词语大全 操纵自如造句_操纵自如中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 操纵自如造句_操纵自如中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 挥洒自如造句_挥洒自如中英文解释和造句

词语大全 操纵自如造句_操纵自如中英文解释和造句

操纵自如  cāo zòng zì rú







  • 今天,许多机械的东西,在人的操纵下,工作自如,不就是鲜活的例子吗? Today all machines work smoothly operated by man is a good example.

  • 不过我想过不了多长时间我就可以自如操纵他了,同时我希望全世界的朋友们都能了解我。 But I thought about how long I can not be easily manipulated by him, and I hope friends all over the world can understand me.

  • 操纵自如造句相关


    词语大全 挥洒自如造句_挥洒自如中英文解释和造句

    挥洒自如  huī sǎ zì rú








  • 他举起笔来挥洒自如的写了三个字。 He lifted the brush pen, and wrote three words smoothly.

  • 何时在手,何时放手,挥洒自如实在不易。 When be in hand, when go all out, write freely and easily freely really difficult.

  • 他将自己的气质秉性挥洒自如,如行云流水。 He swims easily in the stream of his own temperament.

  • 孙耀威玩起摇摇挥洒自如,难怪自夸有「大师级」水准。 Eric is so good at playing yo-yo. No wonder he bragged that he had reached the master level.

  • 我们要感谢它给我们机会,选出在危机中挥洒自如的资产管理人。 we would like to thank it for giving us the opportunity, could he be elected during the crisis manager’s assets.

  • 发表:有上文的。“每一次启动,都让您的驾驶挥洒自如”谢了。 Everytime you start the car, you may excerpt your driving skill…

  • 她倡导的风格把女性从繁复的装束下解放出来,有了今天的挥洒自如。 She initiates the style liberates the female from the plicated attire, had today’s writing with a free pen.

  • 只见数只仙鹤站立行云之间,对舞煽情,宛如一群出色的舞蹈家般挥洒自如。 Host seen standing only a few clouds between the sensational dance, like a group of outstanding dancers like aplomb.

  • 法国政坛的一项基本规则就是总统候选人必须知道如何挥洒自如地爱抚牛屁股。 IT IS a cardinal rule of French politics that a presidential candidate must know how to caress a bovine bottom with aplomb.

  • 所以称为「水袖」,就是因为甩动时形态似水波纹;而且如行云流水般挥洒自如。 They are called water sleeves because when they are swayed back and forth they resemble waves of water or drifting clouds.

  • 她说首先要感谢的是王刚老师,是他的指点才让她在同期声的影视剧中挥洒自如; She said being going to thank first is that the Wang Gang teacher , giving directions to being him let her write and draw freely in the same term sound movie and TV drama just now;

  • 他滑雪,驾船,驾驶飞机,潜水,骑马,打网球,无一不是技艺高超,挥洒自如。 He skied, sailed, flew planes, went scuba diving, rode horses, played tennis——and did it all with skill and ease.

  • 与一般的直立式钢琴相比,回键速度更迅速,合弹奏起节拍较快的曲目时更挥洒自如。 A faster speed of repetition than that of conventional piano actions enables for greater precision of interpretation for music repertoires.

  • 我们经常认为伟大的艺术家和音乐家都是睿智的天才,不需要努力和练习就可以挥洒自如。 We often think of great artists and musicians as being brilliant geniuses who just naturally and easily perform, without effort or practice.

  • 叉车的高性能和大负载力都令到它在柴油叉车受限制的场合中一样能挥洒自如,灵活进退。 The performance and residual capacity enable it to be used even in situations typically limited to diesel forklifts.

  • 这一特性让宫崎骏在电影角色,故事情节,美术设计,镜头运用等方面挥洒自如,随心所欲。 This characteristic lets Hayao Miyazaki’s character, the scenario, the artistic design, aspects, and lens utilization writing with a free pen in the movie in his own way.

  • 燕赵之星还为您提供更多超值服务:大堂的自助商务区,房间全套办公用具,让您挥洒自如; Star Yanzhao also provide more value for your services: self-help business lobby area, rooms full range of office supplies, so, could you;

  • 在政治协商会议进行过程中 ,周恩来运用了议会斗争的艺术 ,使之达到了挥洒自如的地步。 The process has in the the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in, zhou En will use the skill that the parliament struggles, the made degree that reached brandish to asperse freely.

  • 薛莉只得愣愣地站在旁边,看着王老师在课堂上挥洒自如,孩子们像著了魔法,变得聪明起来。 Xue Li have to stands, looks that Mr. /Mrs. Wang writes with a free pen in the classroom, the children were looking like the black magic, became intelligent.

  • 假以时日如果能从容跳出类型角色的局限,在另一个领域中挥洒自如,本身就是实力最有力的证明; One day, he or she being able to jump out of the confinement of similar type of roles and handling easily and convincingly in another area, will be the best evidence of his or her ability.

  • 通过运用这些技巧,你就有能力去请求加薪、卖出货物、处理家庭危机并在社交和生意场上挥洒自如。 With these techniques, you will be able to ask for a raise, make a sale, deal with a family crisis, feel fortable in social and business situations.

  • 他是《近乎成名》的摄影师,将那部电影拍出一种挥洒自如的记录片感觉,《香草的天空》则要求更高。 He had been the 4)cinematographer on Almost Famous and while that movie had a free flowing documeturish feel, this one would be even more demanding.

