词语大全 改弦更张造句_改弦更张中英文解释和造句
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词语大全 改弦更张造句_改弦更张中英文解释和造句
改弦更张 gǎi xián gēng zhāng
必须给这些阿富汗人一个选择改弦更张的出路。 These Afghans must have the option to choose a different course, ” the president added.”
或许金先生认为是时候改弦更张,重回谈判桌了。 Perhaps Mr Kim has decided it is time to change tack and start talking again.
在某些情况下,我也想让有些高级职员改弦更张。 In a few cases, I tried to resurrect some of the executives.
既然美国国债还有投资者买,国会为什么要改弦更张? Until investors stop buying US Treasurys, why should Congress change its ways?
老鞋正要求我们改弦更张。对此,我们正在认真考虑。 YOS is asking us to make a change; in response, we are thinking it over.
河内一向不把经济建设放在很高位置,现在它肯改弦更张吗? give building its economy a higher priority than it had in all previous period in its history?
北京的改弦更张令其与美国以及其他贸易伙伴的关系更加紧张。 Beijing’s about-face risks raising tensions with the US and other trade partners.
从政治和经济上的明显逻辑来看,这当然足以让罗斯福改弦更张。 It was certainly enough to turn Roosevelt in his tracks, with a pelling logic that was as much political as economic.
除非喜欢听小报告的人改弦更张,否则,善此道者就会无穷匮也。 Unless like to listen to the person of small report change over to new ways, otherwise, the person that this meets be apt to boundless deficient also.
美国人说“过河烧桥”是指采取行动不留退路,没有改弦更张的可能了。 The American expression “burning your bridges” means acting in such a way that you destory any chance to turning back or changing your actions.
而在企业债一系列发行规则改弦更张的前提下,中国企业债券市场有望迅速启动。 And a series of corporate debt issuance in the context of new rules, Chinese enterprises bond market is expected to prompt start.
但国王队、勇士队和快船队都进行了重磅交易,球队改弦更张,进入了新的轨道。 But king the team, Warrior and Kuaichuandui carried on the heavy pound transaction, the team changed, entered the new orbit.
不料伯南克立马改弦更张,开始将现金挹注进银行系统,并说服财政部依葫芦画瓢。 But Mr Bernanke immediately switched gears, began pumping cash into the banking system, and convinced the Treasury to do the same.
不料伯南克立马改弦更张, 开始将现金挹注进银行系统,并说服财政部依葫芦画瓢。 But Mr Bernanke immediately switched gears, began pumping cash into the banking system, and convinced the Treasury to do the same.
通过蔡胡论争,索隐红学的研究方法之弊被凸显了出来,“新索隐派”亦由是而改弦更张。 The debate reveals the disadvantages of the fact-searching research and thus caused the innovation of New Fact-searching Researchers.
发展劳动价值论也并不意味着可以改弦更张和极为简单地用非劳动价值论取代劳动价值论。 It is OK that development labor theory of value also is not meant change over to new ways and very simple ground replace labor theory of value with blame labor theory of value.
或许金正日认为改弦更张、重启会谈的时辰已到,克林顿的来访就证明了自己仍然威望不减。 Perhaps Mr Kim has decided it is time to change tack and start talking again. Mr Clinton’s visit could yet prove his face-saver.
要不推翻他在总统任内最重要的决定——使伊拉克成为反恐战争的中央前线,他就无法改弦更张。 He cannot change tack without repudiating the most important decision of his presidency—making Iraq the central front in the war on terrorism.
这些发现或许会部分得揭示这个问题:我们的远祖是怎样改弦更张踏上了通往人类的进化之路的。 The findings might reveal in part how the minds of our distant ancestors shifted gears to embark on the road toward humanity.
我曾有过许多没有成形的想法:重新奋起,改弦更张,摆脱懒散放纵的习惯,把放弃了的斗争进行下去。 I have had unformed ideas of striving afresh, beginning anew, shaking off sloth and sensuality, and fighting out the abandoned fight.
这两种取态,都不能接受,反映机电署上下都不肯接受教训,改弦更张,以正确的心态来看待升降机安全问题。 Neither attitude is acceptable. That shows the EMSD is reluctant to draw lessons, mend its ways or deal with lift safety properly.
