 (打一歌名),太监的最后一声呐喊 (打一歌名)
谜面:太监的最后一声呐喊(打一歌名) 谜底:把根留住