词语大全 攻城略地造句_攻城略地中英文解释和造句

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1、词语大全 攻城略地造句_攻城略地中英文解释和造句

2、词语大全 攻城野战造句_攻城野战中英文解释和造句

词语大全 攻城略地造句_攻城略地中英文解释和造句

攻城略地  gōng chéng lüè dì








  • 与此同时,家装游击队继续攻城略地。 Meanwhile, Jia Zhuang guerrillas continue to stop.

  • 该资料片以养育系统和攻城略地为主线。 This data piece give priority to a line in order to foster system and take cities and seize territory.

  • 孟子坚决反对诸侯之间攻城略地的战争。 Mencius resolutely opposed the war among the countries for the cities and territory.

  • 他们发动战役,攻城略地。 they wage battles, seize territories, etc.

  • 如果最新谈判可以攻城略地,哈马斯可能一改拒绝的基调。 If the latest talks gain ground, Hamas may change its rejectionist tune.

  • 银泰系的攻城略地,正值2005年股权分置改革全面启动之时。 Intime Department of Gongchengluede, in 2005 when the share reform at a time when full.

  • 为此,百度召集了一帮据说很强大电子商务团队来帮助其攻城略地。 To this end, Baidu convened a group said to be a very strong team to help its e-merce Gongchengluede.

  • 东及上海,西抵喀什,南到芒街,北至哈尔滨,千里奔袭,攻城略地。 Shanghai East and West in Kashi, south to the Mong Cai and north to Harbin, a long-distance, stop.

  • 她与财富赛跑,她攻城略地,然而,她的生意仅仅是从三车大白菜开始。 She and fortune race, her take cities and seize territory, however, her business is from 3 cars Chinese cabbage begins merely.

  • 无论是规模大小,基本上都是采取高歌猛进、贷款扩张的手法急剧攻城略地。 Whether size basically take China’s robust, credit expansion means sharp game.

  • 双方比分交替上升,都以大力的劈杀攻城略地,17-16,中国组合占先。 The bilateral score rises alternately, by vigorously cuts down attacks a city seizes territory, 17-16, China bines takes the lead.

  • 随着13世纪蒙古人的攻城略地,许多欧洲国家都害怕自己就是下一个攻击目标。 Following the Mongol conquests of the 13th century, many European countries feared that they would be attacked next.

  • 如果你学会了如何谱写自己的人生,那么你一点也不比著书立说者甚至攻城略地者逊色。 than the person who knows how to pose a book. You have done more than the one who has taken cities and empires.

  • 如果你学会了如何谱写自己的人生,那么你一点也不比著书立说者甚至攻城略地者逊色。 If you have known how to pose your life, you have done a great deal more than the person who knows how to pose a book. You have done more than the one who has taken cities and empires.

  • 此外,泰禾集团、福州永升等开发商也都已悄悄地进入北京城,“攻城略地”,抢占市场。 In addition, Taihe Group, Fuzhou Yong Sheng, developers have also quietly entered Beijing, the “game”, and capture the market.

  • 如果你学会了如何谱写自己的人生,那么你一点也不比著书立说者甚至攻城略地者逊色。 than the person who knows how to pose a book. You have done more than the one who has taken cities and empires.

  • 但在国内电子产品消费快速萎缩及海外竞争对手正在其它市场攻城略地之时,这样做足够了吗? But will it be enough, given that domestic demand for electronics is shrinking fast and foreign rivals are taking market share elsewhere?

  • 三是搜房方面为冲击纳斯达克,频频出招攻城略地,本身亦有合作意愿,希望借网易来提高流量。 Third, the impact from the Housing for Nasdaq, kept making moves game itself will also cooperate, the hope of using the Net-Ease to improve flow.

  • 但是,随着市场的发展,随着大量异地拓展企业在各地的攻城略地,呼唤土地拍卖将是主流的声音。 However, along with market development, with a large number of foreign enterprises in the development of the game throughout, for the land auction will be the voice of the mainstream.

  • 如果你学裹胸连衣裙会了如何谱写自己的人生,那么你一点也不比著书立说者甚至攻城略地者逊色。 If you have known how to pose your life, you have done a great deal more than the person who knows how to pose a book. You have done more than the one who has taken cities and empires.

  • 香港导演的最新作品正在市场上攻城略地,虽然票房不及声势更大、卡士更强的,但在口碑上却更胜一筹。 Hong Kong director’s latest work is on the market Gongchengluede, although the box office momentum as more and more Kashi, but did better on word-of-mouth.

  • 众所周知,实力派地产商们正在全国攻城略地,他们南下、北上、西进,其中成都、重庆正是西进的要地。 known to see Chongqing Chongqing, National strength send developers who are enjoying their south, northward, westward, which Chengdu, Chongqing is to the westward.

  • 但记者发现,这些外国投资机构一边在唱空内地楼市,一边却在“攻城略地”,大规模投资内地不动产市场。 ” But reporters found that these institutions on foreign investment in the Mainland property market sing air, on the other hand, in the “game” and the massive investment Mainland real estate market.

  • 由于市场对棕榈油的需求,用在做菜、化妆品、和最近有关生物柴油方面的需要,这些公司尽可能的攻城略地… Responding to global demand for palm oil which is used in cooking and cosmetics and lately in an increasingly popular biodiesel panies have been claiming any land they can.

  • 记者也了解到,外资银行不仅乘内资银行收紧房贷之机加速按揭市场的攻城略地,同属外资银行的银行之间的竞争也日渐升温。 reporter also learned that not only by foreign banks, mortgage banks tightening of the mortgage market enjoying accelerated, foreign banks are also increasing petition among banks warming.

  • 战略战术:凭借我们强大的国际前瞻战略和灵活多变的本土战术智慧,专业、创新、高效、可行的操作方案、方法和工具,让您攻城略地、所向披靡。 Stratagem &Tactics: Make you succeed by professional creative effective and available executive case, method and tool in insight of our international stratagem and flexible local tactics.

  • 有一种说法,他的正手是绝对的21世纪产品,这充分得益于力士浪线和肠线相结合的球弦,费德勒的正手击球既重又深,【拿不准】时刻准备着为他攻城略地。 In one sense, his forehand is utterly 21st century. Taking full advantage of his string mix of Luxilon and gut, Federer’s drive is lively, heavy, deep and just about always struck on his terms.

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