词语大全 收回成命造句_收回成命中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 收回成命造句_收回成命中英文解释和造句

2、成语故事 收回成命   [shōu huí chéng mìng]_成語解釋_成語出處_成語造句_近義詞_反義詞_相關成語_成語接龍_英文翻譯

词语大全 收回成命造句_收回成命中英文解释和造句

收回成命  shōu huí chéng mìng








  • 想到这儿,皇帝传旨收回成命。 Thought here, the Emperor deliver an imperial order to reverse its decision.

  • 该政府赶紧收回成命,撤消了业已宣布的食品提价。 The government beat a retreat, canceling the announced rises in food prices.

  • 国王听了很惊讶,但也当下领悟,于是立刻收回成命,改采这个建议。 The King was impressed by the suggestion, and he promptly executed the servant’s proposal.

  • 但当税务当局意识到这将毁掉克瑞奥斯公司的生意后,他们最终收回成命。 But when it became clear that this would sound the death knell for Cryos, tax authorities withdrew the proposal.

  • 俄亥俄州的一名法官在一度否决该州禁止同性婚姻的规定后,如今收回成命。 The Iowa judge who threw out the state’s ban on gay marriage has issued a stay on his ruling.

  • 亲俄罗斯的亚努科维奇敦促总统收回成命,否则将使乌克兰陷入前途未卜的境地。 Yanukovich, friendlier to Russia, urged the president to withdraw the decree or face plunging Ukraine into an uncertain future.

  • 人们往往将劝说皇帝放弃某些想法即所谓“收回成命”当作是在制约皇帝的权力。 People often advise the emperor to give up his idea and they regard it as restricting the power of the emperor.

  • 毛主义者们说,除非RamBaran总统收回成命,否则他们不会重新加入政府。 Unless President Ram Baran Yadav relents, the Maoists say they will not rejoin the government.

  • 带着你不可收回成命当作利剑,上触高天,下踏大地,立在那里,使各处充满死亡。 Carrying your fearful mand like a sharpened sword and stretching from heaven to earth, he filled the universe with death.

  • 带着你不可收回成命当作利剑,上触高天,下踏大地,立在那里,使各处充满死亡。 With a sharp sword carrying thy unfeigned mandment, and he stood and filled all things with death, and standing on the earth reached even to heaven.

  • 上主这样说:“为了以色列再三再四犯罪,我不收回成命,因为他们为了银钱出卖义人; 6 3 4 Thus says the LORD: For three crimes of Israel, and for four, I will not revoke my word;

  • 中国官方极少会完全收回成命,电脑行业乐观地认为,这一要求如今将被允许逐渐淡出。 Complete reversals by the Chinese authorities are rare, and the puter industry was optimistic that the requirement would instead be allowed to fade away.

  • 上主这样说:“为了迦萨再叁再四犯罪,我不收回成命,因为他们将战俘全部掳去,卖给厄东。 These are the words of the Lord: For three crimes of Gaza, and for four, I will not let its fate be changed; because they took all the people away prisoners, to give them up to Edom.

  • 永恒主这么说∶“大马色三番四次地悖逆,我必不收回成命,因为他用打粮食的鉄器打过基列。 This is what the Lord says: “For three sins of Damascus, even for four, I will not turn back my wrath .”

  • 上主这样说:「为了大马士革再三再四犯罪,我不收回成命,因为他们用铁辊压榨了基肋阿得。 3Thus saith the Lord: For three crimes of Damascus, and for four I will not convert it: because they have thrashed Galaad with iron wains.

  • 永恒主这么说∶“迦萨三番四次地悖逆,我必不收回成命,因为他们使全体人民都流亡、去送交以东。 This is what the Lord says: “For three sins of Gaza, even for four, I will not turn back my wrath .”

  • 永恒主这么说∶“亚扪三番四次地悖逆,我必不收回成命,因为他们剖开了基列的孕妇,扩张自己的境界。 This is what the Lord says: “For three sins of Ammon, even for four, I will not turn back my wrath.”

  • 上主这样说:“为了犹大再三再四犯罪,我不收回成命,因为他们离背了上主的法律,没有遵守衪的诫命; 4 2 Thus says the LORD: For three crimes of Judah, and for four, I will not revoke my word;

  • 去年,他在博客中抨击了微软关于不再支持一项禁止歧视同性恋的法律的决定,公司管理人员后来只好收回成命。 Last year, after he blogged against Microsoft’s decision to abandon support for a law prohibiting discrimination against gays, the pany’s managers backed down.

  • 永恒主这么说∶“推罗三番四次地悖逆,我必不收回成命,因为他们使全体人民都流亡、去送交以东,并不怀念弟兄情之盟约。 This is what the Lord says: “For three sins of Tyre, even for four, I will not turn back my wrath .”

  • 或许更为重要的原因是,那些被延期入职的毕业生发现,咨询公司要求他们入职的时间比他们预期的要早。去年八、九月份,这些公司就收回了延期入职的成命。 Perhaps more significantly, those graduates employed on deferred contracts found that the consultancies needed them more quickly than expected, and in August and September, deferrals were rescinded.

  • 麻烦始于2007年10月,在一个称职的开端之后,布朗很不严肃地召开了一次及早的大选,但是,用流行的说法是“一遇到阻力,便失去勇气,收回成命”。 The trouble began in October 2007, when, after a petent start, Mr Brown toyed with calling an early general election, only, in popular parlance, to “bottle it”.

  • 收回成命造句相关


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    收回成命   [shōu huí chéng mìng]






    初,林公遣戍,御史陳慶鏞抗疏力爭,請上收回成命。 ◎清·黃鈞宰《金壺七墨·吳門秀士書》


    收回成命,發音 shōu huí chéng mìng,釋義取消已公布的命令或決定。出自《詩經·周頌·昊天有成命》:“昊天有成命,二後受之。”清·黃宗羲《辭張郡候請修郡志書》:“伏望明府,哀其弗及,收回成命。” 更多→ 收回成命


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