词语大全 支离破碎造句_支离破碎中英文解释和造句
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篇首语:亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 支离破碎造句_支离破碎中英文解释和造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
2、词语大全 山河破碎 [shān hé pò suì]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
词语大全 支离破碎造句_支离破碎中英文解释和造句
支离破碎 zhī lí pò suì
还有就是国家已支离破碎,有待重建。 There is also a deeply divided country to heal.
欧洲的地形更为支离破碎。 Europe’s landscape was much more fractured.
亦或,你不过是在掩藏你那支离破碎的心? Or is this your way to hide a broken heart?
我的碗里没有东西,我的椅子也烂得支离破碎了。 There is nothing in my bowl and my chair is in pieces!
谁能治愈那些支离破碎的心,我们未来将会怎样。 And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.
太少,将给人的印象是设计过于平坦,或支离破碎。 Too few will give the impression that the design is too flat, or fragmented.
不要让讨论变得支离破碎,成为没有明确方向的漫谈。 Do not let the discussion fragment into a desultory conversation with no clear direction.
演讲者讲得太快了,他只能匆匆记下几个支离破碎的字。 The speaker spoke so fast that he could only scribble down several broken words.
生命是完整的、综合的,不是支离破碎的,也不是无组织的。 “Life began whole and integrated, not disconnected and disorganized, ” writes Stuart Kauffman.
各个管弦乐队、合唱队、戏剧和歌剧的演员名单都将支离破碎。 The orchestras, the choruses, the drama and opera casts, will be cut to pieces.
你们支离破碎的尸体在跟肉豆蔻一起稍微风干之后将会很美味的! MitS:Order of the Stick! Your broken corpses will taste delicious lightly seasoned with nutmeg!
她回头看,麦克从窗户滑了下来,湿乎乎,血淋淋,支离破碎的。 Looking back, she saw Mikey slip from the window, wet, bloody, battered.
世界经济呈现如此支离破碎的状态,他们十分不情愿在目前提高利率。 And, with the world economy in its current fragile state, they are rightly unwilling to jack up interest rates now.
在它们的山里,食人魔通过举起支离破碎的大石头和相互击倒对方来训练。 In their mounds, ogres train by heaving and crushing large rocks and by pounding on each other.
另外两位候选人也要同桑托斯一决雌雄,内部斗争把乌氏内阁搅支离破碎。 His coalition has been fractured by in-fighting, with two other candidates vying with Mr Santos for its support.
突然,红色的车子失控就地旋转,然后翻滚又翻滚,直至停下后车盖支离破碎。 Suddenly, the red car loses control, spins and then rolls over and over before ing to a stop on its hood.
别:当时的苏联宣传把你们的世界描绘成是一充满腐臭味支离破碎没有人权的世界。 Belenko: Soviet propaganda at that time portrayed you as a spoiled rotten society which has fallen apart, no human rights and so forth.
一份不能接受的爱不需要道歉但需要时间来忘却。一颗支离破碎的心不需要同情却需要理解。 An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time-sometime for forgetting. A badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.
我想讲一些包含了生命的完整性的问题,不是支离破碎地讲,而是彻底地探寻人类的完整存在。 I would like to talk about something that includes the totality of life, something that is not fragmentary but a total approach to the whole existence of man.
我们同时也会告诉民众我们看到的华盛顿支离破碎的政治所导致的政策给我们国家带来的一切。 But we are also going to tell the story about what has happened to the country under the policies we have seen under the broken politics of Washington.
我们正处在非常危险的状态中,因为对深层经济因素的坦率分析已将投资者的信心搞得支离破碎。 We are in a very precarious position because investors’ confidence is disconnected from any hard-hitting analysis of what is underlying the economy.
可是,没有多久,老鹰被大风摔落到地上而跌得支离破碎。另一只野鸭风筝,已经被男孩收了线带回家了。 But soon the eagle was blown down to the ground into pieces. And another wild duck kite has already taken home back by the boy.
生活中真正的悲剧经常以非艺术的形式发生,所以它们那种粗野的暴力,环节上的支离破碎都会伤害我们的感情。 It often happens that the real tragedies of life occur in such an inartistic manner that they hurt us by their crude violence, their absolute incoherence.
然而研究者沉默寡言,孤独冷漠,鄙视表演艺术,满足于向年轻人抱怨支离破碎的东西,搞得他们头昏目眩,不知所云。 Taciturn, solitary, he disdains the performing arts and is content merely to mutter out an assortment of scatted facts to the young only dimly perceived beyond his clouded trifocals.
我是这样翻译的:在今天有这么一种说法,就是我们的社会被诸如种族、收入、城市与郊区、红州对蓝州搞的支离破碎的。 There’s talk today about how as a society we’ve bee fragment by ethnicity, ine, city versus suburb, red state versus blue.
但是他还是离开了这个世界。我不能想象对他人的打击,让孤独来消磨他人。而且在这一刻,我们的世界是如此的支离破碎。 But what a world he has left. I cannot imagine hitting another human being, let alone killing someone . And yet our world is so torn apart at the moment.
杰娜现已晋升为中校,负责为父母的任务护航,她的父母将重新团结起支离破碎的原新共和国,竖起一面新的旗帜:银河同盟。 She archived the rank of lieutenant colonel, and is now flying escort for her parents’ mission of reuiniting the fragments of the former New Republic under the new banner of the Galactic Alliance.
“我是个公主,是个议员”,她反驳道,反感自己支离破碎的声音,那种火辣辣的感觉从胸中喉咙里升上来,刺痛的感觉在眼角盘旋。 “I’m a princess, a senator, ” she protested, hating her cracking voice, the burning sensation rising in her chest and throat, the prickling feeling nagging at the corners of her eyes.
作者描写关于孩子的出生,被奴役的母亲,和天主教义,有时那种支离破碎的感觉,不经意的一丝邪恶,与愉悦的心情混杂成诗人的主题。 The author writes about childbirth and mother-thraldom and Catholicism, and sometimes several of these themes at once, with a kind of raging, and occasionally black, gleefulness.
棉苗被碾得支离破碎,因为骑兵步兵都被炮兵挤出这狭窄的通道,跑到了棉田里,他们一路践踏着一丛丛翠绿的棉树,把它们踩入泥土,给彻底毁了。 The cotton was mangled and trampled where cavalry and infantry, forced off the narrow road by the artillery, had marched through the green bushes, grinding them into the earth.
词语大全 山河破碎 [shān hé pò suì]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
山河破碎 [shān hé pò suì]
山河破碎是中国汉语里的辞汇,形容国土失陷分割,破败残缺。山河:指国家,破碎:指(国家)危在旦夕。 更多→ 山河破碎
Mountains and rivers broken
词语大全 山河破碎 [shān hé pò suì]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
山河破碎 [shānhépòsuì][山河破碎]基本解释国家危在旦夕[山河破碎]百科解释山河破碎是中国汉语里的辞汇,形容国土失陷分割,破败残缺。山河:指国家,破碎:指(国家)危在
破碎造句破碎の例文"破碎"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!真空管或顯影管都未
舌敝唇焦 shébìchúnjiāo舌敝唇焦的意思和解释:敝:破碎;焦:干枯。说话说得舌头都破了,嘴唇都干了。形容费尽了唇舌。舌敝唇焦的出处汉·赵晔《吴越春秋·夫差内传》:“焦唇
舌敝唇焦 shébìchúnjiāo舌敝唇焦的意思和解释:敝:破碎;焦:干枯。说话说得舌头都破了,嘴唇都干了。形容费尽了唇舌。舌敝唇焦的出处汉·赵晔《吴越春秋·夫差内传》:“焦唇