冯提尔从未拍过纯粹娱乐的片子,但他仍旧有必要改弦更张,特别是在「厄夜变奏曲」和「命运变奏曲」之后。 Mr. von Trier has never made movies for pure entertainment, but he still needed to shake up his career, especially after Dogville and Manderlay.
各种政策因而必须改弦更张;这些政策影响经济、科技及意识形态的基本结构,其结果将与眼前的情况大异其趣。 Policies must therefore be changed. These policies affect basic economic, technological, and ideological structures. The resulting state of affairs will be deeply different from the present.
在这个大跃进的时期,亨利虽然连自己的公司都没有,但他并未退缩或慌张;他只是改弦更张,朝另一个方向迈进。 Although Henry was without a pany at the time of this great leap forward, he didn’t quit or panic; he simply moved in another direction.
所以,必须改弦更张,在科学发展观的指导下,调整经济结构,减轻对资源与环境的压力,寻求对外开放多元的发展模式。 Under the direction of scientific development concept, the economy structure should be adjusted in order to release the pressure on resources and environment;
但莫顿女士和亚伯达大学的马丁‧克柯赛克等研究人员预测,除非渔场改弦更张或搬走,否则某些当地洄游的鲑鱼群将会消失。 But Ms. Morton and researchers like Martin Krkosek of the University of Alberta predict that some local salmon runs will disappear unless the farms are altered or removed.
北莱恩-威斯特法伦州州长于尔根•吕特格尔斯形容通用的改弦更张是“涡轮资本主义丑陋的一面”,这个说法迎合了时下德国大众的心理。 Jürgen Rüttgers, the prime minister of North-Rhine Westphalia, caught the popular mood by describing GM’s change of heart as “the ugly face of turbo-capitalism.”
诺森洛克,一家于2008年初被国有化的英国银行最初曾被告知不得再对新借款人开放业务同时还要缩减其账面债务,却突然在二月份改弦更张。 Northern Rock, a British bank which was nationalised in early 2008 and was originally told to shut its doors to new borrowers and shrink its book, abruptly changed course in February.
Morgan Tsvangirai也可能获得奖项,“因为他坚持采用非暴力手段迫使罗伯特·穆加贝的政权改弦更张”,Toennesson说。 Morgan Tsvangirai could be honoured “because he has stuck to non-violent means to bring about regime change against Robert Mugabe, ” said Toennesson.
科考活动结束之后,博物学家正准备束装就道,返回法国,却接到美国海军部的邀请,于是改弦更张,登上了一艘驱逐舰,参与“把那个怪物从海洋中清除出去”的活动。 And after the investigation, he would return from abroad, and then he received an invitation from sea forces of the America. So he climbed up the chaser of America, to make the large monster die out.
词语大全 改弦易辙造句_改弦易辙中英文解释和造句
改弦易辙 gǎi xián yì zhé
改弦易辙 gǎixiányìzhé改弦易辙的意思和解释:琴换弦,车改道。比喻改变原来的方向、计划、办法等。改弦易辙的出处宋·王楙《野客丛书·张杜皆有后》:“使其子孙改弦易辙,务从
改弦易辙 gǎixiányìzhé改弦易辙的意思和解释:琴换弦,车改道。比喻改变原来的方向、计划、办法等。改弦易辙的出处宋·王楙《野客丛书·张杜皆有后》:“使其子孙改弦易辙,务从
词语大全 改弦更張造句 改弦更張の例文 "改弦更張"是什麼意思
改弦更張造句改弦更張の例文"改弦更張"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!在某些
改弦造句改弦の例文"改弦"是什么意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!这就迫使白宫不得不
改弦造句改弦の例文"改弦"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!這就迫使白宮不得不
词语大全 改弦易调 [gǎi xián yì diào]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译
改弦易调 [gǎixiányìdiào][改弦易调]成语解释犹改张易调。比喻改变方针、做法或态度。[改弦易调]成语出处《隋书·梁彦光传》:“请复为相州,改弦易调,庶有以变其风俗,
词语大全 改弦易张造句 改弦易张の例文 "改弦易张"是什么意思
改弦易张造句改弦易张の例文"改弦易张"是什么意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!是继续
词语大全 改弦易调造句 改弦易调の例文 "改弦易调"是什么意思
改弦易调造句改弦易调の例文"改弦易调"是什么意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!王者立