  • 他是《近乎成名》的摄影师,将那部电影拍出一种挥洒自如的纪录片的感觉,《香草的天空》则要求更高。 He had been the cinematographer on Almost Famous and while that movie had a free flowing documeturish feel, this one would be even more demanding.

  • 他的诗词,挥洒自如,明快豪放,善于运用新鲜的比喻描写山水景物,善于从常见的事物中提示深刻的哲理。 His verses are perfect experssions of vivacity and vigour in fresh styles. He was good at describing scenic spots with original rhetorics and revealing a philosophical idea from ordinary objects.

  • 侧田在广州个唱之前,会先在香港举行7场个唱,数星期前已开始苦练舞蹈,希望到广州演出时可以挥洒自如。 Leans the field sings before Guangzhou, first in Hong Kong will hold 7 to sing, several weeks ago started to train hard the dance, hoped Guangzhou performs when may write with a free pen.

  • 繁忙的你总是奔波在路上,而车载剃须刀可以让你忙里偷闲地完成剃须这一每天必做的功课,随时随地,挥洒自如! Busy you always go on the road, and automotive razor allows you to go and plete the shaving every day and do the homework, anytime, anywhere, care about!

  • 没有国籍,没有父母,没有生日,没有牵挂,没有太多太多的负累,你的思想行云流水,天马行空,空中挥洒自如。 Without nationality , without parents , without birthday , without so much tiredness. Natural and smooth writing , lightheartedness , your mind.

  • 真希望也能挥洒自如的用正确的中国语法,在没有错别字的情况下,再能用对几个成语,在我的个人空间里写上几句。 But just like writing in Chinese, I just can not spell correctly in English as well. I don’t know why. Seem like I never ever pay attention on words.

  • 他的书画功力颇深,花鸟画用笔泼辣奔放,挥洒自如,以书入画,简练概括,继承我国文人画的优长,具有瘦劲清丽的个人风格。 His painting skills deep, forceful and imaginative pen bird, bard to book art, concise summary of the succession of our country’s excellent long paintings with thin Qingli strong personal style.

  • 正因为如此,在他动笔作画之前,怎样构图、着墨,在他心中早就有了轮廓,不必反复思考、琢磨,因而能挥洒自如,画出各式各样的竹子来。 Just because of this, he knew how to draw in his heart before he started to. He didn’t need thinking again and again. Therefore, he could draw different styles of bamboo at will.

  • 挥洒自如造句相关



    词语大全 挥洒自如造句_挥洒自如中英文解释和造句

    挥洒自如  huīsǎzìrú挥洒自如的意思和解释:挥:挥笔;酒:洒墨。形容画画、写字、作文,运笔能随心所欲。挥洒自如的出处唐·李颀《赠张旭》:“兴来洒素壁,挥笔如流星。”挥洒自如

    词语大全 挥洒自如造句_挥洒自如中英文解释和造句

    挥洒自如  huīsǎzìrú挥洒自如的意思和解释:挥:挥笔;酒:洒墨。形容画画、写字、作文,运笔能随心所欲。挥洒自如的出处唐·李颀《赠张旭》:“兴来洒素壁,挥笔如流星。”挥洒自如

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    操纵自如  [cāozòngzìrú][操纵自如]成语解释掌握运用或驾驭得心应手,毫无阻碍。[操纵自如]成语出处明·文秉《先拨志始》卷上:“所以太阳下移,而忠贤辈得以操纵如意也。”

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    开合自如  [kāihézìrú][开合自如]成语解释合:按照,适合;自如:不受阻碍和拘束。打开闭合不受拘束,形容按照自己的意愿办事。[开合自如]成语出处法·法布尔《蝉》:“腿可以

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    优游自如  [yōuyóuzìrú][优游自如]成语解释①悠闲适意,无拘无束。②犹言从容不迫。[优游自如]成语出处明·彭时《彭文宪笔记》:“然职清务简,优游自如,世谓之玉堂仙。”[

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    股掌之上  gǔzhǎngzhīshàng股掌之上的意思和解释:在大腿和手掌上面。比喻在操纵、控制的范围之内。股掌之上的出处《国语·吴语》:“大夫种勇而善谋,将还玩吴国于股掌之上,

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    股掌之上  gǔzhǎngzhīshàng股掌之上的意思和解释:在大腿和手掌上面。比喻在操纵、控制的范围之内。股掌之上的出处《国语·吴语》:“大夫种勇而善谋,将还玩吴国于股掌之上,

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    口齿伶俐  kǒuchǐlínglì口齿伶俐的意思和解释:口齿:说话、言谈;伶俐:聪明,灵活。谈吐麻利,应付自如。形容口才好。口齿伶俐的出处清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第三十三回:“宝玉素

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    口齿伶俐  kǒuchǐlínglì口齿伶俐的意思和解释:口齿:说话、言谈;伶俐:聪明,灵活。谈吐麻利,应付自如。形容口才好。口齿伶俐的出处清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第三十三回:“宝玉素

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    发综指示  fāzōngzhǐshì发综指示的意思和解释:猎人发现野兽的踪迹,指示猎狗跟踪追捕。比喻在后面操纵指挥。发综指示的出处《史记·萧相国世家》:“夫猎,追杀兽兔者狗也,而发